
Build Me A Legacy [Naamon]



5 Years
Dire wolf

05-17-2017, 11:41 AM (This post was last modified: 05-17-2017, 11:48 AM by Amon.)

The season had turned.

He had ventured north the day before last, as he did from time to time in an effort to remain informed about the processes of Boreas. He found winter already seizing the land in it's maw, and upon seeing snow in a clime he would have called too mild for such a season, well... It did not take much to convince himself to turn around.

As he returned to Auster, he turned himself towards lands he did not frequently visit. There was one such place he carried in the back of his mind, curious to test a hypothesis of sorts. The climate of Auster was much different than that in the north, which was also more similar to his homeland. His body was unused to the cycles here, which seemed to center more on a presence or lack of rain. To him this weather felt more like an early, mild, dry autumn. He thought of an impregnable stand of oaks enshrouded in a veil of wild grapevine and smiled. It would surely be a feast there, between the berries and all the other creatures come to feed on them. So he set his course.

It was a mindless journey, as he was more accustomed to zoning out while his enormous stride consumed the land. Amon rarely travelled with his children these days. He was content with the assumption that they were doing as they were bid, and forming their own impressions of the lands here. Soon he ought to hunt them down and see what progress could be made but for now he had his own personal ramblings to deal with. Formally, what he intended to make of Naamah. She was a cunning creature, and for the time he found himself somewhat enraptured. The woman certainly knew how to keep a secret. He pushed the thought away and for the umpteenth time convinced himself he was not trying to find her, so he better keep himself occupied with other things, hmm?

As he made his way into the Cathedral, he was heralded by a volley of birdsong, as the creatures scattered in alarm. His assumptions were correct, and he found the Grapevine Cathedral in bountiful harvest. He knew it would not last far beyond the beginning of the season, so he ought to make the best of it, right? His father used to tell them that a bounty is merely a warning of harder times ahead, and the wise wolf prepares for every uncertainty. Amon stared up into the trees, aware that he was surrounded by life on every side. Rodents and birds had practically overrun the area, and the smell of deer was fresh as well. Despite this, an uneasy feeling settled into his gut. Were troubled times on the horizon? He felt out for any hint of the Fallen God's will, and wondered.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



5 Years
Dire wolf

05-17-2017, 12:04 PM

There was one place Naamah liked to frequent during Auster's dry season, it was a place of plenty this time of year. Grapevines would be full to bursting and she could be the wraith that haunted its halls. Her dark grey paws ate up the ground easily as she made her way to the cathedral at a leisurely pace. Lilith was eerily silent in her mind with the onset of the Austerian winter, and Naamah knew what was on the dark entity's mind. That shadowy beast of a male who plagued her every thought, he was to blame for her companion's hush-hush attitude. Lashing her darkly colored tail, Naamah does not rest until the smell of grapes, deer, and squrriel entered her nostrils. Birds sing, there is the chittering of squirrels and jays in the trees and bushes. Heavy hoof steps told her of deer nearby, though they were getting further away with every stride. She had spooked the herd, and that was enough to cause a chain reaction of silence to flow through the area.

It was a trickling effect, the birds silencing themselves first, then the rest of the surrounding area seemed to hold its breath as she took her first few steps onto the cathedral grounds. They would not annoy her today, even the creatures knew better than to mess with the woman during the dry season. The silence was almost oppressive, but it allowed her to hear something else. There were paw steps nearby, Naamah pricking her sensitive ears to listen closely, testing the air with her nose. His dark cologne whispered on a soft breeze, her mind easily recognizing and picking it out over the sweet smell of the grapevines. Mismatched garnet looks in the direction of the breeze to find the dark shadowy outline of a massive wolf walking toward her. Quickly, the wicked goddess leaps onto the broken pedestal of an old, long fallen statue. Laying down as if she had been there the whole time, her spot is bathed in sunlight and framed by two large oak trees that have a trellis of grapes between them.

She does her best to look bored with the terrain, and looks up in feigned exasperation, as though she would start spilling her deepest laments to the heavens at any moment. What questions would the male be asking her today? She was very aware that her scent was everywhere in her little hideaway, though she tries to hide the smile that she feels creeping up on her face.

