
Two Hearted



6 Years

05-08-2017, 12:17 AM
Faite Ethereal Adravendi

She was still figuring things out with Zell, but he'd stuck to his promises since she'd first told him last winter about the children they'd conceived. He'd stayed through birthing them in loner territory, helped take care of them and raised them, and even followed her to the new pack even though he had no obligation to. They hadn't been mates, he had no reason to stay, and he could have left her to raise them on her own. Instead he'd chosen to step up and be a father and she was grateful for it.

They still stayed in the same den despite the fact the children were almost a year. They'd soon be finding dens which was somewhat of a relief. The three boys were growing large and she suspected they'd grow almost as tall as Zell, if not as tall, which meant their den was getting kind of cramped. Their den had been more than suitable for them all when they were smaller, but now they were outgrowing it by a large margin. She knew once they all left the den though to find their own she'd miss their presence. It'd feel empty - would Zell leave too? Their strange relationship confused her.

She'd been wandering around aimlessly for a little while. Typically she had some place she needed to be or at least a vague idea of what direction to go. She'd woken up early enough to get her patrol out of the way so by the time the afternoon came around she realized she had nothing to do. She thought about tracking down Fortune for another hunt but she decided against it and instead headed back towards the den. None of the children were there, but she was hoping she could run into Zell. She hadn't spent nearly enough quality time with him since Lirim had been raised and she needed the one on one time without anything as a distraction.


I like to imagine
That you smile when you hear my songs

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
05-12-2017, 02:14 AM

He had taken Kairi out for some tracking practice earlier in the day, followed by an attempt at teaching her how to fight...but it hadn't gone well. She was so much smaller than he was, so his trying to teach her how to fight was a no go. On top of that, the little girl had the attention span of a tea spoon, so she ended up turning it into a romp in the grass instead of taking it seriously. Of course, he couldn't get mad at her though. She was his little princess, and his other kids his little Princes. Now, he was in the den and sprawled out on his back, eyes closed as he napped. He figured after his nap, he'd go and look for Rory, or someone to maybe try and teach them a few things. But as it was, he was enjoying his nap and relaxation time. The large male was lightly snoring, the sunlight gently filtering in through the den as the afternoon rolled in. It was rare to find some peace and quiet, especially when the kids were starting to get all over the place now that they were almost a year old. But with them almost being a year now, meant that they were beginning to explore further towards the edges of the territories. He made sure to let them know that they were still not allowed to cross the borders until they were a year old and learned how to defend themselves, as much as he would like to, he couldn't be there for every single one to protect them if need be.

He shifted, hips twisting one way, and head twisting the other way to where it faced the den entrance. A yawn tugged at his maw, and briefly his eyes would open, though he wasn't quite ready to get up. That is, until he noticed feet standing outside the den. He was a little surprised, the male blinking a bit of the sleep away, though he still wanted to nap..."Uh...Faite? Is that you?" He asked groggily. If it was, and if she chose to want to talk or something, then he supposed he'd have to get up. Not that he minded. He liked spending time with her and the kids. As he waited for her to answer, he would stretch his front legs up towards the roof, and his hind legs would stretch straight out behind him, and he waited to see what she was looking for, if anything.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



6 Years

05-21-2017, 07:02 AM

It seemed as though her idea of heading back to the den was a relative success. As she peered into its depths with her mismatched gaze her eyes focused on Zell's white pelt as the light filtered into the den to show him lying on his back. She did her best to suppress the chuckle that threatened to bubble past her lips as she looked at the giant wolf sleeping. At the moment he reminded her of an overgrown pup and the thought that it was rather adorable flashed across her mind. Then the realization that he was sleeping hit her and it dampened her mood slightly. She wasn't the type to wake someone up just to occupy her time and from the looks of it he was tired. Even though the children were practically a year old they were still a handful.

She was just about to turn to leave when she noticed movement. Her head swung back to look into the den once more as she watched him yawn. Eventually his eyes fluttered open and a wave of guilt washed over her. She hadn't thought she'd been loud enough to wake him up - in fact she thought she'd been relatively quiet all around. Maybe he'd just sensed her there? Her guilt washed away quickly as amusement set in at his pose as he stretched out his legs. A grin tugged at her lips and this time she didn't try to hide the chuckle that burst through.

"It's definitely not Faite, this is your conscience speaking. It's wondering why you're sleeping in the middle of the day." She joked with a laugh before she padded into the den to take a seat next to him. He still looked sleepy, but now that he seemed to be up she supposed she could fulfill her desire to spend some time together.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]