
It's Darkest Before The Hope


06-05-2017, 05:20 PM
The days were getting colder… and the brute grew lonelier with each passing day. He’d last seen an Abaven wolf by the name of Asha, thought her nice, but even her company had gone away after some time. Perhaps it was to be expected… But that didn’t mean it hurt any less. He missed his good friend Bass… missed his beloved wife. Missed hanging out with Bass’ kids and being like an uncle to them. He missed interacting with others in general… and what once was. Getting older was getting hard… and the older gentleman had the feeling he didn’t have too much time left in this world. He was already eleven… his sight beginning to fade and senses dulling…

Allen hardly wanted to die alone and miserable. But right now that seemed like the only possible option for what was to befall him. The brute let out a breathy sigh and rolled onto his side within the small den he’d made for himself out of an abandoned badger set. A bit of extra digging and it had worked well enough… but he still felt the cold chill of the air every time the wind blew, calling out to his lost soul. His ears perked, wondering for a moment if he truly heard pawprints being made within the snow… but… what if his mind was just playing tricks on him?



4 Years
Athena I
06-05-2017, 06:52 PM

Piper trotted through the bare trees at a light jog, her ivory-dipped paws carrying her easily through the snow. She had been pretty bored as of late, especially with the winter making more wolves stay in their dens longer and chasing away a lot of the birds she would watch in her spare time. Today she thought would be a great day to get out of the pack for a while and spend some time exploring. Maybe she could find something to hunt out here so she could bring it back with her. Who knew, maybe she could find someone that would want to spar with her! Anything was game as far as she was concerned.

Really she just wanted to stop laying around and doing nothing. It felt like she had done a lot of that lately and it made her sad. She hadn't seen her father or siblings much lately and she hadn't really gotten super close to anyone else in the pack. She thought about going to see if she could find Jackson's pack and see him again, but it had been so long since they had run into each other on the beach that she almost felt like it would be weird for her to randomly show up. Piper knew that she could just go find her father or one of her siblings and she was sure they would want to spend time with her if she did, but part of her wanted one of them to come find her instead - like they wanted to spend time with her.

She sighed softly at the thought and gave her head a shake. No, she didn't wanna dwell on all that stuff. She was out having an adventure like she would when she was a kid. That's all she needed to think about today.

"Talk" "You" Think


06-19-2017, 03:03 PM

The sound of pawsteps were getting a little louder, Allen noticed, the snow crunching under some creature’s foot more than just his imagination after all. His ears perked, that lonely pang rising in his chest before he forced himself to his paws. Perhaps he’d get lucky and be able to share in some company for a little while. Allen emerged from the den, blinking a couple times at the world of white that filled his vision. But there, not too far away and heading in the general direction of his den was a young woman who bore features that Allen recognized.

He searched his name but her name eluded him. No doubt though that this femme was one of Bass’ children.Allen couldn’t help but smile at this realization… a friendly face. Another Abaven wolf. Well… even if he wasn’t a member of Abaven again at least he could interact with it’s members. With a soft bark he called to the she-wolf, wondering if she’d stop when she heard him or if she might carry on her way?

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Tealah



4 Years
Athena I
06-20-2017, 11:19 PM

Sandpiper paused to sniff along the ground for a scent that might lead her to some prey. However, a bark reached her ears and interrupted her tracking and her head popped up with interest to see who it was. While it wasn't a face she recognized right away, there was something familiar about him and he certainly seemed friendly if nothing else. Well she hadn't really ventured out of Abaven to meet new friends, but she certainly wasn't against it either! She turned toward him with a quick bark in return before she started making her way toward him.

"Hello there!" she said as she got closer, giving the older man a smile while her tail wagged gently behind her. She had never really had a sense of danger around strangers, or around anything really, but something about him made her feel even more at ease than usual. There was still something familiar about him even though she couldn't really put her paw on it. She stopped a couple of feet from him, saying, "I wasn't expecting to find anyone out here, but this is a nice surprise. I'm Sandpiper by the way. I usually go by Piper though. What's your name?"

"Talk" "You" Think