
Little Boy King



6 Years
06-30-2017, 01:21 AM

She was on her own again and she was growing increasingly more irritated. Adra's disappearance upset her the most and her wayward daughter was beginning to get on her nerves. The most she'd seen of Aby was at the few family gatherings and at each one she'd managed to push Amon further and further into just ridding the earth of her presence. Her nose wrinkled in annoyance at that. As much as she disliked how hard Aby was making her life she couldn't figure whose disappearance irked her more. Adra's or Aby's? Adra's definitely. Her sibling knew how to behave himself. While Ana was making her own life difficult at least she knew she was around. Adra had just practically vanished off the face of the planet.

She supposed she could have stayed with Kaine when he went to visit the family, but Ana was more of a free spirit. As much as she adored her family, she couldn't be bothered to stick around for very long. There were many things to explore and it felt stagnant when she was around them, even with both litters to look over. Prya's litter were old enough to at least babysit now and were weaned, but still Ana wanted to be elsewhere. Staring at the little godlings reminded her that she had yet to have her own litter and she was in her fourth year. Her heat season wasn't letting her forget it either. Aby had been a good distraction for almost a year, but now that distraction was grown up (sort of). It seemed it was time to move on - now if only she wasn't so damn picky. She didn't want some random mortal. She wanted a God by her side but those were so far and few.

Her travels led her to a very strange place. Grapevines and trees intertwined with one another and her pale head rose towards the tree tops to find very little sunlight. The place suited her really. The drought hadn't hit this place as hard as others though she could see that some of the grapes in the higher parts of the trees closer to the sunlight were shrunken and shriveled. The ones closer to the ground were still plump and fat and others littered the ground free for anything to eat them. She took in the fruity air for a moment, enjoying the silence and the smell, before she padded on. It was nice not to have the violent rays of the sun biting into her skin for a change.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: wVgAb8H.png]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
06-30-2017, 02:08 AM
Beware, Beware, Be Skeptical

Their Smiles, Their Smiles of Plated Gold

He was impatient. Talk of the raid was on the winds of Talis, and he couldn't wait to get started with it. Cold blue eyes flashed in the light, the young male had taken off to practice his skills before his everything went down. He had just got done destroying a rogue, the other wolf running off with a broken leg while Greed only had a few scratches, and bites. He had some blood splatter across the white fur of his face and leg, but most of it had been his opponents. Now here he was, looking for water since the water in Talis was almost non-existent and harder to find. Here though, it looked like there might be some...after all, the tree canopy seemed to keep out most of the sun, but would he find anything worth his while?

The answer was yes. Grapes littered the ground before him, and the male decided to stop for a snack. Nose to the ground, he lapped up the plump little fruits and squished them between his teeth. It felt refreshing, though some tasted stranger than they were fermented. But who was he to be picky? He seldom was, so he ate those up too. When he finished with those, he decided he wanted more. So he began his search.

It didn't take long for something to catch his attention, however, as his nose suddenly picked up on a scent even more pleasing than what he was looking for. His attention was immediately redirected, and as he gazed through the trees, he saw her. She was impressive looking, her pelt was as light as that one girl in his pack whose named he never really cared to remember. This woman though looked more impressive than that little shy bitch. He wasted no time in following her, and after a few moments he approached from her left. "What have we here?" He mused, loud enough for her to hear as he stopped.

Deceit So Natural

But A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing Is More Than A Warning!


Art||Plot with me!

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



6 Years
06-30-2017, 05:01 AM

Ana let her nose to the ground as she searched for something in particular. She was no stranger to fermented berries and grapes were no exception. While it would take her quite a few to get her feeling better she still enjoyed the taste of them. So as she came across the fruit she lapped them up happily. Occasionally she'd grab the more ripe ones, not overly picky, but they weren't exactly what she was looking for. Ears flicked back and forth as she listened to the sounds around her. Annoying bird song, squirrels in the trees above her, the rustle of some other rodent population.

And then a noise caught her attention. Ana chose to give the appearance that she was either oblivious, or didn't care, though in all honesty she didn't quite care. It was typical to run into others in her travels and she wasn't overly worried. Normally they wanted to socialize and try to be friendly and the thought made her nose wrinkle. God she tired of being so nice all the time. She wanted some chaos and mischief and her favorite partner in crime was missing. Gah. She'd be happy to lay into her brother's ass.

She managed to prevent the instinctive ear flick as she heard whoever it was come up behind her. She snapped up another grape between her teeth before she felt the satisfying crunch of it. Her head finally raised from the ground as the masculine voice called out from her left. It turned ever so slowly to look at the male. He was slightly taller than herself, though only just, and her eyes roved over the two colors of his pelt. It was almost like the coat colors couldn't make up their mind. Most of it wanted to be slate while the white threatened to take over in the most uneven way. Mortal. Her thoughts chided as she sneered. She turned her head away from him as she continued along her path. She snapped up another grape before she decided to send a glance his way.

"You speak to a god." She scolded him.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: wVgAb8H.png]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
07-24-2017, 11:20 PM

He watched her with much interest, the albino woman quite the catch in his eyes. He wasn't sure what it was about them. Perhaps he felt like albinos were pure and surreal looking. Almost all color was washed from her frame save for the brindle markings on her flanks and face, a design that whatever Gods above had truly put thought into. Yes, she was a beautiful woman...and he wanted her. Tongue swiped out for a moment to lick the grape juice off his lips, though also at the thought of her beauty. She was divine. How could anything so elegant exist? Of course, she wasn't the only albino he knew of. The alpha's younger sister was also an albino with striking blue eyes, quite the contrast to this woman's red and pink gaze. Both were beautiful, and he wanted them...he always kept away from Okami, quite sure that if he tried anything with her, the alpha would probably have his head. But this woman? She was a loner, no pack scent tainting her. There was, however, the strong smell of...She's in heat...

It was going to be hard to resist...

"You speak to a god." His ears flicked, cold blue eyes almost unblinking. A god? Yes...he'd believe she was. Only those who were touched by Gods could be this beautiful...Raising his head, he stood tall, a flash of teeth breaking the shadows of his darker fur. If she was a god, then he was a king. "And you speak to a Prince. I am a descendant of great kings." He responded coolly, wondering what she thought of that.


Art||Plot with me!

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!