
Young and hopeless



4 Years
05-27-2017, 02:01 AM
Set after the meeting

With his return to Talis, Ramsay knew there was a lot to settle with his only remaining brother. There were so many loose ends just hanging about, waiting to be tied up. He didn't know how he was going to go about it, but it couldn't just be ignored. His hard green eyes had glanced to Greed at the meeting, sending him a meaningful look; "come meet me after this". It was obvious that they would have things to speak of. Slinking away at the end of the meeting with thoughts of the impending raid still on his mind, he tried to focus on what he would say to his brother. Nothing came to mind,
and he knew the words would only come when he was face to face with his sibling. And he wass certain from the look Greed had shot him earlier that his brother would have words of his own to share. And if he knew Greed, it wasn't going to be pleasant.

Still, that didn't deter him, and he found a secluded place in the grass to wait for his brother. The brute seated himself, his black-tipped tail folding neatly around his paws. He was ready, or so he thought, as he choked down every feeling of guilt, regret and anger that he had.
All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
06-22-2017, 03:00 AM

He couldn't wait for the meeting to end fast enough. The whole time he sat there practically seething, though he was glad he didn't just up and leave the moment he saw Ramsay there. With news of a potential raid, he told himself he'd use that to vent out any feelings he had instead of doing something stupid and getting in trouble at home. Once the meeting was over though, he spied Ramsay taking off, but not without looking his way. At first, Greed figured he'd ignore his brother for the time being, leave him hanging. But then he figured if he did that, his brother would come looking for him anyway, and Greed didn't feel like running around trying to avoid him. Huffing, he left to find his sibling, though he made sure to appear angry and cold. Then again, didn't he always look like that?

He spotted his brother, blue eyes fixated on Ramsay's form, though his gaze was anything but kind. His gait was stiff, nothing but cold anger on his face. "What the hell did you come back for?" He questioned, words sharp. He knew their sire had failed in his promises, Ash had said as much before she decided to go off on her own adventure. Why didn't Ramsay go with her? Or Vadim? Since their other sibling had disappeared before Ash, he assumed that they had all just up and left, leaving him alone just like their mother had.


Art||Plot with me!

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4 Years
06-22-2017, 03:20 PM
His brother didn't seem to be in any hurry to come meet him,
and Ramsay began to wonder if Greed had taken off, ignoring him on purpose. He wouldn't be overly surprised, but he would certainly be annoyed. He wondered if he should get up and go looking for the brute, but before he could decide what to do, Greed made his appearance. Olive green eyes met with ice cold blue, his brows tensing to form a hardened expression. Ramsay stood to meet his brother, his nervousness dissolved to be replaced with wrath, lip curling on one side as his brother's tone was registered. This wasn't the reunion he'd been hoping for, but then again, what else did he expect? Greed had never been a bundle of joy, and he had always been distant. Still, Ramsay couldn't understand why his brother was so mad at him. What had ever done, other than hope and believe that his family wasn't as crappy as it had turned out to be? "What's your problem?" he snapped back, teeth clacking as he glared at Greed, "I came back because dad's a failure, and everyone else took off! I was looking forward to seeing my only remaining brother, but maybe I was wrong to think that you'd give a shit!"

Ramsay stood rigid, the muscles in his shoulders and haunches tensed, his ebony-dipped tail flashing into the air above his back. He was in no mood to be pummeled by Greed's harsh attitude, and he would have no regrets if he needed to put his brother in his place. He'd done it to Vadim, and he wouldn't hesitate to do it to Greed. In a way he hoped it wouldn't come to that - he hoped that they could settle their differences through words, even if it meant screaming in each other's face. He just wanted to be close to his sibling, for the distance and cold glares to stop so that they didn't have to be so alone in this world. But he definitely wasn't going to take Greed's attitude without pushing back.
All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
06-23-2017, 02:04 AM (This post was last modified: 06-23-2017, 02:05 AM by Greed.)

