
[closed]Cursed rainbow paradigm [2/4 available]

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
05-02-2017, 02:52 PM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2017, 06:31 PM by Lucifer I.)
Lucifer here and Marina are set to have babies! So here we are asking for applications so more people can get in on this wonderful thing. And yes Marina has 5 different colored markings, which for you means, should you choose to do so, 25% off of all five of those colors. We have decided that she will at most be having four so I am willing to pay for extra pup passes should I have to. Lucifer won't have anything to do with these kids, but should he find out they exist could be in danger from Vianni who would be super jealous. I will be playing a sibling named Argus who is intersex and blind, and keno will be taking one as well. Lucifer is 45" tall and Marina is 38".

Things to remember and account for:
In Lucifer's line white faces are hereditary so each pup will have a mask. His line is also known for mental conditions such as Schitzophrenia, bipolar disorder, and dissociative identity disorder.

Marina has the possibilities of mental disorders as well. She would name them for traits and qualities about them. She has possibilities of blindness in her lineage.

Keno will be adding her designs in below on a separate post <3

Apply below with code provided please
[b]Email if not a member:[/b]
[b]Name of pup:[/b]
[b]Appearance:[/b]150+ words please
[b]Personality:[/b] 200+ words please
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.



4 Years
05-03-2017, 03:58 AM
OcName: Kurt
Name of pup: Ochitsu "Calm"


A beauty of sublime patterns Ochitsu's fur will be finely defined. His fluffy fur as a pup won't seem to be lost as he grows. While he may not reach his mothers height, he will be a large ball of fluff. The terrain will find itself sticking to him much to his own uncaring nature. Seemingly like a winter coat all throughout the year it may seem odd but it sure is fun to touch.

The first thing one may notice about the male is the white mask that bleeds onto his face. Creating a fine sort of crack in the markings that he has it causes more attention as dark pink eyes bring out this same white color. Then starting towards the top is his head is a more light brown type color, dusty like a dark clay. It carries to his cheeks onto the sides of his neck, splashing just before his hind quarters while it misses the middle of his back. On the top of his forehead is the start of a much darker brown, like a cape it travels down the back of his neck and on top of his back. Stopping just before his tail. Ochitsu's cheeks will be a paler clay color - gray in nature almost. As it just covers those small spots, and then onto the base of his body. Missing his stomach it travels down his legs and makes up the majority of his tail. Black covers his chest only to be tipped by white splashed in the middle, turning into a gray onto his stomach. Lastly being his tail dipped in white along with each of his paw aside from the right back leg which stays his pastel brown.


Ochitsu will begin to show Schitzophrenia symptoms around his first year.

Ochitsu will come into the world calm without a cry and also he won't talk much even as he grows. Almost becoming devoid of emotion Ochitsu is a rather Shy creature on his own. Sticking strongly to his mother and siblings he is a curious thing as all pups are. However alarming that his calm and quiet nature could be he doesn't seem to be outwardly expressing any problems that could be considered harsh.

It is however an illusion - as he grows Ochitsu may not gain much confidence but there will be voices speaking to him. Paranoia may be an onset of confusion for the boy as he growing into his adult years. Anxiety driven and otherwise aggressive these fits will make it hard to see the difference between reality and the fake behind a thin glass pane. How it may effect his life would be left up to the development around him. Which voices may speak, and which will be negative or positive is yet to come.

He will however be a loyal member to his family. Concerned for his mother and siblings safety he'll want to dabble in the art of fighting. Being protective over their own well being. Ochitsu is soft and calm, but he will be a force to be reckoned with. Eagerly awaited to be taught for what the world has to offer.



7 Years
Dragon Mod
05-09-2017, 01:16 AM (This post was last modified: 06-11-2017, 11:57 PM by Dragon.)

[Image: 2a0spl.png]

OcName: Dragon

Name of pup: Azazel [God/Demon of War]

Design: #2
Appearance: The demon will come to stand at 36" and weigh a hefty 150 pounds. The male wears a base coat of black upon his frame with variations of a few other base colors intermixed. Upon his belly and side as well as beneath crimson gaze is a lighter ashen black, not quite as dark as his base coat but it is noticeably lighter. Upon his frame also lies two variations of brown. A lighter brown coats his crown and gently cascades down the thicker fur of his neck on either side before it makes its way towards his rump where it goes on to envelop the top parts of his thighs. Topping that, chocolate brown falls from his forehead to his rump as well, intermixing with the other brown shades of his coat. Each paw is dipped in white, as well as his tail and the lower part of his chest. Crimson eyes are set in a mask of white, the same mask that his father carries. While he bears a good mix of looks from both parents, he leans more towards his fathers side as his pelt does not carry any of the exotic coloring from his mother.
The child begins as all children do, innocent and harmless full of curiosity for the world. He will be somewhat reserved, though he also likes to stick his nose into things if only to know what's going on around him. The boy is a smart one, and while he doesn't boast about his potential prowess, he will definitely show it as he grows older. That being said, as the male grows older, he will show interest in things like fighting, the boy a dominant force and always wants to be number one. He doesn't like to take no for an answer, and if he doesn't get his way then he may just show his displeasure with violence or hateful words. That's not to say he's spoiled, no. More like he just doesn't like to lose or be told he can't do whatever he wants. He believes he is superior, and it will only begin to show more and be a dominant part of him well into his adulthood. His superior personality will lead him down a rough path, one that will most likely follow in his fathers footsteps, though not without some help. You see, Az will has inherited traits from his mother and father that are considered dangerous. Bipolar disorder and schizophrenia a deadly combo, along with a potentially dangerous narcissistic personality disorder as well. That's not to say he can't be kind when he wants to be, but there will be times where any or all of these things might trigger without notice, and often without a reason. He can become violent, his vision turning red and he will go for whoever is in his way regardless of who they are.

