
For blood and for worth



6 Years
Extra large
06-23-2017, 11:41 PM (This post was last modified: 06-24-2017, 08:19 AM by Alis. Edit Reason: added last bit )
the byquist saga
eyeless girl - open
deaf girl - open

okay, guys. i loved how big the viking legend got after i planted the seed (yes, it's me) but my boy was too old to bring back. so i thought, hey - why not start up a new? because i'm insane. i'm not looking for a whole family this time, that would be /too/ much. nope, just two other girls. the image above would be my girl, and yes, she is crazy. also yes, they will be very much twisted. triple yes, two (one for adopt and one is my girl) are eyeless.

i'm too lazy and not creative enough to make two more lines for the two girls. so just kinda swing off of what mine looks like. i've colored this, tho, so if you want you could use it and make something up for the body xD ALRIGHT SO their last name is byquist, which is scandinavian and they speak a mix of old norse, german, and scandinavian. but they can speak the common tongue, too. my girl's name will be svala torhild byquist. not sure of the meanings tbh i just liked the names and threw them together lol. they'll be around four and every bit of zealots to the nordic gods. are they related to the finnvi's? no, but they have heard of their story from when the boys were younger. they are very loosely based off of the three fates from hercules, but only in that they are eyeless and depend on an eye to see.

the personalities of them are completely up to you, but i ask that you at least read their history and determine it based on how each acted throughout their lives. i want to press that they do not have to be aggressive hags; just "crazy" in some way. ie, svala is going to be a grumpy witch of a woman who whispers to the gods and allows the trees to "speak" for them. they've had a hard life, which has impacted their lives greatly, so keep those events in mind. i do ask, however, that they don't have any kind of voice-related personality disorder (like schizophrenia). you could try and i might like it, but there's a big chance i won't.

alright so before i dive into their past let me say this, you will have to be active. if you aren't, i reserve the right to readopt the character. the personality and appearance, if made by you, will be yours to keep but the character's identity and history will be taken back. all relationships made with the character will be kept as well. THIS FAMILY DOES NOT LEAVE ARDENT BY ANYONE BUT MYSELF. if you adopt one of these girls, you are accepting these terms. <3 oh also sin and dragon, loves i know you were interested in these girls but i want this to be an opportunity for me to get to know and/or have some in-depth plots with others, and i already have alis with you two <33

this adoption will be open for a week and a half (7/5/17), as i haven't gotten to make svala yet because i'm seeing if there will be any interest :3

also adding this because i don't feel like trying to find a place to put this in that mess up there. these girls rely heavily on the deaf sister. it will be rare instances that they are not found together, because two of them can't see without the third's eyes. so third & fourth wheeling on everything xD

year 0
The Byquist line goes way back, to the very first signs of the viking culture. For generations upon generations, they have fought tooth and nail for what they've wanted and for what they have. As such, they are a very proud and a very entitled bloodline. They do not believe in fear. For a small bit of time, they were even neighbors with the ancestors of the Finnvi. They are roamers, however, and do not stay in one place for too long - though they would often stay in areas they have previously resided.

A litter of three was born on a harsh winter's eve some 4 years ago, conceived from Alvilda and Fritjof Byquist. The birthing was fairly easy; as much as any labor can be, though the night was a terrible one. The small pack hunkered down in the den beneath a fallen log, and prayed to the gods that the hog they'd slaughtered and bled for them made sure the children be safe until morn.

the early years
From the beginning, it was clear one pup was a tad more needing than the others. She appeared to have no use of her ears and though she could move them, she would not respond to her mother's voice. Despite this oddity, she fought and played just as hard as the other two. Maybe harder. There was no doubt that she would be a strong-headed woman, bent to prove her worth. But the other two.. they seemed to look down on her.

With age, the rivalries only grew harsher. It wasn't until they were two that the pack's seer approached their mother in private. "I had a dream, Alvilda.. The gods.. They want to teach them a lesson." No! The gods can be harsh; I will not allow it! "Will you defy the gods, Alvilda? Knowing how harsh they can be? They will eat you alive! Would you truly turn your back on them?" Much to her horror and dismay, the three girls were escorted to a pack sacrifice. The seer bathed them in the blood of the deer, whispering blessings to them. Then without warning, the pack ascended down upon them; piling on the two girls and holding them captive. "The gods have spoken to me, children. You have been too bitter and cruel to your sister. To teach you a lesson, the gods have decided that I must remove your eyes. Your sister will be your eyes, for as long as you live, and you will be her ears. You will rely on each other for all of eternity. The gods are harsh, but just." The seer tore into their eyes, ripping them from their sockets. Their mother had to hold the sister down. When it was over, all three had crumbled to the floor. The two eyeless together, cringing away from the deaf.

