
The Last one we swear(one available)

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
05-25-2017, 05:53 AM (This post was last modified: 05-31-2017, 01:40 AM by Lucifer I.)
Now Lucifer has done it again and this time with Kaitlyn, the daughter of Marina. Lucifer will likely not be in these kid's lives as there are plots afoot. This litter will most likely be raised by Kait and Vianni together though. Plus this litter will be raised with their half siblings from Vianni's litter. Kait herself is submissive and won't be raising these kids to be as Lucifer calls them his heirs. They will however be given the Asmodeus name and raised as cannibals thanks to Vianni. Yes I said it cannibals. These kids are not a product of rape, but of a master and slave relationship. Kait will likely be more of a pet for the family once the kids are born.

Lucifer's lines are clouded with mental disorders and every child should exhibit a white mask or face of some sort. His family so far has only ever had red eyes though this is not a demand on my part.

Kaitlyn's family has mental disorders as well as well as blindness though for the safety of these kids it would likely be best to not allow them to be blind as it could be a sign of weakness. Kait herself has disassociative personality disorder(mpd). These kids could also exhibit the rainbow coloring of their grandmother.

Their family lines are a little confusing so i made a thing to help that. There is a lot of siblings for this litter.
Nova Agatsuma {♂}, Argus Agatsuma {♀/♂}, NAME {♂/♀}, NAME {♂/♀}, NAME {♂/♀} [Lucifer x Marina] (Aunts/Uncles as well)
Marek Nero Asmodeus {♂}, Zeviah Lynae Asmodeus {♀}, NAME {♂/♀} [Lucifer x Vianni]
Gary Agatsuma-Asmodeus {♂}, Belua Agatsuma-Asmodeus , NAME {♂/♀} [Lucifer x Kaitlyn]
Riku Valentine-Adravendi {♂}, Ansem Valentine-Adravendi {♂} [Lucifer x Kairi]

Extended Family:
Spencer Agatsuma {♂}- Great uncle
Marina Agatsuma {♀}- Grandmother
Nixie Agatsuma {♀}, Yoshiko Haruna Agatsuma {♀} [Marina x Nako]- aunts
Ren Agatsuma {♂} [Adopted by Marina] -adoptive uncle
Chasm Walker {♂}, Apathy Walker {♂} [Marina x Liar Walker] -uncles
Oriana Fabre {♀}, Aldric Fabre {♂}[Camille x Spencer]- 2nd Cousins

I have not made up any designs for this litter so i give you Freedom of creation here with the exception that each kid should have a white face marking of some sort. colors in the Asmodeus line are natural browns, blacks, greys and none have the possibility to be fully white. Colors in Kait's line are browns, blacks, greys, rainbows, and white(markings). Eyes should come in reds, pinks, and possibly greens.

[b]Oc name:[/b]
[b]Pup's name:[/b] -- Agatsuma-Asmodeus
[b]Personality:[/b] site minimum
[b]Appearance:[/b] site minimum please include a reference



1 Year
06-04-2017, 08:48 PM (This post was last modified: 06-05-2017, 11:30 AM by Saint.)
Okay, now I'm finished.

Oc name: Chance
Pup's name: Ishmael Agatsuma-Asmodeus
Gender: Male
Ishmael was born with a darkness in his heart, a black tar on his mind that only could be understood and sympathized by those who are like him. He feels nothing and everything at the same time, emotions that hide away in the cage of his bones only to be revealed when something pulls deeply at them. It is then that the creature feels, but then he feels too much. Anger is unbridled rage, sorrow is unending grief, jealousy is an envy beyond green and so on. Extreme emotions that invoke extreme actions, Ishmael does not know how to handle the intensity of his rare emotions and likely never will. He will lash out and take out his over sensory of these feelings on anything or anyone around him.

He's a monster is wolf's clothing. The world is upside down for him. Reversed, backward. Morality is relative, what he thinks is right others may think is wrong. His way is always right, he is always right. Everyone else is wrong. His truth is fact, everyone else's is fiction. It is this belief that Ishmael is the "good guy", he's the hero in every story. The creature is not evil, he is righteous, he strikes down all that oppose the truth that is his own. Smites those that would stand against him and his own. For he and his family are always in the right, they are the protagonist, the heroes in this story. He takes offense easily when his idea of reality is fought against, his already weakened self-control snaps and he takes out his frustrations on the one who caused it.

He is greed, he is pride, he is gluttony, he is wrath, he is envy. Ishmael takes and takes and continues to take whatever he can have just for the sake of it. He won't need it, but he'll want it and he'll take what he wants when he wants. He'll want things that others have just because they have it, he'll want to take it away just so they can't have it anymore. He'll be envious of anyone who is his better, jealous of anyone that take the attention of his blood, his family, his father. They are his blood, therefore they are his and everything they are is his. Egotistical, pride runs deep in his veins, for everything he is, has been and will be. An inflated sense of self-importance, everyone else is below him and he is a higher being. When wrath hits him, it's a hurricane, a firestorm that shows that creature beneath his skin. Like some of his familial lines, he is cannibalistic, but only by the nature that he'll eat anything. He'll eat and eat just for the sake of eating. Put anything out in front of him and he'll consume every bit, even when full Ishmael will continue trying to gnaw at whatever is on his dinner plate.

