
When the kid you knew is dead


06-12-2017, 06:35 AM
He moved silently as the sun barely touched the horizon. The early morning hours were cold and he could feel it with every breath, the fire of cold air on his lungs. His exhales came with clouds of heat. His eye cut into the land as if by just looking at it he could set it ablaze. It was better than being where he had been though he had to admit. Every scar marked him a wanted man, a murder. He gave no fucks about such a thing though. He had been forced to conform and his captor payed dearly for it. His blood had joined that of the others with a flourish that only a Hellstrom could provide. His punishment for caging the once soft Draven had been excruciating for him, though Rikeros had enjoyed every last moment of it. 

As he came to a slowed stop he lifted his head and surveyed his surroundings. Everything was familiar here, the scents new but also old. The scarred man planted himself firmly as a snarling yell fell from his lungs. "SIN HELLSTROM COME MEET YOUR END BY THE FANGS OF THE ONE YOU FORGOT YOU FUCKING COWARD!" He was calling for blood, and not just any blood. Only that of his father would do for the brute. He would rip the life from the man and take his pack one way or another. Hellstrom would be his and nothing any of his brothers or sisters did would stop the man. He would kill them all if he had to. Today he would add the bones of Sin to the boneyard. His mouth was peeled with a snarl that spoke of every ounce of pain and anger he had because of the man. His eye watched for signs of his estranged father. If Sin did not come he would challenge every Hellstrom until he drew the man out, though he doubted he would since Sin cared only for himself, why else would he have allowed Draven Hellstrom to be stolen away and kept like some mans personal punching bag for so long. There was only one reason and it started with that stupid pack of his.

Ooc: just a note, Ganta and them would only know him as Draven, as he changed his name when he was stolen.



4 Years
06-14-2017, 01:09 PM

Ganta had started back towards the battlefield in hopes of not sharpening his skills, but in recruiting members for Dragoste. What he wasn’t expecting, however, was to hear a shout to the heavens, a challenge call for his father… a man who was long dead. But stranger still than that was the fact that he sort of knew this voice, though it was a belonged to a phantom at the same time. Much like when Ganta last ran into Shiro he hadn’t expected to hear one of his other siblings… someone other than Forsaken and Enigma. A pang pulled in his heart… could it really be? Sure the brute hadn’t been a littermate… but he was still family, right?

Ganta padded closer, and sure enough it was Draven… his brother from the litter of the other woman… a half-brother… but a sibling none the less. Ganta stood there for a moment, at Draven’s back, unsure of what to say. His brother had went missing along the same time Shiro did… The Hellstrom siege… when all was chaos and hell was coming down. Ganta sighed, finally speaking up to call to the other.

“No use calling for the dead, Draven. Sin Hellstrom is long gone.” The brute shifted uneasily. There was something off… but he couldn’t place it yet. Please, he thought to himself… please let this sibling be normal…

"Talk" "You" Think

I'm here without you...


06-14-2017, 01:58 PM

The voice he heard had him spinning to face his brother. His one good eye narrowed. It wasn't a littermates but it was the funky looking brother with the mop top. His eye glanced the brother over, looking for his scars and memorizing the new adult look of one of his brothers. He saw no scars and his emptied eye socket lifted a brow to him. His own scars were old, earned as a child, the eye gone long ago. "Haven't heard that name for almost three years Ganta. Three very long years. But of course you wouldn't care about that now would you? You and the others all received his love while I was forced to fight day in and day out. Beat into being the obedient punching bag of a sick fuck. And where were you? Where was father?" his words left him with a snarl. His tail Started lashing. If sin was dead then these jack assess deserved nothing from him. Paradox, forsaken and Enigma, those three would earn his rage next then. They left him to die, didn't even care to find out where he was, who had taken him. "Everyone for themselves in this family right?... Hellstrom will rise under my name Ganta, this family will be great under my rule, the name of Rikeros Hellstrom will be both feared and respected. Will you stand with me? Or do I have to cut you down?" He was Hellstrom and he was proud to be the ferocity that that namesake meant.

Walk, "Talk", Think



4 Years
06-16-2017, 12:01 PM

Of course this couldn’t be a happy reunion Ganta thought bitterly as his brother spoke. But still, Ganta couldn’t help but snort. “The only children Sin ever loved was Enigma, Forsaken, and Paradox. Surely you’ve realized that yourself.” His tone was hard. “Like you I was a child back then, during the Hellstrom siege. I could do nothing for you, nor my own littermate, as you were swept away. As I grew what was I to do? Father was taken out, mother ended up committing suicide… and I was alone before long myself.” His heart hurt. Why was he trying to justify himself to Draven? Ganta looked away the other brute.

“By the time I was old enough to help anyone I wouldn’t have even known where to look. I’m… I’m sorry for what happened to you. To Shiro. You’ve both clearly been hurt, and hurt bad but…” Ganta shifted his gaze back towards Draven with a narrowed gaze. “Things have always been that way since we were little. There was no true love… It’s lucky enough that Enigma took pity on Obscoro when we were all scattered.” His lips twisted into a slight snarl at the mention of Hellstrom rising again.

“…and to raise Hellstrom after father abandoned you, abandoned his younger litters, are you daft!?” Spittle flew from the young man’s mouth as he practically screamed the words. “That’s insanity. Why follow his path? Why not carve out your own name, your own path? A path of glory for Rikeros alone?” What was he doing? Would his brother even listen? No… he was sure like Enigma there’d be no reasoning. They were all too far gone… twisted child of Sin til the end.

“I… I will not stand with you.” Ganta’s ears laid back flat against his head, fangs bared. “I’ve my own hopes and dreams… and murder and pillaging are not among them. Go seek someone else for those twisted plans, if you’re so hellbent on making a pack of the damned.” His words grew angrier, hotter with each sentence. He didn’t doubt his brother was going to be yet another enemy… and little did he know, that while he spoke to Rikeros, Roza might be in danger herself…

"Talk" "You" Think

I'm here without you...