"Naamah" "Lilith" Think Scroll over for translations.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



5 Years
Dire wolf

05-19-2017, 04:50 PM

The farther Amon pushed into the tangle of oak trees and wild grape vine, the more apparent Naamah's scent grew. He chuckled, and quirked a brow. Was he surprised? No, not entirely. Whether conscious or subconscious, he found himself making a habit of running across the woman. This place was a marvel; he was not surprised to find that she would frequent the terra. He continued to follow her scent, growing ever more curious as it grew stronger. There was something else present, something darker to her scent that was new to him. Something that had turned with the season.

His ears perked, and he began to move forward with purpose. He would have to be before her to know for sure... He stride was powerful as he came upon her, laying atop a large bit of stone, much weathered by the virulent plant growth. Amon paused, teal eyes illuminating as they travelled her length. "Well, well," he mused. "I can't say I'm entirely surprised to find you here." It was a magnificent place. She was an intriguing woman. It fit. The titan, typically so driven by the future, was consumed with the moment. Would his suspicions be confirmed? He waited for a turn of the wind as he approached? If the woman's heat was upon her, his time to act had come. The idea sent sparks onto a waiting kindle pile within his mind, one that had been forming since he'd first met the shadowy femme.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



5 Years
Dire wolf

05-20-2017, 10:13 PM

Lilith played image after image of what she would do to the dark male in Naamah's mind, but the dark woman ignored them as she practically felt the behemoth approach her. His intensity was not missed, though she swore she could feel the cool touch of his gaze as he stared at her. Curling her black tail around her haunches, the witch moves into a seated position, her white tipped lips forming the warmest smile she was capable of. Her mood was cheery, and her lilting voice was almost sing-song in quality.  "I am not being shocked to be catching you following me." Dark, blue-grey paws move then, and she leaps down from her pedestal. Moving closer to the god, she looks him over, not bothering to hide the look in her eyes as she did so. Meeting him halfway seemed like the thing to do, and so she stopped within a respectably familiar yard or two between them, waiting for him to close the distance if he wished. Settling into a sit, the woman whispered mentally to her goddess. Her mismatched gaze shifted over his frame as she sized him up, though the mechanations in her mind could not be seen, Lilith whispered her approval to her plans.

"Naamah" "Lilith" Think Scroll over for translations.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



5 Years
Dire wolf

05-22-2017, 09:28 PM

Naamah was pleased to see him, as she usually was. She had been the greatest surprise of this land, despite the brilliantly colored wolves and structures he had never imagined. Her smokey, simple pelt hid a woman of great depth and intelligence. He felt himself relax, if only by a breath, assuming a familiar role of companionship he had not realized he'd grown accustomed to until that moment. "I am not being shocked to be catching you following me," she mused with a genuine smile. He simply shrugged, not bothering to deny the comment, as the right side of his mouth quirked up into a sly grin. He watched as the woman sashayed forward, and for a moment he was able to forget that they were titans, gods among mortals. He happily closed the space between them, leaning in to give her an affectionate nip on the cheek. He had not yet been quite so forward with the woman, but something about the last vestiges of harvest before a long winter was making the man giddy. The year was dying, and in his mind that meant it was a time for celebration, one last hurrah. Well, he could justify it however he liked, couldn't he?

Amon leveled the dusky femme in a cool gaze, growing warmer by the moment. Her scent had washed over him now, as familiar as any of his family members. In fact, he had managed to find Naamah far more frequently than any of his far-flung children as of late. He grumbled at that, rather displeased, but shoved it down into the back of his mind. This was not the time for that. "To me it is a given that when I find a place of beauty, you are bound to be somewhere near by. It seems to suit you," he practically purred, his low voice as rich and slow as molasses. He wondered if she would object to their proximity... but somehow he did not think this was the case.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



5 Years
Dire wolf

05-23-2017, 11:28 AM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2017, 11:36 AM by Naamah.)