If there's one thing that is consistent with the creature, it is the thrill of the hunt. Nothing gets his blood flowing, gets him so excited than hunting. The adrenaline of stalking, watching his prey and the chase is even sweeter. The catch at the end is never more rewarding than the build up to it. Maybe his love of the hunt is why Ishmael is often seen as a quiet animal. He prefers to watch, to listen to everything else around him. He likes to take in the details of things, give short statements and bits of speech in order to head a conversation in the way he wants. To get whatever he wants or needs to hear out of it. Manipulative and a complete liar, he's not afraid of not speaking the truth to get what he wants, never afraid of adding or subtracting elements out of a truth to get a certain response. After all, it's for the greater good, his greater good which is the good for all.

At a glance, one may assume that Ishmael has a coat of gray, but a deep brown also dusts the back of the creature, such a color that could go unnoticed unless one watched closely. It gets continuously darker the higher up his back, with his ears and tail are the darkest shades on his body. The lower portion of his body is a sandy beige, one that fades to a paler, lighter color the lower in goes down his legs, his chest, and belly. His undersides are outlined by a cedar brown, an outline also appears at the streaks on the sides of Ishmael's neck, where the sandy beige makes up most of the streaks. From afar the marking could give the illusion of gills. Upon the creature's face, are pink eyes and a mask, easily recognized as an inherited marking from his father, except the mask takes a turn, it covers his entire face rather than just the top half. Ishmael is as heavy as his coat is, his fur is long and thick and he walks with slow steps and a weighted head. As if he's always on the prowl, always stalking, on the hunt.



06-10-2017, 11:40 AM (This post was last modified: 06-12-2017, 12:19 AM by Aten.)
Oc name: Croatoan

Pup's name: Lyle Agatsuma-Asmodeus

Gender: Female

Personality: Lyle, from as soon as she gets old enough, will have a need for control that could seem to have been there from when she took her first breath. It's her need for control that seems to rule her, and make her act the way she does towards her siblings. She's bossy, almost all too bossy, and would have no trouble in showing them that she's the only one they need to listen to. If she had to fight, then so be it, she will fight. One way or another, she will be the leader of her group of littermates. In her mind, under her rule, they will take over, making the other wolves their slaves and being the only power left.

Just like her adopted mother, Lyle is narcissistic. She believes that she's better than anyone, and everyone; with the exception of her parents, of course. She'll believe them to be gods, and everyone else, even herself, would be nothing to them. As such, she'll refuse to interact with other pups besides her siblings, thinking that they would be good for nothing besides a little entertainment for her. She'll think of herself as a creature deserving of nothing but the best, and she'll demand it, not caring if it makes her seem like a spoiled little princess. If her siblings, or those that she thinks to be beneath her dislike it, she'll try her best to teach them pretty fast that she doesn't care.

Raised from birth to be a cannibal, Lyle has an appetite that could rival her adopted mother's. While she'll eat regular food, she views it with a sort of disgust, and would much prefer the meat of other wolves. This is another thing that show off her cruel nature, as she'll tend to play with her food. She'll want to do everything in her power to weaken the wolf, physically or mentally, and break them. It will be viewed as a sort of game to her, and she won't care what state she forces the wolf down into. After all, by the end of it, they'll be nothing but food anyways. Why should she care about how they feel about it all?

Lyle will have a habit of falling into blind fits of rage at times, whenever something doesn't go the way she had planned. In these times, she'll lash out, taking her anger out on anything and everything, regardless of if it moves or not. Usually, she'll try and take herself away before anything else happens, but there are times that she can't and it becomes more out of control then she had planned.

Despite viewing her biological mother as beneath her, Lyle will still have a sort of interest towards her. Mostly, said interest will be around why her father chose her. She'll want to do some poking at her, and likely be less than friendly in how she treats her, hoping that she'll reveal something that makes her interesting. If she's not given anything, she'll refuse to talk to Kaitlyn, believing her to be boring. If she is given something, it will only manage to make her grow more interested and continue.

When it comes to pups, Lyle will view them as a liability. She'll never want them herself, unless she can raise them the way she wants to. And, of course, if the father is someone she is interested in, someone that's just like her. Otherwise, she won't allow herself to go near another, much less bear their pups.

Appearance: Ref

While Lyle has the coloration of her biological mother, for the most part, there is no doubt that she is her father's child. Coated in a medium brown, most of Lyle's markings are of an earthy hue. The only thing that stands out is the white mask, shocking against the browns of her fur. A light brown, a few shades lighter than her base coat, starts at the fur just underneath her chin and goes down her throat and undersides, ending near the base of her tail. All four paws are coated in the same color, along with the insides of her legs. The final marking is a much darker brown, creating a sort of saddle marking that starts at her back and stretches down onto her shoulders and hind legs. This marking stops near the base of her tail as well, cutting short just before the lighter brown marking does.

Lyle's eyes are something shocking, to say the least. While the majority of her eye color is a dull green, adding to her earthy look, the ring of color around the pupils is what makes her eyes appear so catching. A ring of pink, the color is bright against her darker colored eyes and they add a sudden pop of color.


06-24-2017, 11:18 PM
And this kid goes to Croation <3 congrats

Remember I'm reserving the right to take the kid back should they fall inactive