While he may be appear normal in some aspects, Azazel is far from it. He often appears aloof and detached from the world, cold even to those closest to him. He has aggressive tendencies, which in turn makes it hard for him to form relationships with others. That's not to say that he can't, but at any given moment even when he's being somewhat normal, anything can trigger him. He's led himself to believe that even though someone may act nice, they're out to get him. Then again, is it really him that has learned this on his own? Perhaps not. It's the little voice in his head, the one that gave him the idea that "he needs to get them, before they get me." While he struggles to be good, there's just too many things he believes is wrong with him for him to ever be able to achieve that.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



9 Years
Athena I
05-11-2017, 08:24 PM (This post was last modified: 05-12-2017, 01:53 PM by Leo.)

OC Name: Shelby

Name of pup: Adore

Appearance: This woman's appearance is like the clash of two worlds. For the most part her coat is completely ordinary. The base color of her fur is something like a muted, dusty brown. A darker variation of the same shade covers the top of her head, comes down along her neck, and finishes off at her hips. Clean white markings form small, dip-like markings on her two front paws and her back left paw while her right leg has a full white sock up to her knee. A white mask covers her muzzle and comes up around her eyes with the exception of two small darker brown marks on each of her brows. Her throat, stomach, and tail tip are also covered in white.

Where her appearance takes a bit of an unusual turn is the bright strip of colors that she inherited from her mother. Red starts out this rainbow at the top of her skull and then the stripe runs through all of the colors of the rainbow in order till it ends with purple at the base of her tail. The colors stand out against the normalcy of the rest of her coat like a beacon in the night. Her eyes follow suit with their vibrant magenta coloring.

The girl is slightly on the smaller side - at least compared to her mother. Once she reaches her full adult height she will stand at 35" inches tall. Her build is somewhere right in the middle of average. She will have enough strength and bulk to her form to stand up to most wolves in a fight, but she will still have a lean, slender figure that is perfect for running and being swift on her feet.

Adore's main motivation in life is unsurprisingly adoration. She wants nothing more than to be cherished, admired, and wanted. However, she never truly develops an understanding of what it is to love someone so more often than not the love and adoration she might receive from someone may never be fully reciprocated. She drinks in attention like it's water, but will forget to give the same attention in return without meaning to.

Anxiety is one thing that always chews at her and keeps her on edge. This develops into a full fledged disorder as she gets older, eventually even bringing on panic attacks when she is particularly stressed.

Adore has a particularly addictive personality - especially when it comes to affection and love. Nothing ever seems to be enough for her and she's constantly searching for the next high or whatever it is that will make her feel better. This becomes particularly prevalent as she gets older and her anxiety disorder gets worse.

There is very little about this world that she sees any kind of light in. Outside of her mother and siblings she doesn't have a real trust in anyone. She always assumes the worst so that when others disappoint her or let her down she isn't surprised. The glass is always half empty. However, this view does make her work twice as hard to train and prepare herself to face this cruel world.

You've never met someone as flirtatious and out going as Adore when she has some kind of motivation behind it. She's not afraid to go after what she wants, even if that something is another wolf. Sometimes this engaging nature comes out in different ways. She's not above charming someone until she gets whatever information or item she wants from them. She has a bright, vibrant personality that has a darker, more conniving backing to it.

There is very little about this woman that doesn't go against the grain. From her coloring to her view on the world, she's as abnormal as they come. The only consistent, expected thing about her is her loyalty and protectiveness to her family.



1 Year
05-22-2017, 11:28 PM

OcName: Croatoan

Name of pup: Etsuko ("Joyful child")


While she won't grow to the size of her parents, and possibly even be short compared to her siblings, Etsuko will still be a taller wolf. Even as a pup, she'll never be overly heavy or slight in her build; she'll always be medium. She'll never have the curves and delicate look that other female wolves may have, either; like others, she'll appear more masculine, with long legs and a slightly muscular frame. Due to her medium build, she'll never be one for speed or taking hits; she'll be well balanced in both, but still not all that well off.

Etsuko is cloaked in a light, pastel brown, nearing cream in color. Her fur color is mostly tones of earthy browns, with the exception of black and white. Starting near the base of her skull, just behind her ears, is a chocolate brown cape-like marking that stretches to the base of her tail. This marking resembles her mother's, although Etsuko lacks the bright colors. The top of Etsuko's skull, including the outer of her ears and the fur on the sides of her face, is a medium brown. This brown stretches to the sides of her neck, stopping just before her shoulders. A patch of his color can be found on her back legs, underneath the darker brown marking.