The dark male met her, closing the distance between them and planting a rather affectionate nip on her cheek. The action brought an odd new feeling to her body, as if she had been struck by lightning. It blossomed from the point of contact and flashed through her veins to have every one of her nerves dancing and panting for more, though the only evidence of this was a brief flagging of her black tail and a widening of her eyes as she turned to look at the male. She found his gaze leveled at her, and her heart flip-flopped in it's cage, the reaction caused the dark woman to perk her ears at him and gawk for a moment. His foward behavior shocked and pleased her, but her own reaction to it stunned her. She had never been touched in this manner, had never enjoyed the feeling of another being touching her. This male was not like the ones who lived here, something about him kept calling her back, and he made Lilith giddy as all hell.

She smiled slowly as he spoke at last, bringing her focus back onto him and not the havoc he was creating in her body. Lilith's laughter rumbled darkly through her mind, and she felt her pupils dilate briefly at his flattery.  "Beauty is often finding beauty, I have living here all of my life, I know places. You are being excellent at finding me in these places, this, I think, is suiting you." A teasing smile comes to her face and she reaches up to gently grasp his ear before she brushes her shoulder against his as she walked passed him, her dark tail wrapping around his chest in a bid for him to follow her. There were more private areas within the twisting vines and old oaks. Now that her fire had been stoked, she intended to see this through to the end.

"Naamah" "Lilith" Think Scroll over for translations.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



5 Years
Dire wolf

05-25-2017, 12:44 PM

Amon could tell that his actions had exactly the desired effect. He watched as the shadow woman's eyes grew wide and wanton, and restrained a throaty chuckle. With her so near, her scent and warmth were intoxicating. Amon found himself leaning into her presence, drawing closer and closer. His teal eyes, typically so frigid, were now filled with heat. No longer a glacial bay but a tropical ocean; hot and lazy and drunk on the possibilities. She claimed that he was excellent at finding her, and that did pull a gentle laugh from him. "Nothing but my good fortune, I assure you," he purred. She nipped at his hear, and Amon did nothing to pull away, even tilting his head ever so slightly to give the woman a better angle. It was not often the fallen titan allowed himself to act this way, but there was simply no stopping it now. The boulder had been shoved into motion, and away it rolled. Naamah's tail brushed across the front of his chest, sending a wave of sparks lancing through him. She beckoned him to follow her and he did so, as meek as a lamb.

Well, maybe not so meekly. His gaze as he trailed along behind her was nothing short of predatory. Amon pressed forward so that he kept pace at her side, not quite ahead and yet close enough that their pelts could brush if he leaned just so. They pressed deeper and deeper into the cavern-like space, as his God's creatures scattered around them. The canopy was alive with birdsong and rustling branches, and he felt their energy creeping into his core. Naamah's scent was overpowering any other thought, not that he would have acted otherwise given a clearer mind. What he had wanted practically since meeting the woman was overdue, in his mind. He leaned just so, and felt his pelt brush against hers with electric connection. He sought her ruby and garnet gaze, intending to proclaim his intentions with his own. He would not suffer to draw this out much longer...
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



5 Years
Dire wolf

05-25-2017, 02:53 PM

She smiled as Amon trailed along at her heels, his pelt mingling with hers whenever he moved in just the right manner to make it so, the reminder of his proximity had her blood turning into lava. Always she kept an ear turned in his direction, listening to his heavy steps as the burning ice of his gaze trailed over her. There was nothing else in the world at that moment other than Amon, and Naamah found Lilith straining to get to him in her mind. With a mental warning for the goddess to calm herself before they look too desparate, Naamah's smile only grows when she feels the zapping heat between herself and Amon. The ache his actions caused would be soothed soon, she felt it as surely as she felt the god at her side. When they were deep enough in the cathedral like trees and vines, Naamah stopped and met his gaze.

Despite the cool color of his eyes, there was an all-consuming fire in his gaze, and Naamah felt a heady laugh bubbling up her throat. The message he conveyed was clear enough, but Naamah could not help the urge to tease him a bit longer. Turning to him, she boldly thrust her nose into the thickness of his ruff, running the cold appendage up to nuzzle against his ear before giving a gentle nip to her favorite biting place on his body. Once her dark kiss was given, she brushed her fangs along his jaw line, the aura of power around them beginning to grow like a springtime flower. Giving him a sidelong glance and a slow lick and nip to his jaw, grinning seductively at him as she brought her own body sidelong against his. She drew closer until she could feel the tense, hard planes of his canvas against hers. Oh, what a day this would be!

