
We're the ones that made you



3 Years
06-06-2017, 08:30 AM

'The hell are you doing here Bels? Isn't your mommy gonna miss you, not that i really care, but still.' He gave a snort to Cain as he kept moving forward. No matter how much he tried, ignoring the male just wasn't an option at this point. Some time ago he had come to understand that their was other beings inside him, yet he still only really understood Cain at this point, though there was one that above all the other noise seemed to be getting louder and more pronounced as time went on. He was two seasons old and he had decided staying near his mother was becoming boring. Might as well make her worry a little it would provide some kind of amusement at least. "Well im trying to find something for us to do, I mean she isn't really fun right now. Besides I thought you liked it when we did naughty things." He could hear the laugh from Cain as he said that.

He shook his head. Cain was, well Cain. As much as he didn't like the man he was all the friends Bellum had really. A sigh came and he pushed forward enjoying the little bit of peace he was getting. It wouldn't last long with the super talkative Cain. He Stopped as he reached a wall and tilted his head. 'Jump it Bels, I bet you could. No need to turn back or find a way around.' He rolled his eyes. "And risk falling back and hurting my butt? No thank you, we can just find another way around it." He snorted at the thought of even trying. Really what was Cain even thinking? There was a muffled growling sound in his head but he wasn't sure that's what it was since Cain wouldn't growl like that. He lifted a brow at it. Though it was quiet again and he had to think he was just hearing things.

He moved forward again turning his direction to parallel the wall, hoping to find a way over it or around it. After all there had to be something right?

Walk, "Bellum", 'Cain', 'Astaroth', 'Ba'al' Think



6 Years
Extra large

06-06-2017, 09:04 AM (This post was last modified: 03-16-2018, 04:47 PM by Elias.)

The stone foundations littered across the clearing that made up God's Garden were a blessing for the gray wolf. If he sat still against them, not only did they cool him but they camouflaged him nearly perfectly. As if chiseled in stone himself, the statue sat tall with his head held high on his shoulders. His short coat did not hide the definition in his muscles at all, every one of them tight and defined- especially around his chest, shoulders and neck. The fiend always looked as if he was full of tension, ready to lash out; the red of his eyes apparently seething even in the rare moments of Elias' peace.

Now was such a moment.

His lungs greedily pulled in the air in front of him in one gigantic breath, expanding his chest while he took in the scents of the Garden's morning. His eyes whaled almost immediately as one very familiar, although faint, scent snuck it's way into his memories. Visions flashed in his head of the days when him and his siblings fought in the courtyard of their kingdom, the smell of his brother's fur in his nose while his teeth sank into his flesh, yes.. those memories.

A relative had arrived. Not his brother, but not far off from the scent of him.

Immediately, the beast stood up and flagged out his tail- thick limbs moving quickly over the grass while his neck lowered to align with his shoulders. His eyes narrowed, if only due to his focus as he followed the scent the wind carried. He was hunting.

It didn't take long for the goliath to stumble across the pup, thinking to himself that the child was approximately a year old. He was wrong, of course- but Elias wasn't an expert on puppy aging. As he got closer, the smell became more and more obvious.. though intwined with something else.. what was it? Who was it? Aahh...

His heart nearly sank in his chest. How many bastard children did he have? Zuriel was pregnant, and now this woman.. Odette, was it? The one that thought she could best him in a spar? Yes, her. That was undeniably her scent, which made this young man...

"Son." His eyes narrowed once again, deadset on the child in front of him. His head tilted down, keeping his visage directly facing the boy as Elias stood nearly ten feet from him.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!



3 Years
06-06-2017, 10:07 AM

Bellum hadn't made it very far and the approach of another was missed, for the most part. That was until a word fell from the lips of the male. A snarl rose from inside his head as Cain took an immediate dislike to being sneaked up on. The boy was quick to whirl around and face the man, who had called him son. Tri-colored eyes latched onto him immediately. He had given both him and cain a start, as neither had noticed him there. He gave a blink as the word truly registered in his head. What was that supposed to mean? He didn't know this man and his mother had never told him he had a father. He didn't know what this male even meant by the word truly.