The insides of Etsuko's ears are the same light brown as the rest of her base coat. A white mask covers her face, with the exception of her cheeks, which are the same brown as her base coat, and two small markings above her eyes that are the same color as the medium brown that stretched down the side of her neck. Three paws are coated in this white, along with the tip of her tail and the very ends of her fur on her neck and stomach. A sharp contrast to the white ends of her fur, Etsuko's throat and stomach is coated in black, with the exception of those few snowy patches of fur.

Etsuko's eyes are bright against the earthy brown, black, and white hues of her fur. A bright pink, they could almost appear to be red in the right lighting. And yet, even as a pup, Etsuko will have a habit of squinting; born nearly blind from birth, she'll find everything blurry and just shapes that seem vaguely familiar. Although her eyesight will never decline so much that she is entirely blind, it will never be anything that she is entirely proud of.

Personality: Even with her poor eyesight, Etsuko will be rightfully named. Like regular pups, she'll explore the strange shapes with her siblings. She may get left behind, or fall, but she's an explorer at heart. Who cares if it takes her a little bit longer, since she has to go further? Who cares if she stumbles and falls here and there? A little pain never bother anyone; well, that's not exactly true, but Etsuko's determined to not let it show and to be as tough as her siblings. If that means not crying when she gets hurt, then that's just something she'll have to deal with!

Despite how she wants to act, Etsuko is a bit of a crybaby. She tries not to be around her siblings, of course, but around her mother it may be a totally different story. While she handles it when she's around her littermates, she may run to her mother, already crying, and explain what happened. She'll be a bit overly sensitive when it comes to her siblings, as well. If she gets left behind, it'll bother her, and if she gets into an argument, that'll bother her as well. She'll try and act like it doesn't, or at least make it seem like she's angry, but she won't get very far when it comes to that.

Despite her crybaby nature, Etsuko is a cheerful pup. It won't take much to make her happy again, and even just getting to explore at the right time will cheer her up. She likes spending time with her siblings the most, though, and she'll come off as a bit clingy, trailing after them with no intent to leave. It doesn't matter to her if she trails after her older siblings or her littermates. They're her siblings, after all, and she can trust them. Of course, she can be a bit naive in that sense. She'll think that anyone that's oddly colored, or has markings resembling her family's, are her siblings. As a result, she'll be wandering off quite a bit and getting into danger.

Around her first year of age, Etsuko will begin to learn that not everyone can be trusted and as a result will consider herself the guardian of her siblings. She'll try her best to protect them, even if they don't like it, and very rarely will she allow a wolf to go by and talk to them without her harsh judgement. Kind of like the protective older brother type, only Etsuko is the protective sister. If said wolves are approved of by her, she'll go back to her normal, happy self. If not, she'll try and make it clear that she does not approve of them being around and that she likely never will.

Other: Kurt said that it was okay for them to be twins if they were both accepted.

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
05-23-2017, 12:43 AM
For everyone this and Luc's next litters could be his only ones due to the fact he has now made himself an enemy of Regulus <3
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.



3 Years
05-25-2017, 04:39 AM (This post was last modified: 05-25-2017, 05:10 AM by Argus.)
For the ease of tracking this Litter's siblings and family i have made this up to help. This litter has a large family with lots of siblings.

Nixie Agatsuma {♀}, Yoshiko Haruna Agatsuma {♀} [Marina x Nako]
Ren Agatsuma {♂} [Adopted]
Chasm Walker {♂}, Apathy Walker {♂} [Marina x Liar Walker]
Nova Agatsuma {♂}, Argus Agatsuma {♀/♂}, NAME {♂/♀}, NAME {♂/♀}, NAME {♂/♀} [Lucifer x Marina]

Marek Nero Asmodeus {♂}, Zeviah Lynae Asmodeus {♀}, NAME {♂/♀}[Lucifer x Vianni]
Belua Agatsuma-Asmodeus {♀}, Gary Agatsuma-Asmodeus {♂}, NAME {♂/♀} [Lucifer x Kaitlyn](Neices/Nephews as well)
NAME {♂/♀} [Lucifer x Kairi]

Extended Family:
Spencer {♂} [Through Marina]
Oriana Fabre {♀}, Aldric Fabre {♂}[Camille x Spencer]

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
06-07-2017, 05:57 AM
All of these pups are looking wonderful guys <3

The extra pup passes have been covered now so if that was keeping you from applying we gotcha covered ;) (there is 5 pups now as well)
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
06-13-2017, 06:44 PM

Kurt with Ochitsu, Dragon with Azazel(extra pup pass), and Shelby with Adore(extra pup pass)!

We wish we could choose them all but sadly this isn't possible as with these three we hit our litter cap  of 5.

Those that are noted with extra pup pass I have already purchased your passes and they wait for you to claim here: Passes

Please have your pups made and in acceptance by the 21st, and please remember that should you fall inactive or leave the site i will take the pup back and readopt them. We understand you cannot post daily, and that real life gets in the way sometimes just let us know what's going on, we are very understanding people.