
Plum Tuckered



4 Years
06-06-2017, 12:32 AM

Heavens knew that her legs ached and her body was thinner then it was used to being, but thus was normal in the hands of winters time. It did not, however, stop her body from tiring. Traveling non-stop for months was certainly taking its toll as her homelands was distant from the one that she currently set paws on. With her breath being shaky, she decided it was due time she found a place to rest. Seeing as the sun was finally giving way with the cast of a dark sheet. Stars glinting in the distance and shadows romping about the trees. This place seemed rather expansive, that she would certainly admit and yet, the world still felt a little small.

Being completely alone was an alien concept altogether. Especially for someone who had been hawkeyed their entire life. Aldegund couldn't put a direct name to the feeling and honestly, gave up trying to. Lowering her muzzle to the ground her shoulders rose as they hunched over. Her gate hazy as she walked about with little interest in her surroundings. Mentally, she was not stretched and physically she was just drained. Her mind being full of thoughts, but everything else empty, it was proving to be a hard adjustment. Coming to a shallow ditch under the roots of a plum tree, she brought herself to dig away the snow that was nesting itself there before she circled tightly and dropped.

Heavily letting a sigh rush past her nostrils and as she laid there, she witnessed the sun finally come to rest. Letting the night makes its full appearance. "Bis morgen abend mein freund." (Until morning, night my friend.) Her tone breathy and rather low, knowing it was just a goodbye for her ears only.

Watching in silence "My throat haults" But my actions never falter


06-08-2017, 11:09 AM
Being alone was alright, like, she didn't hate it all that much. It definitely wasn't something she wanted to seek out though. Alone time was boring, she enjoyed chatting with others and just being able to interact and mingle. That's where the fun was in life. Yawning wide, Meissa wandered along at a slow and meandering kind of walk, unsure where she was headed but fine with just enjoying the journey for now. Her colorful eyes lazily drew themselves back and forth, surveying the landscape nearby and falling on- Oh, look, someone to talk to!

Loping through the trees of this wildly overgrown orchard, Meissa weaved and dodged smoothly back and forth, her paws making that satisfying crunch every time they broke the frozen surface layer of snow. Stopping a safe distance back, she called a friendly, "Hello there!" Now she could wait and see what happened.Hopefully the stranger wouldn't be unhappy to have some company.



4 Years
06-23-2017, 01:06 AM

Lids had fallen over her bright hues and a light sleep held her mind down. She was more exhausted then she originally gathered, but that was what was to be expected. Rising and falling slowly, each breath was lazy. Deep with intent to truly let her body get what it needed and as she felt that slow sense of falling, her ears caught pronounced crunching off in the distance. Giving a huff her head groggily rose from the ground and her eyes forced themselves open, against her lashes which stuck together. Grasping as if glued shut.

Blinking to clean her vision she saw a thin formed figure just a little distance off, but something was odd. There was little floppy things on her back. Maybe her vision was just making her see things because she wasn't completely awake. That was probably it, so she would play it off as such. Pulling back her lips, her jaws opened wide in a yawn before she pushed herself up enough to look alert. Giving silence for a few moments she finally gathered that she had been spoken to. Perking her ears forward her voice broke through in a delayed surprise.

"Oh! Excuse my delay." Expressing a small chuckle of embarrassment she shook her skull trying to wake herself up a little more. "Hello dear, what brings your company my way?" Faint as it was, a welcoming smile was chipped in as was the accompaniment of her tail giving a small wiggle in expression.

Watching in silence "My throat halts" But my actions never falter
Warning: Slight cursing on occasion. Also tends to speak German and Greek. (Translation provided)