
Almost Over

Kane I


Dire wolf
06-30-2017, 05:45 AM (This post was last modified: 06-30-2017, 05:46 AM by Kane I.)

It smelled like urine and death down in this canyon, and he couldn't get over it. There were so many dens riddled in the walls, so many creatures claiming each sturdy crevice as a home.. he could smell other wolves here, too- only one of which he recognized. There was a constant grimace on the young man's face, his left fang brightly protruding his coal black expression. Despite the annoyance of the smell while traveling at the bottom of the canyon, he felt relatively hopeful and in brighter spirits. Miach was close, and he'd only just now begun to find fresh tracks of his lost brother.

God.. how long had it been, though? He felt so much older now.. and, well.. he was. His mother had to be assuming the worst by now, the guilt kept him up at night but he found solace now that his efforts were almost proven for the greater good. He had to find Miach and insure that he was never in danger, but his ultimate goal was to bring him home entirely. What was he doing down in such questionable circumstances, though? Wasn't there a volcano near here? Aindréas could smell it in the air before he'd climbed down here.

Whatever the reason was, Kane was mindful.. promising himself to hear his brother out, no matter the circumstances. If he could keep calm, perhaps his brother would see that he only followed him because he cared.

Large toes were splayed, though in obviously bad shape.. once he'd found Miach's scent he did not let it go for the life of him, not even when he managed to cut open his paws on the cliffs here getting down. There was determination in his step that drowned out his ability to give in to the pain, because that is what was in the boy's blood.