



8 Years
Athena I
05-09-2017, 11:04 PM

After she had run into Alfred she decided to linger near her father's pack for a bit longer to see if she could catch any more of her family members out and about. Sure, it would have been easier to just go on up to the border and call for them, but she'd make a real visit home soon enough. She wanted her first real call at Fiori's borders after her departure to be as a leader of Dragosite. Her chest puffed out with pride at the thought. In a way she wanted to prove to her father that she had made the right decision, but she also just wanted her father to be proud of Ganta. Ganta was part of the family now after all!

She padded around the edges of the hot springs while she thought back to her days as a pup when she would play out here when it was still part of Fiori's lands. She was glad that the pack ended up moving to the falls, but the hot springs were awfully nice now that it was getting colder. The shallow, warm waters felt good on her paws, especially now that she had been traveling around for a while and her paw pads were a bit sore from walking. She paused in the shallow end of one of the pools, wading in just enough to cover each of her paws. She sighed contently and smiled as she peered out through the mists that were around her, curious to see if anyone else was around. It was hard to tell between the mists and the strong smell of the heated water.

"Roza" "Abbey" Think



3 Years
05-10-2017, 02:44 AM (This post was last modified: 05-10-2017, 02:46 AM by Heather.)

Heather knew that her sister was just following her heart. At some points, Roza crossed her mind and it had made her angry - but among other things, it was something that frightened her and she didn't understand. This Ganta fellow.... must have been talking to Roza for some time. After all Heather spent more time with her brothers than she had her sister, but her family to her was... irreplaceable. So her heart constricted on itself, dazed and confused about what she should feel. Angry that her sister was leaving? Then again she was just within reach - Heather was certain if she called Roza would appear, wouldn't she? The princess' paws carried her out of the borders into the spring lands. Something she often did when her mind wandered. Her body crashed straight into the spring that Roza had been in mattering not if Roza saw her beforehand. It snapped Heather back to reality as she mildly panicked and sprung onto land. Shaking her fur-free she turned and blinked seeing that it was Roza right there! Heavens always placed her problems in front of her didn't they.

"Roza!" Heather exclaimed through her dripping wet maw. The cold air hitting her now that she had escaped from the water. Making her shiver slightly. As with Alfred before Heather looked a little disdained, however, her tail mildly wagged behind her. Heart pounding against her chest Heather silently told herself she needed to calm down. Roza couldn't know of her issue's. Of her problems that haunted her - it would simply drive a chance of getting close to her sister away. Nervously she smiled, letting herself fade into that default. When a question flew from her mouth unexpectedly. "Why did you leave me?" there it was. The voice in her head out loud - rolling off her tongue. Heather blinked and looked away still smiling as she tried to blow it off. How could she have said such a thing? Me? There was father, brother to think about. No doubt her dad had been upset, she tried to brush it off regardless.


Leo as Heather's father is free to crash her threads as he see's fit. Lionel as her close brother is also allowed to do the same.
Heather has boderline personality disorder in the event of extreme stress she can become aggressive and gloomy with no filter but will have no memory of these episodes after.



8 Years
Athena I
06-11-2017, 10:40 PM

A familiar figure emerged from the mist suddenly and crash landed into the pool that she was standing in, making her stumble back a couple of steps out of surprise. She blinked as she regained her bearings and figured out who it was that had come tumbling out of the steam at her. "Heather!" she replied, although her tone seemed much more happily surprised than her sister's might have been. A huge smile popped onto her face immediately and her tail wagged away excitedly. This was perfect! She had just been hoping that she might find one of her siblings out here!

However, when Heather asked why she left her Roza's smile faltered a bit while she watched Heather look away. Her sister was smiling, but it looked forced. Roza's tail slowed and she tried to keep the smile in place. Leaving Fiori had taken her a long time to come to terms with and it was really only her father's blessing that had finally sealed the deal. She couldn't say that she didn't have regrets, but she loved Ganta dearly and couldn't keep him from his dreams. She wanted to be with him and support him. "I... I wanted to be with Ganta. He's going to build his own pack! I didn't want to leave you."

"Roza" "Abbey" Think



3 Years
06-12-2017, 09:39 PM

ooc: uhhh, warning for foul language?

Her head found itself spinning, and before she knew it her mind was going elsewhere. Whatever was there now, wasn't like it was before. What one thing Heather feared was losing control over a situation which she just had. The blank face she had - the strange dazed look in her eye as she took a step forward towards Roza. "He.. he stole you from me!" she was enraged. The worse half of her had come out. "That... that whore!" Heather's mouth hissed as her paws flexed and within every word that she stepped closer towards Roza. Why, why did this have to happen?

A growl ripped through her throat, and at one instant her mouth opened and she attempted to snap at Roza's face like a snarling beast. The better half of her subconsciously trying to hold her back as her obvious glazed eyes stared Roza down. Still.... then everything was still. Her breathing heaved and she stood there staring out into the distance struggling to make sense of her own sense of being. Had she really just tried to harm her sister, and had she succeeded.


Leo as Heather's father is free to crash her threads as he see's fit. Lionel as her close brother is also allowed to do the same.
Heather has boderline personality disorder in the event of extreme stress she can become aggressive and gloomy with no filter but will have no memory of these episodes after.