A guttural growl rose in his throat, lip lifting in a snarl as Ramsay appeared to try and turn the tables. No. He wouldn't be the one at the end of the sword. Ramsay had left, believing their stupid dad would fulfill his promises, but Greed knew better. "No shit he's a failure! He always had been you fucking idiot! You ask me what my problem is!? Take a wild fucking guess!" He barked loudly, not bothering to hide his anger, raw and untamed. His hackles bristled along his back, eyes cold and narrowed as his sight never left his brother. He was ready for a fight, ready to unleash all the pain and hurt and anger he had been holding inside after he felt like everyone had abandoned him. It wasn't something he would ever admit to Ramsay, but the day they left had stung. While he knew he wasn't really close to any of them, he did like Ramsay better than his tubby brother or his annoying weakling of a sister. Then again, he supposed Ramsay was the only one he had really talked to or spent any amount of time with.

He was being consumed by his emotions. And if there was one thing that anyone who knew him could say, was that he never showed any emotion. But today? He tried. Gods above did he try to keep anything but anger hidden away. "And why would you care whether or not I'd give a shit, huh!?"He kept himself cold and hardened, the broody loner kid never really interacting with anyone at home. Instead, he often found himself beyond pack lands picking fights with others and bullying whoever he could find. Though there was no telling whether or not his emotions would drive him to attack his brother today. "Your first mistake was following that liar." He hissed through gritted teeth, "Your second mistake was this." He hissed again, the male taking a step closer as his ears flattened. He had no idea what he was going to do. He felt...numb. As if his mind were just letting his emotions take over. He didn't know what else to feel. How else to feel. Wasn't sure how to handle it. So he just let himself go into autopilot, and whatever happened today, he'd accept it. Even if it meant getting hurt in the process.


Art||Plot with me!

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



4 Years
06-23-2017, 03:04 AM
Ramsay fell silent and remained as such, save for the low growl rumbling in his throat as Greed lashed back at him about their father. There had been a time when he might defend Liar, but that was a thing of the past now. He didn't care what Greed said about their father now; he was more infuriated by the way his brother tried to insult him, causing him to grit his teeth, his muzzle wrinkling and lips pulling back to reveal more of his pearly teeth. "Sorry I didn't have future-reading abilities like you, Greed," he retorted haughtily through clenched jaws, his claws digging into the ground, "Sorry for wanting to believe in my family. And by the way, I can't read your mind, either, so whatever's going on with you, you're just going to have to spit it out!" He wasn't going to play guessing games with his brother. He couldn't understand his brother's point of view, and he would stubbornly hold out for Greed to just say it.

He wouldn't admit it, but he was surprised by the unusual show of intense emotion that Greed was throwing his way. Normally the young man was so quiet, cold and distant, and this was perhaps the most expressive he'd ever seen his brother. Even if it was all anger, it came out with a passion that wasn't typical for Greed. Ramsay knew something was going on in his brother's mind, but he was equally as proud as his brother, and he wasn't about to back down.

"And why would you care whether or not I'd give a shit, huh!?" He heard the question, but he wasn't sure how to respond at first. It seemed so obvious to him. Did Greed really not understand?
He searched for words, hesitating for several moments, before he finally found his voice. "I care because you're my brother!" he blurted out, hoping that his emphasis wouldn't go over Greed's head. Did he get it yet? He cared because this was his sibling, and that sibling was trying his hardest to remain angry and distant, trying to push him away and make this more difficult than it had to be. It stung, and he wondered if his brother could ever be cracked - would there ever be anything but distance and anger between them?

As things continued to get heated, Ramsay began to doubt that he'd get through to his brother at all. Was he just wasting his time? He wasn't sure, and he was beginning to see red as his brother hissed at him, telling him that he'd made mistakes, throwing them in his face, and then making a challenging statement. The hair along the back of his neck and shoulders spiked in a menacing gesture as he matched his brother's step forward, his head lifting and tail curving upward rigidly.
"This?" he questioned in a seething tone, "I don't know if I'd call this a mistake; unless you want to make it into one." He was on edge, furious as his dilated eyes glared at Greed, but he wasn't ready to make the first strike if it came to that. He wanted to see if he could get through to his brother without drawing blood, so his toes clenched, gripping the ground to hold himself in place.
All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
07-07-2017, 05:10 PM (This post was last modified: 07-24-2017, 10:25 PM by Greed.)

"Tch," He scoffed, eyes remained narrowed. What was Ramsay thinking? There was a reason Greed didn't go, and it was the fact he didn't trust Liar one bit about all that bullshit he talked about. "Why do you think I didn't go in the first place! He's just as much a liar as mom was, and in the end they both abandoned us, and then all of you abandoned me!" He was losing it. He didn't want to, but he was. He didn't know what else to do, and he'd be damned if he told Ramsay anything else about how he felt. The insane burning sensation of abandonment he felt time and time again was consuming him, and he was about to crack.

