
Key on a Kite String



4 Years
04-30-2017, 03:15 PM

The sun had just barely risen when Tyranis bounded out of his mother’s den, eager to explore and learn something new. The days were quickly becoming shorter and to the Lightning Bolt, all that meant was his days needed to start earlier. Today he was going to put his lessons from Bass to work and patrol the borders, just like a Primo would. His mother had told him and his siblings not to go off on their own, but he had just assumed it was addressed to his “Less- intelligent” sisters. Tyranis was of course, better than them, and of course, much larger, he was sure he could handle anything the plains had to throw at him on his own.

He found a large tree and brushed up against it, marking it for Abaven before running off to a bush with a shrill giggle. The pack scent was particularly strong in the plains because unlike the Thicket, which was protected by the rapids, the Serpent Plains were out in the open. Not that it stopped him from spreading his own scent marker. He didn’t quite understand why or how scenting the borders worked, to him it seemed that if someone wanted to come in, some smelly trees and bushes wouldn’t stop them but then, he was still terribly young.


Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  


05-07-2017, 05:14 PM

She was out once again today, leaving Miach to himself to explore the island and learn on his own. It was after all how she had learned so much. Ana had played a key role in her development but so had her independence. Her form stopped as she limped along a border. Her nose came to touch it to smell exactly who had been there, the freshest was that of male and he still smelled of milk, faintly anyway. She moved forward, careful not to cross over for now, after all she didntg want her mom to have to rescue her from hostilities just yet. Though Ana likely would of anyway just to turn on any and scold her. Not like Abyhonestly listened to half a word when it was said with anger from Ana, it wasn't worth her time, she learned her lessons quickly enough that the scolding were in her mind deemed unnecessary.

She caught sight of the owner of the scent quickly and tilted her head. She half expected to find him with an alpha or something. Like maybe he was training or something. How cute it was, this pup seemed to think he was capable of border patrol alone. He should of known no border patrolled would honestly ever patrol fully alone. Pairs were always safer and this spoke of this child niativty. She closed the space careful to stay on the outside of pack lands and cleared her throat loud enough for him to hear her but not loud enough to raise an alarm from others. She then lay down watching him and expecting him to notice her. Her ears listened for sounds of others. "So you like the mini alpha or just his kid playing border patrol?"

Walk, "Talk" Think



4 Years
05-25-2017, 09:00 PM

Tyranis wheeled around, his head just barely poking out of the snow. At first he didn’t see the woman at all, just two violet gems in a sea of white. His eyes adjusted and he realized what he was looking at was a woman. For his entire life white wolves had always been good to him if not exemplary; his mother was sort-of white, Bass was white, Cloud- who he considered his only tolerable sibling- was white, and Vali who he had only met briefly was also white. So of course it stood to reason that this woman couldn’t be bad simply because her fur was white. It was also for that reason that he was so willing to excuse being called a “kid”, he was after all six months old. “I wasn’t playing.” He said adamantly. “I’m gonna be the Primo one day, and I was marking my pack’s territory.” He proclaimed, raising his head with a small swell of pride.

He didn’t recognize the woman, but he hadn’t recognized Brandr either and he had turned out to be the lead hunter. He supposed she could have been new but another far more exciting thought came to his mind; What if she was looking for a pack, and he, the next Primo of Abaven, convinced her to join? He had no doubt that Bass would be so proud that he made him Erede on the spot or maybe even… hand him the position as Primo directly. His tail wagged feverishly, emboldened by the thought, he simply had to get her to join, and he would do anything to make that happen. "Hey uh...Are you looking for someone?" he asked, hopeful that her answer would be no and that she wasn't already a member of the pack


Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  