
Forgotten Faces



6 Years

05-22-2017, 02:30 PM
Faite Ethereal Adravendi

One thing had been rolling in Faite's mind since Hailey had joined the pack and that had been the dark coated attacker that had assaulted the woman at the Rio Grande. Granted Hailey hadn't been a member when it'd happened, but Faite was worried about the close proximity to the pack. It would have eaten at her not to go investigate so she left early that morning to go scout around. It was easy to follow the twisting and bends of the river and all the while she kept an eye on both sides of the bank. She still didn't expect to find Ritsy's body anywhere but it was a lingering hope.

She didn't know anything about this wolf that had attacked Hailey, other than the fact that she was darkly colored, so she didn't expect to find anyone. Still it was easy to pick out stale scents of Hailey after a while and the most recent lead her to a bush. Another female's scent coated the area too and yet it wasn't one she recognized. She could pick up where Hailey had hid before slipping away into the underbrush to escape and she found herself getting irritated all over again. She wouldn't track the other woman down, but she'd at least make sure she wasn't around. The last thing she wanted was for any of her members to run into someone so hostile.

She left the bush behind her and headed deeper into the territory as she sniffed around. All the scents were stale now and the freshest things she could pick up on were prey scents. It seemed as though whoever had attacked Hailey didn't live here which was a relief. After an hour of walking around she finally decided it was about time to head back home. There was nothing here. She padded towards the river again and paused at the bank to watch the water rush down stream. It was peaceful by herself with the sun steadily rising above her and warming her back. She glanced up at the sky for a moment before letting her rump fall to the cold earth beneath her to sit for a moment before she left.


I like to imagine
That you smile when you hear my songs

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
05-23-2017, 07:39 PM
It'd been a good while since he'd seen his father, but truthfully Kai was enjoying his freedom. As fall shifted to winter, and the nights grew colder, he knew his father was interested in heading further north. Having not spent much time in the far northern reaches of this continent, the possibility of traveling to lands unknown was quite tempting but he was still enjoying his time in these lands too. The yearling wouldn't deny that he was grateful for the change in weather, however mild the winter was in these southern lands. He was more suited to the colder climates, and enjoyed the way the gentle afternoon breeze ruffled deep into his coat as he wandered by the riverside.

It wasn't all that cool out, to be honest, especially with the midday sun rising higher in the sky. He let out a lazy yawn as he veered along the banking of the river, his gait relaxed. So far he didn't have much in mind for today. Finding a meal soon sounded good. He'd never been a big fan of fish, for his dad never stressed the importance of learning to catch the creatures, but he wondered as he traveled if it was something he ought to try his paw at soon. Kai wondered if this river had made fish in it, tilting his head to search the clear running water carefully as he moved, feeling curious.

Only when the sight of another wolf entered his vision did his attention shift. A smile played at his lips, his head jerking upright as he veered slightly away from the river, not intending to fall in it while he examined the stranger. He was fully grown now, a massive beast in his own right, often forgetting just how intimidating his size could be. He forgot it now, too, as he strode closer to Faite, offering a brief dip of his head in acknowledgement. "Hello there!" He called out cheerily, his tail curling above his back and waving slightly behind him as he approached.



6 Years

06-26-2017, 05:37 PM
Faite Ethereal Adravendi

Faite sat peacefully for another few moments as she enjoyed the warmth of the rising sun. The temperatures in the southern lands weren't nearly as harsh and drastic as in the north and she was glad she hadn't decided to move the pack territory farther than she had. They weren't completely protected from the snow, but at the same time it was better than the desert and far better than freezing her ass off up north. There was less adventure to be had, but lately she'd found that she'd been unable to go on any between finding her time caught up with multiple responsibilities thrown her way.

She was just about to get up and leave when the sound of something heavy coming her way caught her attention. Her head shifted to the new comer and she looked the stranger over taking in the dark pelt. He was male and certainly not whoever had attacked Hailey so she relaxed and let a soft smile of greeting take over as the young male greeted her.

"Hi!" She called out as she let her own tail brush against the earth beneath her in a friendly wag. The male seemed young, yet obviously old enough to be out on his own so she didn't feel the need to go all protective motherhood mode on him and immediately ask where his parents were. Honestly if she kept trying to take in strays she was going to run out of room in the den. "I'm Faite, what brings you out this way?" Natural curiosity took over of course so she couldn't help but ask.


I like to imagine
That you smile when you hear my songs

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
07-01-2017, 12:20 PM (This post was last modified: 07-01-2017, 12:21 PM by Kai.)
Kai couldn't help but seek out conversation, though he'd been raised to be quite independent. He wanted to be around others, though not in any kind of pack setting, and recently he found himself seeking out strangers more often in hopes of some kind of interesting conversation. He hoped this female might alleviate some of his boredom today, and his eyes shone with interest as he approached her.

Her posture slackened, and he watched as a smile grew on her face and in her eyes.  It was hard to get much from her simple greeting, but she seemed a confident female and her scent betrayed that she was a pack wolf. Most wolves he met seemed to be, though, so that didn't come as much of a surprise. Her friendly demeanor was mirrored easily, as he took a few long strides to close the distance that remained between them. Still, he stood a fair distance away, not wanting to encroach on her personal space.

"Nice to meet you, Faite," Kai replied easily.  "I guess I'm a vaeltaja," he started, and then quickly shook his head. "A wanderer, I mean." He'd been taught the native language of these lands, as well as his father's tongue at the same time, so his voice lacked his father's heavy accent - but sometimes he found himself mixing up certain words and phrases without meaning to. "And my name is Kai. Kai Jarvela." His gaze roved over her, curious too as to who she might be. 'What about you, miss?" The boy's ears flicked atop his head as he settled back on his haunches.



6 Years

07-24-2017, 01:14 PM

She took note of how the other wolf respected her space. He seemed about as relaxed as she was, and it wasn't hard to notice that he was a loner. She almost envied it some times. She missed the freedom of being able to go wherever she wanted when she wanted, but at the same time there was nothing quite like having a pack to surround herself with and a place to call home.

Her head cocked to the side as he spoke a foreign word she didn't recognize. So he spoke another language as well? Her smile stayed as he explained he was a wanderer. It reminded her of her time up north and when she'd met Aki. He'd been a wanderer as well and she remembered their little mountain trip fondly.

"Faite Adravendi." She said. She was so used to just giving out her first name that she didn't often remember to give out her last. "It's a pleasure to meet you Kai. Find anything interesting here so far?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]