"I care because you're my brother!" His teeth snapped against each other, creating an audible click as he did so. "My brother!? You care because of that!? Don't make me laugh!" His tail lashed, hackles bristling more. He was getting more heated by the second, and he didn't doubt that they'd fight one way or another. "Y'know, sometimes I wish I didn't have a brother! It sure as hell felt that way after you all left anyway!" Oops. He hadn't meant to say that, but it slipped out and there was no taking it back now. Course he wouldn't admit that he preferred Ramsay over Vadim, but Vadim was just a big baby in his eyes. Was he trying to goad Ramsay into a fight? Maybe. Did he want to fight? Kind of. Would he regret it if they did? Who knew. It was all a big pile of emotional shit that he didn't know how to handle.


Art||Plot with me!

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



4 Years
08-06-2017, 02:38 AM
A furious growl was rumbling in his chest, rippling through his throat and passed his grinding jaws. His hackles bristled threateningly, his fangs exposed and furiously aching to dig into flesh. He couldn't stand his brother talking to him like this. Where did he draw the line and just put an end to this? He felt he was seconds away from launching at his only remaining sibling. His posture did not falter - not until Greed said something that struck him deeply. "In the end they both abandoned us, and then all of you abandoned me!" It was a statement that he couldn't ignore, that ripped at his heart in a way that could only be provoked by his family members. He cared for no one else the way he cared for his family. It was the reason he could have never believed that his mother, father and other siblings could have abandoned them, not until it actually happened. Ramsay's stance changed dramatically, his ears flicking back and his gaze casting to the ground, his tail dropping and hackles flattening as though he were deflating. "I'm... sorry.. I.." he stuttered, but he could say no more as his brother's wrath continued.

Ramsay was a prideful man, and he was easily gripped by fury, ego and vengeance. But suddenly he could see his brother's pain with clarity, even hidden behind the wall of venomous words and aggression, and this was no longer about his pride. He suddenly didn't want this to go any further. If it had been over anything else, he would have fought his brother then and there, and he wouldn't think twice about it. The words his brother spoke doused the fire of his anger though, and he felt a desire in him to fix this. But how? Greed didn't believe him, didn't believe that he cared because they were brothers, and the young man still had more to say. All he could do was stand there quietly, his head turned slightly to the side while Greed verbally assaulted him, and now he felt like he deserved it. He couldn't retaliate, didn't want to. "Sometimes I wish I didn't have a brother!" Okay, now that stung. His breath caught for a moment, and when he drew in breath, it came raggedly, emotions he couldn't identify or deal with making his chest feel tight.

He couldn't believe what he heard his brother say to him, and for a moment, anger began to well up within him again. It was mixed feeling, a cold fury, yet he hurt at his core in many ways. Every one of them in this dysfunctional family had been affected. "Stop," he uttered in a low tone, turning his eyes back to his sibling, "This isn't my fault. We shouldn't be fighting like this." He shook his head, his green eyes gleaming with fury and grief. If their damn parents had just been normal, had stepped up and done what they were supposed to, none of this would have happened. How was he, as a pup, supposed to know that he couldn't trust the very ones who had brought him into this fucked up world? "I never would have left if I'd known this would happen," he continued, trying pathetically to explain himself, even though he wasn't sure he deserved the chance to try - would it make any difference anyways?

Back then Ramsay had believed his father, and he had hoped that Greed would see what they would accomplish and come join them. Back then, he'd thought Greed didn't want to be a part of their family, and that he'd chosen to stay in Ivalice because he didn't care about their family. "I didn't know what you knew," he admitted, "I just... none of this should have ever happened. It's mom and dad's fault. They're the ones that deceived us all. They're the ones that abandoned their own family, and ripped us all apart. We shouldn't be turning on each other for all the shit that they caused." His eyes burned as emotion tore through him, all of the shit that had been buried for months that he'd tried to erase through solitude and constant ingestion of intoxicating herbs, was surfacing in a way he didn't know how to manage. Suddenly, he wanted to run away, but at the same time he didn't want to leave Greed without settling this somehow.
All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!