
When the storm just beats you down



3 Years
07-07-2017, 03:41 AM
Exodus felt a little nervous as he explored the moor alone. He hadn't spent a lot of time here, preferring to stick to the plains where he could see clearly across the endless expanse of land and sky. Here, it was misty and thick with foliage. He wasn't sure which direction he was going, except for the fuzzy sight of the sun through the mist that helped him reorient himself. Ivory-dipped paws brushed softly through the thick heather as his multi-hued gaze searched around, taking in his surroundings as he wondered what he would find here. Perhaps if he traveled here often enough, he would learn his way around, and see the value in this part of Celestial's territory. For now, he wasn't sure he quite liked it, but he was more than willing to give it the benefit of the doubt.

He did like that it was quiet and refreshing; there was a certain sense of peace he felt as he meandered by himself, locked in his own world by the fog. It felt like there couldn't possibly be anyone else here. Wait, was there someone here? He suddenly caught the scent of another wolf, someone not familiar to him, and he wasn't sure if this wolf was part of Celestial. But no one was dumb enough to just walk into a pack's territory if they didn't belong there, right? Still, he felt a little on edge, but he was eager to do his duty if he had just discovered a trespasser. He picked up his pace as he headed toward the scent, and as it grew stronger, he knew he had found the unknown wolf.

With a bark to alert the other wolf, he leapt forward, closing the distance until he saw the wolf's colourful coat. "Who goes there?" he called out, still padding forward. He wasn't going to get hostile with this wolf unless he discovered that they were a trespasser - what an embarrassment it would be if he found himself confronting a pack mate without knowing it. So he kept his approach mild, waiting for the other wolf to respond.



4 Years
07-08-2017, 07:30 PM
This time he had left Bones guarding the den, now that the pups were moving out of the den he felt his companion should help out his mother in watching them. So the young male took off alone to hunt. He had crossed through the plains and headed to the Moor in hopes of getting some rabbits. It was extra dreary in this territory today, but the boy didn't mind the darker it was the more his coat didn't show it's true color. This allowed him to hunt better and blend in with his surroundings more. When it was bright and sunny the rainbow on his back had a tendency she shine and at times give him away when he is hunting. Head to the ground the boy took in the scents of the earth hoping to cross a fresh trail, but he knew it may take a bit of hunting. His movements were slower as he searched the area for scents.

His fur then bristled as a voice called out a reaction he normally got. His head lifted and turned to look back at the stranger with his dual gaze. Eyes narrowed attempting to get a better view as the other male padded towards him. The eye markings on the male is what made him certain he had to be a pack member. the markings were exact to the healer who helped Marina through her birth. This had to be a relative even if the markings were of different color. Huffing lightly he shook himself out to smooth his fur before turning to face the male his body language remaining neutral.

"Chasm, fellow pack mate," a simple reply, but it was to the point and hopefully answered the male.



3 Years
07-14-2017, 02:32 AM
The dark, silvery-gray male noticed that the younger boy seemed tense, his fur bristling in response to Exodus calling out to him. He wondered why. What could set the boy on edge so much? He didn't know of any other pack mates that reacted in such a way. However, he saw the boy shake himself off as though to calm himself, smoothing out his prickly fur before replying to him. "Chasm, fellow pack mate." He dipped his head to Chasm when he heard the words come forth. So, they were pack mates after all. He was glad to finally get a chance to meet someone, especially someone new. "Nice to meet you, Chasm," he said, his deep voice coming out cheerfully, "I'm Exodus Ancora. Are you new around here?" His tail waved back and forth, wondering what he would learn about this boy today, and if he'd make a friend. He'd really never spent a lot of time with anyone other than his immediate family. It'd be nice to get to know someone else -
maybe they could continue to explore the moor together. He knew he'd like that better, since he was somewhat nervous about being in this place on his own.



4 Years
07-14-2017, 07:31 PM
The male dipped his head to him and Chasm did the same, showing respect towards his fellow pack mate. He seemed cheerful and his tone made Chasm calm even more. He was always worried about meeting others, careful about letting others close after being abandoned by his father and his full blooded brother. He always had that fear of being left in the dust again, always felt whoever he got close with would leave him one day. He had little chance to discover this just yet because he had only been spending his time with his mother and his companion so far. The only faces he had met in the pack was Regulus and Castiel (who helped get his mother home). Lack of socializing with others left him unsure how to act around others.

Introducing himself Chasm allowed a moment to go over the male's name mentally, attempting to memorize it so that he wouldn't forget it. Then his mind drifted to his question and he nodded slightly.

"Kinda.... I've been living here since the beginning of winter, but I've been pretty occupied taking care of my mother as she heals," he replied. "How about you? How long have you lived here?"



3 Years
07-30-2017, 02:58 AM
Exodus listened curiously for the slightly younger boy's answer,
wondering who he was, where he'd come from, and how long he had been with Celestial. So it seemed Chasm hadn't been here long, although definitely long enough that Exodus felt he should have met him by now. Maybe that was his own fault, for spending too much time on his own and trying to make up for the time he'd loss in training since he'd gotten lost as a pup outside Celestial territory. Perhaps it would be worthwhile for him to spend just a little more time meeting and getting to know his pack mates. After all, how would he ever make friends, or form any sort of bonds of teamwork for hunting and defending the pack? His head tilted in concern though as Chasm said he was helping his mother to heal. He wondered from what. Had something bad happened to her? Or had she gotten mysteriously ill just like Kavdaya?

A certain sadness tinged in Exodus' amber, green-flecked and violet eyes, their multiple hues seeming to glimmer slightly. He wanted to ask, to connect with the boy on something they seemed to unfortunately have in common, but he didn't know Chasm well enough to ask personal questions.
If the boy wanted to open up and share, then he would, but it would be rude of Exodus to ask otherwise. Instead, he focused on the questions posed to him. "I was born in Celestial," he began, eyes drifting downward, "I left as a pup when I shouldn't have, and I ended up getting lost for a long time. I was able to return in the fall when my brother Paladin found me and helped me get home." He was a little ashamed to admit that he'd left the pack as a pup when he'd been ordered to stay and behave himself. But he couldn't help it... Regulus and the others had taken his mother away when she got sick, and his worry had overwhelmed his sensibilities. He'd tried to follow them, and then he'd gotten lost. And upon arrival, he learned that his mother had returned anyways and he'd not only worried her and the others, but he'd lost valuable time with her that he could have been spending helping her to get better.

Had he rambled on a bit and gotten trapped in his thoughts? He couldn't help but to think of his mother when Chasm had mentioned his own. Would she ever be well again? All he could do was hope, and trust in the skill of the healers to treat her. He hoped that Chasm's mother was receiving the same dedicated care, and that she would get better. "So, who is your mother?" he asked,
figuring it wouldn't hurt to find out if he'd seen her before, or if he knew her name at all.