
Blood isn't as thick as you think


04-26-2017, 04:03 AM

She was moving farther from Ana and Adra today. She had started before Sunil and it was just now starting to reach the earliest hours of dawn, though no light shown overhead just yet. Her scent wasn't covered, she had no reason to. Ana understood Aby's need to stretch her legs and terrorize things. She was well aware that Ana would need to figure out how to go about securing the line further, and Abyzou had every intent on killing any spawn from her mother. She wanted no competition. Plus should any children find out her dirty little secret she would not be safe, and neither would Ana or Adra. She was a demigod that needed to ensure all her family thought her a god.

She moved towards the north. Her eyes were on the horizon. She could disappear and the only one to notice would be Ana, after all she was the only one that even liked her. Though honestly she didn't think that Ana would stop her or search hard. Ana had to realize that if Abyleft it was likely to escape the notice of Amon. She wasn't doing that though. She wanted to find something to entertain herself. The more entertainment she found the more she was away from that prick, and more importantlyshe would be developing her more deadly skills. Skills she could use one day to cement a place with the family. She stopped for a few moments, long enough to find herself seated and her head tilted up to the stars.

There was also the matter of finding a suitor of her own. Not like she wanted one. Mortal scum weren't worthy of her. She had worked so hard to live a year with the Abraxas family so she couldn't risk it. But yet she found that she could not see herself with a mortal. Though any of the pure Abraxas males might be a good choice. Granted they could never learn of her own impurity. She would risk death should that happen. The only male that knew was Adramalech and he wouldn't touch her if she was the last female on earth, plus she couldn't stomach the thought of her mother's mate and twin touching her. She would have to find one she could tempt and get to leave her alone after. Though she wouldn't like it. After all she wanted to castrate any male that ever touched her.

Walk, "Talk" Think



5 Years
Dire wolf
04-26-2017, 05:06 AM

Astaroth wandered where she wanted to. She was, after all, one of Amon's children - able to do as she pleased, so long as she came when called. And so she wandered, spending days usually bickering with the serpent that called itself her companion, though honestly, Astaroth didn't mind the company. After all, the supporters of her god came in many forms, and just because that form was not a wolf didn't mean that it was lesser. She'd seen what her companion did to the small creatures that it ate as prey. Even so, the venom that Quetzal was able to spit would likely kill a wolf if shot in the eyes, or perhaps the mouth.

"Why are we going this way again?" Speak of the devil, there was the snake complaining and grumbling. Well, hissing, really. Astaroth smirked, chuckling at the rather wrathful snake. "It's been a few days," Astaroth replied easily. "Since the meeting, anyway. I was curious what was actually this way since we hadn't actually explored it." The snake's body twitched, but she got no verbal response; she was used to this, after all.

It only lasted a few moments as the snake's tongue flicked in and out near Astaorth's head, and then the low comment of, "We have company," came from the creature. Astaroth hummed, breathing in the scent, searching specifically for the wolf scent that she knew he was talking about. And there - and familiar it was, too.

It didn't take long to track the source down, to the little fireball who dared test her father. Astaroth laughed loudly, not even trying to hide her presence from the little scrap. "Well, well, well," Astaroth called. "If it isn't the little devil that had enough balls to defy my father." Astaroth had to admit she had found the whole situation absolutely hilarious. Her father never had anyone stand up to him, besides her, and even she submitted enough that his reaction was merely exasperation... and pride, of course, because she was a goddess. But this little scrap... this pup who thought she was the best, and her aunt's child... this thing had the guts to defy him turn after turn to the point she pissed him off. And that, well, Astaroth held a grudging respect for Abyzou. True, what the pup did was outrageously stupid... but it was brave, and the brat still never apologized or submitted. That took strength, and Astaroth couldn't bregrudge the pup that.

"Talk" "You" Think
Circe has a male spitting cobra companion named Gwydion. Unless stated otherwise he is always with Circe.

Wanna plot with Circe? Check out the miscellaneous section on her profile!


04-26-2017, 05:41 AM

It wasn't long and the laugh of her cousin caught her attention. An ear turned to her but her eyes stayed on the stars. She cared not about this Abraxas bitch, she was merely a pawn of Amon's. Not like her mother, who should be the true patriarch with Adramelach at her side. A glance was thrown over her shoulder as Astaroth spoke to her. The way she spoke had Aby glaring at her. True she was in deep shit with Amon right now but it was no concern of Astaroth's. If looks could kill Astaroth would of been dead on the spot. Rather than risk her getting mad and running off to her daddy though, aby turned her gaze back to the stars. "And if it isn't my over-sized demon of a cousin, come to play the disobedience game then? Or would you rather roll over for him like the rest?" She knew Astaroth well enough from watching her, obedient as she may be she and aby were one in the same in a way. She kept the serpent though she was sure Amon would rather she didn't.

She kept her voice calm, even, and bored. Her gaze didn't leave the stars now. She was well aware Astaroth could not be trusted ever with her secret or any feeling Aby had. "So tell me what it will take to have you keep your mouth shut. Because one way or another I'm going north and finding some poor sap to amuse me." She then turned her head to her cousin. A sadistic grin touched her lips and her lips wrinkled with it. She probably looked like a true demon in that moment, but she didn't care, her true nature was coming out. She was a year and was full sized by now with her mental capacity nearing perfection. She was nearing perfection. It was no longer a secret that she didn't like Amon. Why would she? He was a false patriarch and Adramalech was the true one.

Walk, "Talk" Think