For three days they did not move. The seer returned in secret and stared for a long while. Finally she spoke, "That was not all the gods had wanted me to pass on. I could not say the rest with your mother around, she would not have stayed true to them had I. The three of you must leave. Do not seek us out again, children. The gods have other plans for you." And with that she left.

year iii to present
The gods' lesson ultimately brought the girls further apart from their sister, bringing jealousy and casting guilt. But the seer was right; they needed her as well as she needed them. For a year they stayed mostly put, healing their wounds and bickering. It wasn't until two months after their birth month that the eyeless sister suggested they travel elsewhere; there was nothing for them here other than bad memories and painful longing for family.

On their journey to the present, the three sisters came over many obstacles. But the hardest of all came about during a chilly autumn morning. Suddenly the girls were surrounded by a band of rogue males, hungry for women to violate. The girls, never having been in any sparring since their injuries, relied heavily on the deaf sister. They worked together like the hound of hades; sides pressed against each other while the heads were coordinated by the single set of eyes. It was a glorious sight to behold, and though they did not stand unscathed, they were victorious. The men fled, and the sisters allowed their hatred to soothe if not but for a moment.

A few more months passed, and slowly the girls are beginning to tolerate each other. They've arrived in Ardent, and while they had initially been hell-bent on parting ways, they find it hard to leave one another. Feeling the air of the alien land, Svala leaned into her sister. "Perhaps the gods really do have a plan for us yet."

table by robber, lineart by LunAdopts

editing this because i realize that i didn't say what you should post with.. all i need is a name and personality, appearance would be a bonus tho to help me visualize the character. personality should include how they feel about the journeys the sisters have gone through and also how they feel about each other. thanks babes <3
table by robber



4 Years
06-24-2017, 01:01 AM
Will be applying for this once I get off work tomorrow!
Warning: Slight cursing on occasion. Also tends to speak German and Greek. (Translation provided)



6 Years
Extra large

06-24-2017, 05:32 AM
Aw... :c Well I will be stalking your threads. Good luck adopting. ♡ Can't wait to read.

(I could have played an awesome viking, jssss.)

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!



6 Years
Extra large
06-24-2017, 01:56 PM
Just to tempt anyone, this is what they could possibly look like



4 Years
06-24-2017, 02:18 PM (This post was last modified: 06-24-2017, 06:42 PM by Aldegund.)
Applying For: Deaf sister

Name: Verdandi (becoming/happening -after goddess of fate-) Heidrun (bright/light secret) Byquist

Body: Close to that of her sisters, her build is sturdy with somewhat slim legs. Being on the longer side with a slim mid section and aerodynamic barreled chest. She's more so built for stamina and travel than that of battle, but if pushed to do so her body can hold the brunt of a collision. As it has done so many times before. At the shoulder she is 29" and thus it adds to her little guise of being petite, though she is average in size altogether with a good 65-70lbs clinging to her skeleton. Her pelt is a little short, but certainly still thick and taken care of when she sees fit. Knowing full well that first impressions could mean the intent of another walking all over you. As such the woman is a bit of a plain Jane with her color pallet. Sporting smoky grey, a muddy clay brown and various shades of white. Her base color is the grey, smeared solid on her back down her legs, cloaking the top of her tail and coming to halt at the base of her skull behind her head. Her dusty clay coloration comes peaking in on her stomach. Coating her entire underbelly and underside of her tail, as it wraps around her breast to create a broken collar around her throat. Verdandi also has her muzzle dipped in this same shade along with her ears. The splashes of white are given in a playful bought. Painting her toe tips, tail tip and creating a mask that makes her look like the attendee of an masquerade. Peering through the white is pools of faded sky blues. Clear as day, but always vibrant and alert with the wonders of the world.

Alert: Due to her sisters having no sight, she does her best to be their eyes as well and make up for her own disability. Being their eyes as they are her ears, she makes sure to watch for the smallest of changes in her environment and will often stay up a little later than her litter mates in attempts to keep vigilant.
Conflicted: Her relationship with her sisters is conflicted. She loves them, but also holds their past behaviors against them. Feeling guilt for their loss and yet, feels that they had it coming. It's hard to not feel some form of bitterness for them, however, she does well with masking it. Drowning her feelings with doing her best to be their aide. Even if it seems a little over done at times.
Self-Sufficient: Having been deaf from the beginning she had learned to rely on herself enough to be able to protect herself somewhat from her sisters. Verdandi makes sure she can stand on her own, even if one day she is separated from her sisters and left in the world of silence.
Speculative: She does not trust others easily and will wait, watching body language closely. At the first drop of a hat, she will decide whether or not she likes an individual and if it's the latter you'll run into a bit of mischief.
Fates: Believing heavily in fate and the likes, she thinks that helping the future move forward is partially why her sisters and herself were sent away. Now, be it that she brings you misfortune or not is completely up to the vibe she gets from an individual and best believe her sisters will be the first to know what she thinks.
Warning: Slight cursing on occasion. Also tends to speak German and Greek. (Translation provided)