
Young and Old ; New and Bold



4 Years
06-28-2017, 06:21 PM

Ganta was still working out the names for his ranks within his head. The main three ranks, he thought, had to be the most complex. The first two belonged to himself and Roza after all, and the third was going to belong to one of their children. The thought that she was going to bear him a litter had Ganta both excited and nervous… he had to do everything he could for his family to be. Roza, their pups… he’d protect them. Protect the members of Dragoste… but he knew he couldn’t do it all alone. No, each member would need to have their field of expertize. Wolves he could rely on.

That said he’d only reached out to one of the members of his new pack thus far. Inverno, the older male,was another that Ganta wanted to reach out to. He also had to find Caelum again and speak with her too. But for now Ganta was sure that speaking with the male was the right next step. Afterword he’d check on Roza… He’d been stressing over her even more ever since Forsaken had come along and maimed her. It made him feel sick… and he swore, Gods he swore, that Forsaken was going to pay. He was going to do everything in his power to make sure his blood relatives never hurt his true family.

Close to the center of the territory Ganta paused, tilting his head back go give a howl for the older man. He hoped Inverno was in the mood to talk… there was a lot he’d like to ask the man, and Caelum too if she came around and decided to join his pack after all. They both likely had wisdom to share in their older ages. They had the chance to slip into the tier three ranks by rights of simply age but… would they accept?

"Talk" "You" Think

I'm here without you...



10 Years
06-29-2017, 08:36 PM

The older male had dived in, he had went right ahead and joined the pack without a second thought. Though now he was beginning to go over everything within his mind and he wouldn't admit it, but he was confused. He had found himself still missing something, still feeling like he had a hole in him and perhaps that would never go away. It had been a while since he had seen Cealum, so he couldn't remember if he still felt like this the short time he had been with her again. He was thinking that is was because he had lost the love of his life. He was thinking that it may just be that, but there was a nagging thought in his mind that this pack would end up not being his fancy. It had been so long, so long since he had joined a pack that he felt awkward and out of place. The hadn't been ranked at the claiming meeting, and he had no idea who anyone was.

He grunted, shaking out his pelt and attempting to suppress his thoughts. Moving forward the tall lanky male pushed on. He had spent the morning going along the borders of the territory, familiarizing himself with the borders first and then he would work through the whole territory next. If he was going to be living here he would need to be familiar with every inch of the pack territory. He would also need to make himself a more solid den, not the old worn out one he was currently reusing. It would do for a short amount of time as he built his own and actually settled himself in. Part of him was excited that he would no longer be a wondering soul, but it had been so long that the male felt he would be vary rusty being around others.

His movements stopped as the summoning call rang out over the territory, calling for him. Vern tensed, unsure what he was being summoned for. Had he already broken a rule? Forgotten a rule? Perhaps the young couple decided that they didn't want him after all. Groaning lightly he shook himself out again in an attempt to snap him back to reality. Turning the male headed towards the middle of the territory where the call came from. Stretching out his stride the male made effort to get there quickly and for the most part he did. He slowed when he arrived and approached the male with a deep dip of his head, showing his respect for his new alpha.

"You called?" His deep voice was curious wondering what the younger male had called him for.

"Talking" & 'Thinking'
[Image: YhOwDpX.png]



4 Years
07-04-2017, 10:06 AM

...and so the gentleman came, for which Ganta was grateful. He in turn dipped his head to his elder, showing the scarred male respect. “I did indeed.” He rumbled softly, his ghostly gaze lifting to meet the golden hues of the other man. “How are you settling into Dragoste so far? Have you found yourself a nice den?” Ganta shifted a little, feeling a bit of nervousness well up within his gut. Here he was talking with one of the first members of his and Roza’s pack…

“I hope you didn’t find it rude about the abrupt way I ended the initial gathering. Sometimes duties can pull us in another direction.” Ganta offered a gentle smile. “My name is Ganta, by the way. Ganta Lore. Yours is…?” He trailed off, giving the male some time to answer his questions before he’d jump to the questions of ranking and whatnot.

"Talk" "You" Think

I'm here without you...



10 Years
07-19-2017, 09:11 PM

Mentally he was feeling vary relieved to be around others again, though he wasn't the most talkative being in the presence was enough to make him feel better. Though he had been alone so long the mane realized how much he enjoyed the company of others. And most of the members were younger which made him feel younger. He sit down wrapping his tail around his paws looking to the young male. The dipping of the young male's head hadn't gone unnoticed and it made him feel good that the male respected him. Then Ganta began to speak and a soft smile graced Vern's features. It was easy to tell he was a little nervous and Vern could completely understand. He couldn't imagine what it was like to be in Ganta's shoes, but he assumed it was far from easy.

"Right now I have kept the same musty den I was in when you called claim to this land, but soon I will be looking to make a new one. As far as settling I have been doing well, working on getting back into shape now that it's spring." he replied with a nod of his head.

The younger male then began to apologize how the first meeting ended, which hadn't bothered the older male much at all. In fact Vern really hadn't gave it much of a thought with how it ended. He knew from Cealum that running a pack kept a wolf busy and he was sure the male just had things to attend to. He then formally introduced himself and Vern allowed the males full name to roll through his mind a bit, memorizing it.

"No need for apology I understand. I did live in a pack years ago so I know how it can be. My name is Inverno Coure," he replied with a dip of his head.

"Talking" & 'Thinking'
[Image: YhOwDpX.png]



4 Years
08-21-2017, 06:19 PM (This post was last modified: 08-21-2017, 07:30 PM by Ganta.)
Ganta gave a small nod as the male said that he was still in the same den he’d once used before he claimed the land. The younger man hadn’t realized that anyone had been living here… but he was glad that he had decided to stay. His ghostly gaze shown a little brighter as the brute gave his name; Inverno. “It is a pleasure to get to speak with you like that at last, Inverno.” The brute paused for a moment before continuing. “In our ranking system, based on your age, you’d be one of the Tier three ranks. I hope you don’t mind that… It means you’d be helping Roza and myself with some important decisions about Dragoste.” He canted his head to the side. “But the question is do you fancy yourself more of a fighter or hunter? Perhaps a healer?” He needed to know where to place the other wolf… and he certainly didn’t want to assume.

I'm here without you...