This guy had alot of scars, and his eyes looked over each one. Now those are awesome. He could hear the agreement from Cain, and he gave a small snicker at his wordless agreement. Finally something that shut Cain up! So all it took was a few scars and a giant of a man. He doubted it would work again but one could always hope. "Sorry but I think your mistaken sir. Mom never mentioned me having a dad, so I regret to inform you we- I mean I, don't have a dad." He mentally kicked himself as he slipped up and mentioned that there were more than just him here. He had quickly corrected himself though. He wasn't sure what others outside his mother and siblings would think of him being more than one on the inside.

His ears pressed back thinking he had already messed up in meeting this man properly. He was admittedly a little embarrassed about this. 'Hey cant be that bad Bels, besides,
if this guy really is your dad then he would have to learn sooner or later.'
He gave a nod at his mental companion before looking back to the man and giving him a smile. "Names Bellum Ancora. Nice to meet you Mister......" he drew the last word out a little as he looked hoped to get a name from the man.

Walk, "Bellum", 'Cain', 'Astaroth', 'Ba'al' Think



6 Years
Extra large

06-06-2017, 10:58 AM (This post was last modified: 06-06-2017, 11:01 AM by Elias.)

He took in a deep breath as he studied the child, waited for him to turn around fully and speak. The fiend should have expected the boy to deny it, after all... Odette didn't exactly give consent that day. A bit of guilt started sneaking up his spine, but immediately the man lifted his head and remained impervious to the feeling. In his time alone, he had been blessed enough with company that seemed to understand the way minds work better than him. That guilt, that terrible depression that comes from it.. only continues to allow the storm to thrive. He must be strong and focused on what was in front of him.

Elias gave a sigh after a moment of standing there, a tense presence in complete silence for so long. How would he even begin to explain? Giving his son the truth right now just didn't seem like the best route to go by if Elias wanted to keep him close.

"Elias Praetor. Your mother is Odette, and I can see a lot of her features in your own- mainly your body structure and your black markings. Though, I bet.. your eyes are mine." Elias took a few steps forward, shortening the distance by half so that they were just five feet apart now. His rubies narrowed as he studied the eyes of the child before him, curious to see what sort of soul lay within those little windows.

What he found nearly astonished him. One ruby stared back at him so eerily similar to Elias' father that it made him stare, but the second eye was not blind like Dominus, no. It was vibrant, blue.. green even. Elias' lips started to part as his jaw slacked, his square features lifting up as his mind continued to spin.

One red, one blue. Was this child a demon or an angel? A sinner or a saint? Though most might think it is absurd to think eye color can determine intentions, Elias was a firm believer that his bloodline was.. touched.

Then, with an ear flick, Elias recalled the boy slipping up and saying 'we'. Initially, Elias let it pass for a slip up but now.. now he started to wonder. In that same ear, a ghostly whisper seemed to drift into his mind- only for him to hear. 'He is both, Elias. Just like you. Only difference is, you can see it on this one.'

Elias tilted his head, his ears partially laying flat as the words of his deceased father echoed until it faded from his mind. Peacefully, he lowered his massive crown to allow the boy to look into the fallen angel's own eyes. He studied the child, reading how embarrassed and nervous the young man was.

"Earlier.. you said 'we'." He waited, his eyes searching the child's face as he expected some sort of element of fear to stem from something being presented that he was so desperately trying to hide. "You hear them.. don't you?" For Elias, he only ever heard the voices of his deceased family members. His curiosity was soaring, eager to find out if this boy experienced the same.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!



3 Years
06-10-2017, 06:55 AM

He gave him a look like he was baffled at his words after the silence he received. Was he not listening? 'Why the fuck would he listen to your ass? Remember? Not all adults listen.'  and the name he gave for his mom earned him a puzzled look. Who the heck was Odette? His mom's name was Aures. And when he got closer to look at Bellum's eyes bellum put his ears back and his head followed suit. This guy was freaking weird. Really who needed to look at someone's eyes that closely? Sure he had some awesome eyes but no one needed to inspect them that well did they?

Well whatever he could deal. "Sorry mister Elias, but I think you got the wrong kid. My mom's not named Odette. Her names Aures Ancora and like I said before I don't have a dad." that was his story and he was sticking to it. He lifted a leg and scratched at his underside for a brief second until the man said something else.

