
God's out for love



3 Years
Dire wolf
06-07-2017, 04:27 AM
So I have two characters that basically believe themselves gods, Skia and Anueris. I am looking for charries to give them litters and such.

Skia Abraxas: ok so she will be the hardest to find males for. She is part of the Abraxas clan and any child born from her will be only Abraxas due to her belief that only the abraxas name may exist in her lineage. She will likely seduce whatever male and if the male should try to take her anywhere or away from the Abraxas clan then they will likely become angry at said male, likewise she would likely try to kill them. She will look for wolves of the dire heights first, maybe idly colored wolves such as the Aeris line, or wolves with strange mutations like Anueris or Chaos. She will have one litter a year likely starting spring and going until she cannot conceive anymore. She will be a very harsh mother that does not take even one slip up forgiven.

Anueris Kebetchet: ok so Anueris is easier-ish. He believes himself a god and will want many brides(preferably 4) that will stay with him faithfully. He is of a mindset where women should obey everything they are told from their superiors and husbands unquestionably. He will look for girls with a tendency to be submissive, and strange features, such as his own horns. He will want to ensure every babe is legit his and takes his name, though if he ends up with someone like an Abraxas he would gladly allow a hyphenated name. All his children will be loved though should they be something he does not want in his bloodlines will gladly cull them. He will even take a male if he likes them enough so it open for all here. These will likely if Anueris gets along with the Abraxas clan be raised around them.

So go ahead and sign up below. I will likely not keep but one pup from the first litter of each so adopts will be a thing. If you have ideas feel free to post with them I'm open to plotting just about anything.