
Light the fuse



8 Years
Athena I
05-22-2017, 10:56 PM (This post was last modified: 05-24-2017, 01:01 AM by Leo.)

Roza had been feeling a bit off for several days, but she was doing her best to just ignore it. She didn't know why she felt so tired when she had been sleeping fine. Of course her stomach had been upset off and on for a few days as well so perhaps that had something to do with it. Hopefully it was just a weird stomach bug and it would wear off soon. Although if it kept on maybe she should go home for a little bit and see her aunt Amalia. Just to make sure it wasn't something more serious.

She padded across the mostly empty field. The winter snows had covered up and pressed down most of the grasses that were normally so tall here. It made this place seem so incredibly empty and vast. She had hoped that she might be able to find an herb she had learned of one time for upset stomachs here, but she hadn't taken the winter into account. Ah well, it was a nice little walk all the same. She continued to drift across the field for a while longer, too distracted by her own thoughts to notice anyone around her.

"Roza" "Abbey" Think

Forsaken I


5 Years
06-07-2017, 11:21 AM
Unfortunately for Roza being unaware of her current surroundings was going to lead to a very bad encounter…

He was a child of Sin, a child of chaos, and so thus that was what Forsaken longed to spread upon the world. He wanted to deliver pain onto his enemies, but longed to feel it as well, for feeling pain was a sign that one was alive.

Forsaken took in a slow breath, mind trialing to his little captives. Being as it was winter he was sure they wouldn’t be brave enough to cross the waters on their own… but come spring he’d need to beat the fear into them to make sure they didn’t dare leave that isle. The boy was going to be a bigger problem of course, being larger than even Forsaken, but the girl…

Forsaken paused. Yes, speaking of females, there seemed to be a feminine scent on the breeze today. One that bore a bit of a familiar scent, though it was not necessarily her own.

A wicked grin spread across the lips of the brute then. Ganta… whoever this female was Ganta’s scent mingled with her own and that meant only one thing; she was a target.

Forsaken quickened his pace, until at last his golden eyes fell upon the woman. There was something else about her scent too that had the male sniggering. What was this? Had Ganta taken the wench for a mate?

“What do we have here…?” His voice came out in a slow, amused drawl, his gaze flickering to the back of the woman’s head. When she turned… she was going to be face to face with a devil.



8 Years
Athena I
06-07-2017, 01:21 PM
The voice that met her ears made her fur stand on end. Something about the tone of it was unlike any kind of venomous, wicked tone she had ever heard. Her head whipped around to look at the male in question and her ears flicked back against her head. She had no idea who he was, but the look in his eye didn't comfort her at all. Roza quickly turned so that she was facing him. She certainly didn't want her back to him if nothing else.

Then she took a moment to take in the stranger's scent and her eyes widened with the realization. It was a faint resemblance, but it was still there. This was Ganta's brother that he had warned her about. Her pale gaze darted around for a moment, looking to see if anyone else was around, but of course there wasn't. She was alone with what could possibly her worst nightmare. Her eyes fixed back on his and she tried her best to steady herself. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad as she imagined. Her hopeless optimism was never ending and reckless. "Y-you're Ganta's brother, right? What do you want?"

Forsaken I


5 Years
06-07-2017, 01:35 PM
What was this? Oh the little dame could pick up on the fact he was a relative of her dearly beloved could she? How sweet. Forsaken watched her like a hawk, tail swishing thoughtfully back and forth. There was something about this femme… Forsaken let out a deep laugh, as though amused by her question. “Yes… I am but one of dear Ganta’s brothers.” Of course he didn’t know that Ganta had already reunited with Enigma… or how that had turned out. Forsaken was probably in for a scuffle when he saw his twin of sorts… not that he cared. He’d welcome the pain.

“But tell me…” Forsaken cooed, his voice dipping with that amused venom once more. “Where is our little Ganta? It doesn’t seem very… gentlemanly to let a pretty thing like you wander off alone.” It was at this Forsaken sniggered. “Oh but that’s right, he’s a child of Sin too. How could someone born from corruption be anything but corrupt themselves?” Forsaken was enjoying himself, trying to edge closer to the female. Right now he was just toying with her… but soon enough he could act.

“Does that scare you at all? I’m sure he’s told you of our father’s WONDERFUL deeds, hasn’t he?” Forsaken flashed his teeth in another grin. Forsaken had purposely avoided her main question as well. What did he want? She’d find out soon enough.



8 Years
Athena I
06-07-2017, 04:12 PM
This probably wasn't the best time to worry about being offended by the man's comments, but when he mentioned Ganta letting her wander off on her own she couldn't help but feel that way. Who ever said she needed permission to go off on her own for a while? She was a grown adult and she had been wandering on her own for far longer than she had known Ganta. However, now that she looked back on it this was probably a poor decision on her part. Her mate had been very clear when he talked about his family and how they felt about hers. Did this man know her leniege? Or did he just have a hate for her from being Ganta's mate? She didn't know what the true case was and right now she didn't quite care what the reason was. Either way it probably wasn't going to end well.

Just like how he intentionally avoided answering her question, she did the same to his. She didn't want to tell him where Ganta was, especially since she'd have to make her way back to him when this was all over. She frowned with her ears still pinned back to her head while she started to try slowly back away from him while he edged closer. She knew that all of his comments were just noise to try and get in her head so she tried her best not to pay it any mind. She gave a little shake of her head and replied, "Ganta isn't like that."

