
So much more than I can carry



8 Years
Athena I
06-12-2017, 01:33 PM

Abbey frantically fluttered around Ganta, urging him on and begging him to move faster. "Come on! Come on! She's this way!" She kept flying ahead of him to check how much farther they were from where Roza was lying. It had only been maybe ten minutes or so since she found her friend covered in blood, but it felt like ages. She was just glad that she had been able to find Ganta without too much trouble. If she hadn't found him as soon as she had she would have gone to Fiori to get Leo or one of Roza's siblings. She flew down to land next to Roza's head chirping and bouncing threw the snow worriedly.

Through the fog of unconsciousness, Roza heard Abbey's chirps and Roza's eyelids fluttered. Everything hurt. And she was so cold. She drew in a shallow breath and forced her eyelids open enough to see Abbey right in front of her nose. The world looked sideways and it took her a moment to realize she was laying down. Why did her face hurt so much? Oh, right. She slowly lifted her head from the snow and looked down at the ground around her and saw red-hued snow. She looked at her normally snowy white shoulder and saw red. She turned her head, slowly, everything was slowly, and looked to see Ganta running toward her. "Ganta..." she breathed and let her head ease back onto the ground, but she kept her eyes open to watch him.

"Roza" "Abbey" Think



4 Years
06-12-2017, 06:55 PM

Ganta felt sick… sick and angry. Something had happened to Roza… Gods something had happened to Roza! His claws tore up the soul as he ran, face bearing a look of thunder as he charged after Abbey. Whomever did this… was going to face his full wrath. As much as Ganta didn’t want to admit it rage boiled beneath his skin, made him want to tear flesh… was this what it was like to be protective over someone you loved? The feeling to strip whomever hurt them of everything? But it was worse… because Ganta had a fear in the back of his mind about whom had hurt his beloved Roza… and that made his stomach churn in all sorts of nasty ways.

The scent on her coat, he noticed, was not what he was expecting however. He saw blood on her face, on the ground, and a snarl unlike anything that ever passed his lips before escaped Ganta’s maw. He came to a stop beside Roza, panting, but the look in his eyes promised one thing; there would be hell to pay. He could barely speak right now, shaking with his rage and frustration before lowering down before Roza. His eyes, though angry, also mixed with pain, with sorrow, for not being there to protect her.

When he finally managed to calm enough to speak he uttered but two words to her, so soft one might have mistaken them for the wind if they were not listening carefully. “I’m sorry.” He could barely hold her gaze, ashamed of himself. Leo was going to tear him a new one too… but not before he got whomever did this. He took a slow, steadying breath and raised his head to inspect the would, giving it a gentle lick between her brow points to try and begin cleaning it. He was no expert healer… but he knew that a wound needed to be clean before medicine could be applied. There was another reason he kept quiet too… His nostrils flared, breathing in the scent upon her coat. It was here that Ganta paused, drawing back with confusion.

Forsaken… not Enigma… but… how? Why? His ears flicked back and a whimper left his throat, silvery-white orbs desperately looking for hers. That wasn’t even the brother he tried to warn her about… just how many of his family members were hellbent on destruction, and destroying the ones he loved?

"Talk" "You" Think



8 Years
Athena I
06-12-2017, 07:19 PM

There was a distinct relief that washed over her when she saw Ganta's striped legs stop in front of her. He was here. She didn't try to lift her head just yet. She was too tired. It wasn't until he eased down onto the ground in front of her that she lifted her head a bit so that her gaze could meet his. She didn't quite register all of the emotions that were swirling in his silvery eyes. The only thing that really cut through the sharp pain that had engulfed her whole face was the relief she had from being with him again. He apologized and she whined softly, giving a slight shake of her head. No, she didn't want him to be sorry. It wasn't his fault. None of it was his fault.

She closed her eyes while he began to clean the wound between her eyes, the stinging pain flaring up again at the touch. Roza wouldn't flinch though. This was nothing compared to the actual bite itself. The memories started slowly filtering back into her head as she shifted to prop herself up on her elbow and she really began catching her breath. She still didn't trust herself to stand up just yet, but she was feeling a bit more coherent as the minutes passed. That man's eyes were burned into her memory. That hatred and sinister anger that brewed in the golden-hued eyes was chilling and haunting. The sight of his teeth reaching for her face was going to haunt her nightmares. "What's his name?" she asked quietly, her voice hoarse with emotion. Her eyes opened enough to meet Ganta's again as she spoke. She was sure by now that he would have smelled his brother's scent on her. She wanted to know who it was that had done this to her.

