
And So We Meet


07-08-2017, 12:59 AM
Fern trotted along the plains, the gentle spring breeze ruffling her luminous silver fur. The moon had just risen, and the world still retained the warm touch of the sun. It was pleasant and quiet out, and Fern was alone. Not in a bad way, but it contributed to a sense of inner peace and stability, a refreshing change from Fern's adrenaline-filled, fiery self. A scent of spring blossoms tickled her nose, and she turned her head to inhale more when her gold eyes alighted on another figure, not far away. (Ramsay)
She cocked her head in a birdlike fashion, wondering why another wolf was up and about at this time. She sniffed, focusing not on the spring blossoms, but on their scent. Male. Young. She couldn't make out much of his physique from this distance, but he seemed rather handsome. Fern flicked her tail, yearning for a closer look.
"Hello? What are you doing out so late, friend?" She cooed the words, her voice rich and sultry.

OOC: Oh boy here we go. This is what Fern does best, or so she thinks. We'll see, I suppose. By the way, I tried very hard to set the mood. I think it's fairly pleasant.



4 Years
07-08-2017, 09:28 PM
With the tension from his latest run-in with his brother Greed still making his neck stiff and jaws clenched, Ramsay couldn't sleep. He found himself wandering the plains, looking to the dark horizon where the land and sky met, stars painting the night sky and the moon tinting everything with a faint silver glow. Grand as it was to look upon, it didn't stop his mind from racing, wondering if he would ever make amends with his siblings. Up until now, it was all that had mattered to him in his life. He didn't know anyone beyond his family. He didn't care about anyone else. He just wanted to experience life, and conquer enemies alongside his brothers. What else was there? Little did he knew that there was much he hadn't experienced in his young life.

He paused in his step when he heard a voice call out to him, and when he turned, he realized there was a silvery-coated woman standing not so far from him. It was as though she had blended into the moonlight, and he hadn't noticed her at all. But as he turned toward her, her voice still ringing in his ears, he was intrigued. Her tone was like a lure, drawing him in, and he padded toward her, black paws scuffing the dry grass as he approached her. It wasn't often he socialized with anyone outside of his family... in fact, this might be the only time. Yet, he didn't feel standoffish or uncomfortable - he recognized the woman from the raid meeting, the way she had stood against Gryphon for his challenge toward Dragon. She seemed fairly strong and sure of herself, and he was curious about her.

"My mind was racing," he responded honestly, olive green eyes wandering over her briefly,
"What about you? It's a little late, isn't it?" Ebony-rimmed ears pressed forward, wondering her reasons for being up and about under the moonlight.
All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!


07-08-2017, 10:58 PM
Fern watched him as he approached, trying to subtly get a better glance at him. He was a young male, as she'd thought. Not only that, but he was handsome, too. With a graceful yet muscled figure, he looked truly elegant, and moved with a gait that suggested power and speed. His fur was blonde, tinted silver by the moonlight that spilled over it in rivulets, with black tips on his paws and nose. He was noticeably larger than her as well.
As he explained that his mind was racing, Fern could swear his eyes raked her just a bit. Examining her, to find what she could only suspect.
"Yes, I suppose," she cooed. "But I like the stillness and mystery of the night. It's truly beautiful, what with the scent of spring still in the air. This is my favorite time. Still warm, but cooled enough to be comfortable." She glanced at him and stood, approaching. Her gait was purposely graceful, making almost no sound against the grass, and she made sure it radiated power. She wove around him, circling a bit, until she was next to his flank. Her tail flicked under his nose, brushing it slightly so he could scent her. She completed her circle, subtly examining him the whole time, and sat down a tail-length away facing him.
"Were you born into this pack? Talis?" She asked, wondering about his heritage and rank. He seemed  old enough to be a Zygon at least, perhaps something in Tier 3. Knight, maybe.



4 Years
07-09-2017, 01:25 AM
Although she was subtle, Ramsay didn't fail to notice the way her eyes roamed over him, but he couldn't say he minded - he would pretend like he hadn't noticed, if only to allow her eyes to keep wandering. In fact, it made him take in a deep breath and straighten up slightly, his muscles flexing unconsciously under her gaze. His skin burned a little too, having never received the undivided attention of any female before. Though he was a young man, he suddenly felt like a boy, but he'd never let her see that insecurity. His tail flicked upward in a single, fluid motion, and his head cocked to the side slightly when he heard speak. Her initial answer seemed noncommittal, but the words to follow were quite the opposite - descriptive and somewhat poetic. He found himself entranced. Moments later, his breath caught as she approached him, her movement graceful with a certain power to each step. He wasn't sure what it was, but it certainly held power over him.