He all but froze on the spot. What did he mean them? Did he mean he could talk to Cain too? Or those others that seemed to just snarl and say incoherent things? Cuz bellum heard them a lot. Plus Bellumwasn't exactly sure he was supposedto let everyone know that he heard voices. It wasn't like it was normal right? Well cat was out of the bag already so he guessed it was okay besides his mom never seemed to mind his weirdness. "Depends what you mean by them. If your talking about my friend Cain then yeah I hear him plenty, in fact it's hard to get him to leave me alone. But if your talking the mumbles and snarls then yeah I hear those too. Though I'm suppose to ignore them I think, or at least my siblings don't hear them so I guess normal kids don't." he swivels an ear for a second as Cain gave a snort. Apparently Cain didn't much appreciate being spoken about to Elias. Though he wasn't sure if that was because Cain didn't want to make them look any crazier than they already did or if it was because he wanted to be a secret. -His rump met the ground then as he tilted his head and pushed his ears forward. The question was unsaid but curiosity had him. If Elias knew about the voices then did that mean he had others living inside him too? Were they nice like Cain normally was? Could Cain speak to them? The questions went on and on in his head so he stopped them with one simple question. "Who do you hear?"

Walk, "Bellum", 'Cain', 'Astaroth', 'Ba'al' Think



6 Years
Extra large

06-12-2017, 01:13 PM (This post was last modified: 06-12-2017, 01:16 PM by Elias.)

Elias watched the child with incredible interest, though did notice how uncomfortable it made the boy for Elias to be standing so close, staring into his eyes. He must have looked like such a fucking psycho-- oh, wait.

Elias' ears went back partially as he listened, taking a step back from the child though he couldn't help but stand a little taller, a little more proud. This was his child, and although he suffered the same mania as himself (something Elias would never wish upon anyone), it meant that.. Elias was no longer alone. These haunting voices were no longer something only he knew.

Who knew it could be genetic?

Then the question came, and Elias nearly flinched with the expectation that such a question might summon either his father or Katar. His eyes drifted around them, searching every shadow for movement. His father was the epitome of darkness, Dominus was a massive creature.. bigger than any wolf he'd ever seen in his life and blacker than ink. He only had one eye, his other plucked from his skull but it seemed to gift him with an incredible sense of certainty for what lay on the other side.

Elias took a breath before pulling together his thoughts. "I hear those that have fallen in our family. We have a ritual.. for when a loved one dies.. our practices keep them bound with us for eternity. Some of them never truly go quiet." Schizophrenic or not, Elias still believed in these practices whole-heartedly.. though there was something about the look in his eyes as he connected his gaze with Bellum's once again that might have foretold he was still withholding something.

What was interesting, however, was this child's ability to hear voices without completing such a ritual.. who were they? Why did this child have such conflicting eye colors? Whatever it was.. it was interesting enough now that Elias could not simply let the boy walk out of his life. Already, he was struggling with his desires. Could he persuade him, or would he be forced to keep him captive...? No... he.. he wouldn't keep someone against their will. Not again. Would he?

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!


06-17-2017, 01:59 AM

He bounded ahead of his mother, the pair tracking his wandering brother. Mom wasn't happy, he could sense it, and saw it the moment she noticed that Bellum was gone. Legion didn't seem to be around much, and his mom was already frazzled about that. It was hard keeping up, but luckily he had gotten a bit of a head start...if only by a few steps. For every one of hers, he needed two or three. It was fine though, at least they were on a mission together, though he did like the manatee bay as opposed to the that god forsaken maze they were born in.

Your brother is surely in trouble. Your mother isn't very happy... Reinhardt snorted, eyes rolling. "Duh, we're not supposed to wander away by ourselves and he knows that. Not my fault he's an idiot." He whispered half to himself, though his words were directed at the voice in his head. His mother had caught him talking to himself one time, though she assumed it was an imaginary friend. That's what he had come to think it was too. He'd been somewhat distracted when his mother uttered a growl. His ears perked, and before he knew it, she sped past him with her fur bristling and teeth bared. I think she found him.

