



7 Years
05-07-2017, 01:59 AM
The young lady was curious indeed, her paws scraping at uncovered earth, clawing away at the layers that so clearly left mysteries undiscovered. Sterling had been here before, scouting the lands briefly, but before now she'd never really had a chance to seek out the hidden treasures here. Sure, they were only bones - you could find bones anywhere. But these were fascinating. They were different. They weren't like the bones of rabbits, or even deer or moose. They were gigantic! They were shaped so differently, and the uneven ridges in the ground exposed some bones that had been buried so long it was like they'd turned to stone, returning to the earth to become a part of it once more. Deep emerald eyes scanned the bones she was uncovering now, her paws pulling dirt away from a massive ribcage. Her jaws parted as she began to pant heavily, and as excited as she was, she had to pause to catch her breath. She sat back, taking a moment to examine what she had found so far. She had no idea what sort of creature could possibly leave behind such an enormous skeleton, her dark-tipped tail flicking thoughtfully as she eyed her discovery.

Knowing she had a lot of work left before she uncovered the rest of the skeletal structure, she got back to her paws and kept digging. She knew this would take her many days before she would truly see the results of her work. She wouldn't be satisfied today though until she'd at least dug out enough dirt that she could crawl inside the ribcage. Then she would feel like she deserved to go home and have a good night's sleep. Until then, she wasn't going to stop her paws from moving. Grunting, her hind legs were splayed with claws bracing against the ground as her forepaws kicked up dirt into a pile that was forming behind her tail. She couldn't wait until she had this thing unburied, wondering how big its skull was, and what it looked like. That was probably what she looked forward to the most; she could only imagine what sort of strange monstrosity this creature had been when it had lived and walked the earth!