
Something On The Wind


07-25-2014, 05:44 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
The small healer was thinking a lot lately. Things that were said at the meeting worried her... Especially for her children. They were laying down, night having descended upon the world, but Ellis was awake, the worry gnawing at her mind. She found herself back in Fern Gulley, absentmindedly checking for plants. Any that grew there, well, she was sure between herself and Orchid they had more than enough of them. But it was moreso something routine to keep her mind sane.

The small woman would come to a stop, realizing she stood outside of the tree where she had given birth to her son and daughter. Such beautiful children they were, growing stronger with each passing day. Tyrion didn?t let his blindness handicap him... Though perhaps that made Ellis worry even more. She was still pondering what she might be able to teach him, to bring some form of usefulness to their pack. The path of a healer was upon her mind... They had strong scents often times, and so even without his sight he?d be able to identify them.

Heaving a sigh Ellis would sit, raising her eyes to the sky. Something bad was coming, wasn?t it? Would her children be in danger? Would she lose them? Would they lose her...?

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.