She had wanted him from the very beginning, Lilith had been pining his short absences and Naamah had as well, and she needed to know just one thing before she let him continue what he seemed to want to do. Mischief glinted briefly in her eyes and she promptly sat, nudging him to hopefully gain more than his lust. "Would you be protecting me when I am needing? I am all I habet. Let me be traveling with you, this what we is more likely go to doing..." Virgin nerves spoke through her, and Lilith's delighted cackle reverberated through her skull. It made her common tongue even more tangled, betraying the mask of calm innocence she portrayed. Instinctively, the woman reacted by switching to a rapid fire explaination in her native tongue, her head ducking down in nervousness. "Numquam antea fecerat, cum masculus et nescio quid futurum sit. Non solum autem volo ut ubi sum ..." She gave a frustrated growl, not knowing if he would understand her sudden anxiety, but she pressed more against his solid frame - hoping to bolster some courage. If she were human, she would have blushed until she was dark purple. "I have no done this..ever. You be hurting me, I kill you where standing. If something be growing, I trust you tend along side me." She gave him a serious look for a moment, waiting to hear what he would say to her words, if he was even able to sift through them. Her body quivered against his as nerves began to create tension. What would he say? What would he do? Naamah anxiously waited for his response, and she wondered what her exposed vulnerability would cost her. She hated spilling secrets, especially that one.

"Naamah" "Lilith" Think Scroll over for translations.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



5 Years
Dire wolf

05-25-2017, 04:16 PM

The heat between them grew and grew until it was an untamed blaze. Amon's mind was clouded by the smoke it produced, knowing nothing but imagined images of entwining shadows and an endless chant of Naamah, Naamah, Naamah. She reciprocated his affection in a way he had hoped for, but not quite anticipated. That didn't mean he wasn't willing to make the best of it. He was a hair breadth from allowing his internal inferno to consume her, when she turned to him and met his gaze with an entirely different intensity.

It was a cool breeze, blowing some of the steam away, but left him no less confused. Would he keep her safe? Well obviously, had she spent no time him at all? The gods themselves could not stand against him. Amon wasn't sure whether he was more confused or offended, but it did break him out of his lust-filled haze. He blinked at her. He had been disinclined to let her out of his sight even before he might sire pups upon her, why on earth did she think that might change now. "For all that I might have siblings," he began, tone gentle though it was obvious he didn't quite know where this was coming from, "I have never been particularly good at sharing. I hope you would stay close to my side," he said. It was a nicer way of phrasing the fact that he would not permit her to wander far from it, were he given the choice.

Following this were threats, which oddly enough, rekindled a bit of his earlier excitement. Yes, this was why he had been pursuing this woman in the first place. The fire in her soul. He let loose another chuckle. "Of course, Naamah. Again, I do not easily let go of what is mine." Call him possessive, call him egotistical. Amon would not argue with either facet, and by this point his want had become an aching need. If Naamah truly thought he would give her the gift of a god's bloodline without staying near to ensure the children grow as they should, she must not have been paying very close attention. Of course, he assumed these were the nerves of a woman unaccustomed to such attentions, and pushed them again to the back of his mind. She would forget he worries shortly. He pressed close again, with renewed intent.

-Fade maybe???-
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



5 Years
Dire wolf

05-25-2017, 04:51 PM

His words seemed to do the trick in soothing her nerves, the promises of a dark king had to be made seriously, right? "Was need to hear this. I will stay, if you wishing me to." She paused as he spoke again, and the last word to leave his lips echoed through the shared minds of Lilith and Naamah. 'Mine.' The male's deep baritone made her meet his gaze once again, and smile. "You think me yours?" The thought had her shifting until she was seated between his paws, continuing the flirtatious nipping along his jaw and just under his ear. She stood then, making sure her back and then hips never left contact with his chest. His intensity had returned again and Naamah found Lilith silent and she was more excited than nervous at what would tranpire between the gods. Oh, what wonders they would create together!

-fade to black!!-

"Naamah" "Lilith" Think Scroll over for translations.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.