Reinhardt didn't respond as he pushed forward, trying to keep up with his mom. He barely saw her back end as she raced through the foliage and crashed through the bushes, the young boy having to go around most of them. His chest heaved, paws drumming the ground as he sped along. When he finally caught up, he almost ran head first into her legs. Instead, he skidded so fast that he almost face planted into the ground. Chest heaving, the boy recovered to see his mother snarling and yelling at a strange man to stay away from them. He remained quiet though, tail tucked and ears flat as he watched.

speech , Them



10 Years
06-17-2017, 02:13 AM

She was furious. More than she should be, but still...she had made it clear that she did not want them wandering off on their own, not when she knew the kind of threats that lurked out there. Normally she wouldn't have minded so much, but after that day...she shook her head. No way in Hell would she let something bad happen to her kids. She moved behind Reinhardt, her strides long and quick as she tracked down her son. Bellum had a habit of wandering around, but usually kept in the vicinity. But for him to wander off and away without saying anything was not okay. Bi-colored eyes searched for signs of his whereabouts, though what helped most was her nose and his paw prints. She would find him, and she'd make sure he knew not to do it again. She huffed, wondering what she should do...they couldn't stay loners forever, it wasn't safe. She had to seek out her sister, no matter how embarrassing or shameful her run in with that male had been that led to her conceiving these boys, she had to find Avalon. She missed her sister, and if she still had the pack that Liar had spoken of, then it would be safe for them there.

Her eyes watched Reinhardt every now and then, the boy keeping up better than she expected at this pace. While she loved her boys, she couldn't tell them how they came to be. She didn't want them to think that they were bastard children, or that she'd love them any less because of it. She loved them dearly, and didn't blame them for anything. They were each unique in their own way, even going as far as having imaginary friends it seemed. Her thoughts would quickly pull back to her tracking as a fresh new scent came to her. As soon as she recognized the scent, her hackles bristled and her pace quickened. Teeth bared as she raced to follow Bellum's scent. Reinahrdt followed behind her. She barreled through bushes and foliage, not caring when branches poked and scratched her skin. Her paws drummed upon the ground, ears flattened as she hurried.

There, ahead, she saw him. Flashbacks began to race across her vision, but...she was stronger now. She would fight him to the death if she had to in order to protect her sons. He would not hurt them like he had hurt her! A rabid snarl escaped her maw as she leaped over another bush, landing square between Bellum and Elias. Reinhardt nearly collided with her hind legs, but the boy knew to stay back. Aures' head was lowered, hackles raised, eyes narrowed and ears pinned as her muzzle wrinkled. She had all the ferocity now, unlike last time...her body was stiff, tail flagged out. "You stay away from them!" She snarled, eyes piercing.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


06-24-2017, 02:48 PM

Legion had found himself wandering further and further away from the presence of his family. Of course he knew that returning to them was mandatory, but the world beckoned to him and he obliged. He made sure to never go overly far from his mom, but some times the thought escaped him and he ended up going a little further than he should. They bay had been the perfect place to wander around by himself though and, despite the fact that Aures warned them of danger, he'd never ran into anything overly frightening. There was that one crab that had almost pinched his paw, but he hardly deemed that dangerous - just painful.

He'd been out exploring when Bellum had went off on his own. He'd come back just in time to see that Reinhardt and his mother were gone. He set his nose towards the ground and tracked the only scents he'd known in his brief time alive and trotted after them with determination. It took him a little while to catch up and mud mixed with leaves and small twigs stuck from his thickly furred coat from his previous expedition.

By the time he caught up to the trio he quickly realized that there was an unfamiliar scent mixed in there as well. His eyes scanned over the meeting to realize there was an intruder in their midst. Padding over to Reinhardt and Bellum he stopped at his mother's side as he stared up at the tall man with the many scars. Head tilted to the side in curiosity as he tried to discern what was going on. His gaze then moved to Aures as she stood defensively with an angry expression on her face. Did that mean he should be angry too? Eyes went back to the stranger once more as he tried to size him up. He'd sit back and wait a few minutes before he decided anything.




6 Years
Extra large

07-15-2017, 10:55 PM (This post was last modified: 07-15-2017, 10:59 PM by Elias.)

When the child's less-than-pleased mother and two other siblings piled in, Elias immediately felt his blood pressure begin to rise as his muscles tensed beneath his short coat, causing them to prickle his fur slightly above his shoulders. It was reactionary, as the circumstance became immediately uncomfortable. He did not blame Odette in the slightest for being so upset, but it frustrated him how little he could do to properly correct his actions.