When she circled around him, pausing at his side to brush her tail under his chin so enticingly, he felt his heart thud a little harder, a vain smile spreading upon his black-blazed maw. Everything she had done so far stroked his boyish ego, causing him delight to have her so interested in him. He wasn't sure he'd done anything to deserve it, except show up under the stars on this night, but he wasn't going to question it. Instead, he just looked down at her, enjoying the way her small yet built body brushed past his taller frame. He breathed in her scent as her tail flicked his nose, a low chuckle escaping him as she finished her circle and came back to face him. She sat close in front of him,
further showing her interest by asking Ramsay more about himself.

"Actually, I was born far to the North, in Boreas," he explained, green eyes watching her face,
"That's where Talis was originally from, and back then it was called Ivalice. That's when Avalon was our leader, before she passed her rank down to Dragon. But I left on my own some time ago, and I only recently returned. I haven't established myself in the pack yet, but I intend to make a great impression on this raid. I was born a fighter, so it won't be long before I'm a Crusader or Knight."
The vain smile never left his face, relishing in this interaction. "You, you're fairly new, aren't you?" he asked, showing her that he was interested in knowing her as well.
All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!


07-09-2017, 02:06 PM
Fern had his attention now. He was clearly enticed. His eyes were locked on her, and he'd straightened up before, seemingly trying to appear bigger, stronger, more masculine. Whether consciously or not, he was trying to impress her. He even grinned and chuckled a bit. She figured he was younger, so his hormones were probably raging, making him an easy target. Chances were, if she continued like this, he'd be a useful ally.
His story about being pack-born only proved her previous thought. He'd  been with Talis for a long time, and as he grew he would likely ascend quickly in rank. The part about being present for both a big move and a change in leadership was very interesting. Fern made note of it for future reference. He then told her that he was participating in the raid and that he'd probably be a Crusader or Knight soon.
After the male finished speaking about himself, he asked her a question, to which she answered. "Yes, I am. I just joined at the Talis meeting prior to the raid one." She didn't elaborate, and decided instead to keep the focus on him. Young males loved that. "You're participating in the raid as well? How very impressive. You do seem strong and healthy enough to do a spectacular job. And Crusader, Knight? Both those jobs are for strong and healthy wolves, so I'm sure you'll fit right in. Tell me, what is your name?"
Fern made sure to keep her vocals rich, sweet, and smooth as honey, drawing out some words of praise. When she'd finished, she tilted her head in a birdlike fashion, her lashes lowered and her gold eyes locked into his, tail flicking slowly. Moonlight flickered in the wolf's olive eyes, tinting them silver.



4 Years
07-10-2017, 01:28 AM
His narrow but well-built head tilted the other way as she gave her answer to his question. It was short, to the point, but he felt it left some mystery. She hadn't explained who she was, where she'd come from, or why she'd chosen Talis, but he supposed those were things he could still yet find out. That was, if this interaction called for such sharing of information. Currently, he was a little more interested in the physical aspects, and already he yearned for her to weave herself around him once more. So much so that his body almost ached. It was all rather thrilling, in a way he'd never experienced. So far, getting into fights and experimenting with mind-altering herbs and fermented fruits and berries had been his greatest thrills. But this had to be the most delightful of all.

A smug look crossed Ramsay's face when she quickly diverted her attention back to him, mentioning how she was rather impressed by his involvement in the upcoming raid. He was pleased by her observations about his physical condition - lately he'd been trying harder to keep in shape and push himself a little harder. Obviously he was doing it right. Her voice was ever-enticing, rich and smooth, and Ramsay was sure he felt a slight buzz as he swam in her praise and admiration. Perhaps it was too good to be true, but he was in no mood to push her away. His eyes never left her now, and he watched as she lowered her lashes, her golden eyes still fixed on him. He heard her ask for his name, but for a moment he remained silent, longing to get a little closer to her. Driven by his youthful hormones, he stepped slightly to his right, his shoulders rolling as he stepped toward her side just as she had done, moving to weave his way around her. His blonde fur lightly brushed against hers, his tail streaming out behind him though he kept it to himself, not wanting to seem overbearing. He wasn't sure what a woman liked, but he felt he should mostly let her take the lead - if she wanted more, then she would invite it.

For now, he moved all the way around until he was at her other side, placing himself beside her so that he was facing the same direction as she was. He left some space between them, turning his head just slightly so he could still look upon her elegant form. "The name's Ramsay Armada," he answered her at last, his voice lowering to a murmur now that he was next to her, "Delighted to meet you... could I have the pleasure of hearing yours?" He was all ears, wanting to hear her voice again, wanting to feel again the thrill it gave him when she spoke.
All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!