As they laid there in the snow she felt Abbey hop closer and press into her non-bloodied shoulder and Roza glanced down at her companion. She smiled slightly even though the movement made her left cheek burn. "Thank you," she told the cardinal. She couldn't imagine what would have happened to her if Abbey hadn't been around to find Ganta for her. Her little mothering bird had done it again. Mothering... Her eyes flew open as the memory hit her and her head whipped back to face Ganta again. The sudden movement made her head swim a bit, but she didn't care. "He... He said... I think I'm..." Her ears flicked back with uncertainty. What if Forsaken had been lying? But he couldn't have been could he? She had all the symptoms. "He said I'm pregnant," she said in a whisper, searching Ganta's gaze as she admitted the fact aloud.

Talk Abbey Others



4 Years
06-13-2017, 02:55 PM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2017, 02:57 PM by Ganta.)

Ganta watched every movement Roza made, almost like a mother hen at this point ready to sit on her nest of chicks to make sure they all stayed safe. When she asked what the name of his brother had been Ganta paused, stiffening. He sighed, knowing that he couldn’t keep the information from Roza… but it still felt a heavy burden to bear. “The one you met was Forsaken.” His brother’s name was less than pleasant, and a fitting name for the bastard child that he was. Ganta gave a low growl. “…and you can be sure he’s going to pay for this.” Revenge wasn’t always right… but Ganta didn’t see it as revenge. He saw it as justice for those who couldn’t bring it to themselves. Roza… he never should have left her side. Never allowed her to get hurt.

But all that vanished the moment Roza told him the news Forsaken had shared with her. He looked, alarmed at first, getting to his paws to quickly check her over for further wounds. But no, the only blood was coming from her face… and thank god. Ganta shuddered, breathing out a sigh of relief. He came back before Roza again, wearing the widest grin he had ever worn. “I doubt he was lying.” The young man said, his voice bubbling over with excitement. “…but… really? Us? Parents already?” Though he was questioning the fact there was no hiding the absolute joy in his eyes, the pride he felt having Roza as a mate.

“Gods…” He gave her a gentle lick on the nose. “For now we’re going to Fiori. I want a more experienced healer to look you over… and once I’m sure you’re safe I’ll make my way to the Weeping Woods… That is where we’ll be founded… where our little ones will be raised.” Ganta paused again, feeling that flurry of mixed emotions in his heart. He’d make a safe place for Roza, for their children… and Gods help ‘saken when Ganta got a hold of him. There would be no mercy.

"Talk" "You" Think

I'm here without you...



8 Years
Athena I
06-13-2017, 04:02 PM
Forsaken. That name would be burned into her memories for as long as she lived. She had no doubt that Ganta meant what he said when he promised to make Forsaken pay for what he did, but it worried her a bit too. She trusted Ganta's abilities to protect himself, and her, but she didn't want him to get hurt on her behalf. She knew there was no talking him out of it though. She simply nodded and hoped that if Ganta ever went after Forsaken that he would be careful and come home in one piece. Although, wasn't that the hope she had always no matter who the opponent was?

She was a tad startled when her mate hopped to his paws and started checking every inch of her till he was satisfied that her only wound was the gash across her face. Abbey even fluttered up and came to rest on Roza's side to see what was going on. It made her smile slightly at the silly, over protective gesture. Even though she had been positive that Ganta would be happy at the news, it still made her relieved to see the grin on his face and the joy in his eyes. Her tail thumped lightly against the ground. They were going to be parents! She hadn't imagined that this would happen so soon in their lives, but she was happy. She glanced toward her stomach where their future children were supposedly growing and for a moment she didn't care that she was still a bloody mess with an open wound across the left side of her face. They were going to be a family.

She didn't look back up to Ganta again until she heard him mention going to Fiori. Her ears flicked back and she gave a little shake of her head. She knew Ganta had good intentions and it was certainly the easiest and closest place to go, but... "I don't want my dad to see me like this." More importantly, she didn't want her father to see her bloody and worn down standing next to Ganta who had promised to protect her. She would rather explain how she had gotten a scar after the fact when she had the energy to talk him down. She wanted to announce that she was pregnant to her family on happier terms. Not like this. "Some of my extended family has packs in the west... Maybe we can go there? I've never personally met them, but I'm sure they'd help." Truth be told she didn't really want to walk that far, but it was the best alternative she could think of.