Forsaken I


5 Years
06-07-2017, 07:38 PM
“Oh? Is he not?” Forsaken asked, though he knew full well his little brother was nothing like the elder litter. No, the second litter had inherited Arietta’s genetics moreso than their father’s… and odd views along with the rather freakish appearances. It made Forsaken sick to think that Ganta was a full brother to him. No… he had no little brothers. There was only Enigma and Paradox… and the sooner he helped wipe the other three off the face of the Earth the better.

“No, you’re right… Ganta isn’t like that. He’s a little pussy.” Forsaken let that wicked grin grow even wider. “I bet he’s never even shown you he can fight, has he? I bet he’d turn tail and run, just like he did at the Hellstrom siege.” Of course Ganta had only been a pup then, but who said that this woman had to know that? And besides that… her fear was positively delicious. Forsaken licked his lips, feeling the need to do more to her than just speak rising within.

“But you think you know him, don’t you? Heh… you’re so young too… probably don’t even realize what has happened yet.” Forsaken stopped advancing, at least for the moment. “Tell me… notice anything off lately? Perhaps about your scent or how you’ve been feeling? Do anything… different?” His golden eyes shown with knowledge. The next move… if this little femme didn’t watch it… was going to be one of lasting impact. Claws bit into the soil, preparing, waiting to see if she let her guard down just enough to make his move.



8 Years
Athena I
06-07-2017, 08:43 PM (This post was last modified: 06-07-2017, 08:43 PM by Roza.)

Roza's protective anger flared when the golden-eyed man insulted Ganta. How could he talk about his own brother like that? Of course this was also the same kind of wolf that blindly hated a whole family. She didn't know what this man, or Ganta's other brothers for that matter, were capable of. Every step he took toward her made her fur bristle more. She continued to back away from him, but she was afraid of what he might do if she tried to run. There was a very slim chance of her being able to successfully fighting him in any shape or form. She had never liked fighting and had never really paid much attention to the lessons her father and Athena had tried to give her when she was younger. In this moment she was seriously regretting that choice.

Then he said something that made her stop in her tracks. “Tell me… notice anything off lately? Perhaps about your scent or how you’ve been feeling? Do anything… different?” Her brows pulled together with confusion. How did he know? She had just been thinking about that moments before he appeared behind her. Even now her stomach was turning, but she couldn't tell if that was from whatever bug this was or the anxiety that was eating at her from standing across from this man. "What are you talking about?" she asked while she started trying to figure out what he could be talking about when he asked if she had done anything different. The only new thing she had done moderately recently was... The realization colored her features as her brows lifted and her blue gaze showed her shock.

"Roza" "Abbey" Think

Forsaken I


5 Years
06-12-2017, 10:21 AM
Oh how wonderful, he hit her right where he wanted. Forsaken’s golden eyes remained fixed upon those blue orbs, waiting for them to widen with shock. Yes love, that could happen when you had sex. Stupid girl… hadn’t even realized that her scent had changed, nor that Ganta had planted his seed inside her. Little Hellstrom hellions, despite what his brother might think or hope for. Sin’s blood was in his own… and those children were nothing if not tainted already. But that was alright, Forsaken thought to himself. He could kill this wench now… but why not wait until she brought more of their kind into the world? Still… He’d leave her something to remember him by.

Forsaken parted his jaws, his blood stained fangs revealed as lips lifted in a snarl. He’d give her no time to recover from her news, this realization, and instead lunged forth with the intent of sinking his top fangs dangerously close to her left eye, a bit between her two brow points, with lower jaw aiming to hook under her jaw. He aimed to succeed, to leave her with scars from deep incisions. Would she be so foolish to approach of Hellstrom again after this?

Forsaken doubted it.

{{Crappy unofficial fight wooo~}}



8 Years
Athena I
06-12-2017, 01:14 PM

How could she be pregnant? She hadn't been in heat. Granted she knew very little about how all of that worked, but she had been under the assumption that this sort of thing really only happened if she was in heat. She was shocked, but as the new information started to sink in through the disbelief she was happy. All of her worries over this large man and the implications of having him here in front of her without Ganta to protect her went away for a moment. Her and Ganta were going to be parents. She had to get back and tell him! She had to go tell her family! She had to-

Her thoughts came to a screeching halt when her eyes refocused on Ganta's brother just in time to see his huge, open jaws coming straight at her face. Her eyes grew wide with panic and her eyes went flat against her head. It felt like his open maw filled her entire line of sight, like he could eat her whole head if he wanted to. A split second before his teeth made contact what little of her defensive training she had gotten from her father kicked in and she squeezed her eyes shut to protect them. She tried to pull her head back out of his path, but it was too late. If anything it might of kept him from really getting a grip on her head, but the damage was done. The longest of his top teeth dug into the skin between her brows and his bottom fangs caught the edge of her jaw, the two coming together and leaving a long wound between the two points. It snaked like an ugly canyon between her eyes, under her left eye, and down across her cheek.

She jerked away from him and stumbled back several steps as a searing pain like she had never experienced before flared across her face and made her dizzy with its intensity. The pain and sudden rush of blood loss made her vision blur, but she didn't care. She had to get away from this man. She turned and ran in the opposite direction as fast as her legs would carry her. She was barely dodging trees as they came up in her path. Her heart was racing with fear and panic, blood running down her face and dripping down through her fur to stain her neck and shoulder as well. She rain as far as she could until the blood loss made her slow to a crawl and finally made her fall over onto her side in the snow. For a while she laid there panting and blinking, trying her best to stay awake. Everything felt blurry and the world around her was spinning. Then everything went black.

-exit Roza-

"Roza" "Abbey" Think