07-10-2017, 12:52 PM
Fern knew the male noticed the shortness of her answer. He may have been a bit suspicious, even, had she not been distracting him. Not that she had anything to hide. But she saw a smug grin cross his face after she'd turned the conversation back to him. After her question, Fern noticed the pause between her words and his. The male's eyes were locked onto her with such an intensity in that moment that she doubted he was withholding information but instead just wanting her.

Fern's suspicions were only proven when he mimicked her own circling. When his shoulders and flank passed her vision, she watched the lean muscle under his fur writhe. His tail followed, the moonlight dancing upon it. She kept her head forward, but her eyes locked onto the male's as far as she could see him, a small smile working its way onto her muzzle. She flicked her tail a bit, indicating the pleasure she took in that motion. He reappeared in her vision moments later, his head beside hers. He murmured his name in a tone that truly, acting aside, sent delightful shivers down her spine. It was so low that she felt it ruling in her own chest.

Fern angled her muzzle so it was nearly touching Ramsay's ear, brushing the blonde fur on his cheek.
"Fern. It's a pleasure to meet you, Ramsay Armada." She breathed.

OOC: I figured Fern saying more would ruin the moment, so feel free to have Ramsay ask some questions.



4 Years
07-15-2017, 05:48 PM
He glanced sideways at her, noticing the smile that spread across her muzzle, the way her tail flicked telling him that she was enjoying the attention he reciprocated. Standing so close to her, he could sense the shiver that ran through her at the sound of his voice rumbling to answer her question. It caused his tail to shift, lightly brushing against her side as it did so. As he paused to wait for her own response, he noticed her tilting her muzzle up toward his face, her nose brushing lightly against his cheek. It was his turn to shiver as her alluring voice came forth in merely a breath, tickling his ear and causing his skin to burn pleasantly. Their proximity was somewhat intoxicating for him - he was basking in the attention she paid him, feeling more glorious than he could ever remember feeling. "Fern..." he murmured lowly, letting her name roll over his tongue, "The pleasure's all mine." His olive green eyes turned upon her, lifting one brow suggestively.

Where did he go from here? More words, or action? He craved the latter, the male hormones coursing through his young body urging him to push for physical contact. But the rational part of his brain kept him from acting like a complete idiot; besides, he was enjoying this game, and he didn't want it to end. He had to keep this going. "So Fern, do you have someone waiting for you to come back to bed?" he asked boldly in a smooth, low hum. He wanted to get right to the point, to find out if she was available in the way that he wanted her. He wasn't sure what he would do after he found out,
but it didn't matter; he would figure it out moment by moment.
All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!


07-15-2017, 11:08 PM
Fern liked the feeling of him brushing up against her. It sent her own blood racing, her own nerves jittering. Stars, it had been so long since she'd bedded with a male. But, she reminded herself, it was certainly not time for bedding him. No, despite the physical aspects of this game, the reward was emotion. She had to establish herself in the Pack, and the best... well no, not the best, but certainly one way to do so was have as many males (and perhaps some females) fawning over her.
Ramsay then tempted her with a question. Such a simple question, and yet it made a lopsided grin appear on her muzzle. The idea was tempting. So very, very tempting. Thank the stars that she wasn't as hormonal as an adolescent, or he would have succeeded in seducing her, and not the other way around.
"No, I don't," she purred, breath brushing his cheek. "Don't you? You're so big and handsome, I'd be shocked if there were no females flocking after you."
Fern figured she should end this soon and continue another night, but she wanted it to go on. Perhaps not all the way, not yet, but she wasn't ready to stop.



4 Years
07-21-2017, 12:19 AM
As he watched her from his peripherals, he saw her expression change when he asked if she had anyone waiting for her. He desperately wondered what she was thinking, and he perked eagerly toward her when she finally gave him an answer. "No, I don't." Her voice came out as a purr, and excitement coursed through him as she returned the question. His heart was beginning to race, and he leaned toward her, feeling as though he was beginning to lose control of himself. "No, there's no one waiting for me," he responded, shaking his head, "I'm free to do as I please." It was difficult to keep his breath steady as he spoke, particularly as she continued to praise him. Did she know what she was doing to him?

