
All this way



9 Years
Athena I
06-18-2017, 10:45 PM

After the intruder from Crew had crossed into his lands Leo had been a bit on edge. He didn't particularly want to go to the pack's borders on his own, but a little scouting wouldn't hurt. However, he didn't find what he thought he would when he got closer to where he believed the pack to be. He had found remnants of what had once been pack borders, but the markings were stale and he didn't see anyone around. He frowned and looked around for quite a while to make sure his findings were correct, but it seemed that it was really the case. He wanted to say that he was surprised, but running a pack took much more discipline than the had originally sensed from their leader when he came to visit.

With that weight momentarily off of his shoulders he turned around to head back toward home and curved his path a bit to follow the edge of Abaven's borders. He wouldn't stop and bother Bass today, but with this other pack now being no more it made him curious about the other packs and their well being. The markers seemed strong though as he grew closer to his acquaintance's pack so he had nothing to worry about there it seemed. He smiled for a moment and let his gaze drift over the odd rock formations that were scattered about in this place. This section of the east had always interested him and he always enjoyed looking at it, but he could never imagine living here. He loved the trees of the mangroves and the sound of the water from the falls too much.

"Talk" "You" Think