He knew no apology would ever be strong enough to take away the damage his actions had caused them, he'd already lost so many that once loved him-- Odette had been a stranger. She did not know him prior and had no idea of his nature, of his history, of the way his mind worked; and Elias did not expect her to care, either. There was an internal longing for a different circumstance to have occurred, some way for him to explain himself and guarantee it would not happen again.. but, there was no guarantee.

This understanding left him in an awkward situation, staring at the faces of who he assumed to be three of his children.. only one of them having even a hint of a clue on who he was. His eyes flashed from them to the eyes of Odette, his expression calm and emotionless. He took one respectful step back, away from Odette and their children. He felt choked for words, standing there with an awkward posture- his haunches lower to the ground from scooting back and the forelimb below the scars on his chest raised just slightly.

"Odette, I am so sorry. Let me explain. I am not who you think I am, and there are things you need to know.. about what lies in their blood. I never meant to..." He had almost went into details until he remembered the young ears listening, causing his own to fold downward as he decided not to complete his sentence. "Let me talk to you. Please. I know you do not owe me anything, but I am begging you.. for their sake. There are things you need to know."

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!



10 Years
07-21-2017, 02:00 AM (This post was last modified: 07-21-2017, 02:00 AM by Aures.)

She watched the man intensely, watching every movement he made right down to the prickle of his fur. Her own tail lashed, lips snarling as she prepared to fight and defend her children should she have to. It seemed though, that maybe he didn't want to fight this time around. Shame...she sort of wanted to rip into him and hurt him the way he had hurt her, but she'd refrain from doing so as long as her boys were present. She watched Elias shuffle back until he was nearly upon the ground, though even with that, Aures didn't move from her defensive position.

"Odette, I am so sorry. Let me explain. I am not who you think I am, and there are things you need to know.. about what lies in their blood. I never meant to..." Her lip curled further, fur bristling even more when he spoke her old name. "My name is Aures!" She growled, bi-colored eyes boring into his. She wouldn't dare tell him that he was the reason she changed her name. That Odette was dead because of him. That he had taken away what she had valued most. As a result of it all, she had to change her identity in the hopes of forgetting what had happened, but alas the wounds were still fresh and she couldn't possibly forget now. Every time she saw her children she remembered. But she would never blame them, no. It wasn't their fault, it was his.

Her eyes narrowed dangerously when Elias began to plead to her, and while part of her felt like maybe he was being sincere, the other part told her he was probably lying. He was doing the exact same thing he did when they had first encountered each other, and she wasn't falling for it again. "You beg to me, but why should I care? You took from me what I valued, and I paid a heavy price." She knew her children wouldn't understand this, and she was going to make sure they didn't know. Not yet, at least. "You are nothing. To me, or to them."



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



6 Years
Extra large

07-25-2017, 01:12 PM (This post was last modified: 07-25-2017, 01:12 PM by Elias.)

He could not stand the way she growled at him, how she barked her new name back at him. Though she left it unsaid, something told him he was the reason.. especially with how the correction flew out of her mouth faster than lightning could strike. He stared at the storm brewing behind her eyes as she yelled at him, again.

His adrenaline was soaring, his anxiety climbing as his crimson eyes widened. He was internally begging himself not to lose control while visions of himself ripping into the flesh of her snarled up muzzle played in his mind. He could almost taste her blood again, his tongue dancing behind his incredibly clenched teeth while he gathered every last shred of self control he could. He would not give in to his darker desires. He had given in too often, he had created a monster. Denying the impulsive urge to just lunge at her was his main focus.

He stood there for some time, his ears flicking as he awaited the voice of their children. When nothing but silence met him, it made it a little easier for him to relax.. though, he was undoubtedly an awkward sight to see. His broad crown lifted slightly as he hissed a reply, trying his best to keep his lips relaxed and nonthreatening.. but it was quite obvious he was fighting with his temper. "They are cursed, Aures. They are bound to the same demons that haunt me through the blood we share." He was no longer even looking at her, but through her as he focused on thoughts of Zuriel and her gentle mannerisms. If she was here, there was no way he could do what he was thinking about doing.. and it was for her that he was trying so hard to hold himself together. He swallowed hard several times as he tried his best to void the aggressive tone from his vocals, "Watch them, and do not ignore the signs. Do not let them do the same evils I have done."

He did not dare to move, he simply held his ground and kept his head held strong. His fragile psyche would break if he tried to leave now and she struck, he knew it. He simply waited for her to decide what she would do.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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