He had to step away from her, feeling as though he might do something stupid if he didn't separate himself from her. All he wanted was to close the gap between them and wrap his paws around her waist, and give in to carnal desire. He had to suppress a whine, swallowing hard against his boyish desperation. Had she been a loner in different territory, he might not have tried so hard to control himself, but being that she was a pack mate, he knew he didn't want to earn himself a reputation that he couldn't walk away from, or worse, become the perverted outcast banished from Talis. Barely maintaining his composure, he turned to look over his shoulder at her. "I'd like to get to know you,
he murmured, tail swishing in a beckoning motion, hoping she wouldn't go her own way too soon, "Care for a walk? After all, we have all night." He paused with a grin, eyeing her graceful form before locking his gaze with her bold golden eyes, hoping she would follow him.
All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!


07-22-2017, 11:51 PM
Fern suppressed a smirk at the boy's actions. She was surprised he'd held on this long, not to mention impressed. He first leaned in, his heavy breathing brushing her fur, before answering her question. As she'd suspected, he had no romantic relations. Not that he wasn't good-looking, strong, or lacking any other qualities that would entice others. He was simply so young that she doubted he'd met many females. Or males. Whatever he preferred.
Not only that, but he was free to do as he pleased. She was able to read between the lines on that comment, and knew that meant he could mate with who he wanted.
Then, he stepped away. Fern at first wondered if she'd lost her touch, only to gather from his position-- still leaning towards her, despite the distance-- that he still wanted her. Then he posed a question. Would she like to walk? Well, of course. She didn't see the harm in that. With a sultry smile, she replied. "Why yes, that sounds lovely." They locked eyes. "Lead the way, Ramsay. I'd like to get to know you, too."



4 Years
07-25-2017, 12:44 AM
The lean, athletically muscled young man waited eagerly for her response to his invitation for her to join him in a stroll under the stars and moonlight. It was the perfect setting, the air was warm and silver light washed over both of them. The way she smiled at him told him that she wouldn't refuse. His tail lifted to brush against her as she joined him, and he breathed in her scent as she got closer. "Thanks for joining me," he rumbled, eyes roaming over her body greedily. He sauntered forward with her nearby, grinning to himself as he imagined where they would go, the things he'd do if he could get her alone.

Black paws scuffed through the dry grass, in no rush to get anywhere, yet eager to reach a secluded place he often visited on the Plains. Ramsay looked to Fern, pressing closer to her as they walked, trying not to let a gap form between them. A somewhat lopsided smile formed upon his maw, eyes half-lidded as he inhaled her feminine scent once more. "So Fern, what do you like to do for fun?" he asked, one brow lifting in curiosity, "Ever try anything new and exciting to pass the time? Myself, I like to get a little adventurous." His hungry, olive green gaze never left her, enjoying himself as they played this game back and forth.

He wondered if she was curious; he could tempt and persuade her with the promise of promiscuous adventure. He was her pawn, and he'd do whatever it took to gain her favor, but he wasn't afraid to plunge ahead and take the lead if given the chance. His ebon-rimmed ears were pressed forward as he listened for her answer, though by this point he wasn't sure if he'd hear her over the sound of his pounding heart.
All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!


07-25-2017, 08:30 PM
Fern walked with Ramsay, making an effort to keep her gait smooth and sultry. Her bushy tail flicked his haunch every once in a while, a faint reminder that she was here and real and the boy had all her attention. Fern felt Ramsay pressing himself against her, eager to remove distance between them. The scent of flowers remained in her nostrils, mixed with that of Ramsay. He thanked her for joining him-- how polite-- and she deigned it a phrase she should respond to. "Thank you for inviting me. I'm more than eager to... spend more time with you."
The pause was deliberate, leaving him wondering what else could have fit in that space for a moment before she finished her sentence.
The boy seemed to be in quite a hurry. Where was he itching to go? Perhaps he was just wanting to move, to get his... energy out. Then he asked her a question, to which she was about to respond before he continued, which shut her mouth and warped it into a toothy grin. Adventurous, eh?
"Oh, I love adventure. Don't get me started on that. What qualifies as adventure, though? I can't say anything can be considered adventurous without a hint of danger. Perhaps more than just a hint." She glanced at him sidelong, meeting his olive eyes. "I like to go places where danger is imminent. Is there anywhere you have in mind? A dangerous and adventurous place?"
She felt his side against hers, could practically feel the thickness of the words between them. She felt the charm on her ear waving in the breeze, could sense every whisper of wind that brushed her whiskers as she waited for his response.



4 Years
07-27-2017, 01:18 AM
Ramsay was perceptive to the way she moved alongside him, her gait smooth and her demeanor seductive. The hair raised along his spine every time her tail flicked against his hip, making it impossible to tear his attention away from her. Once more, he drew in her intoxicating scent through flared nostrils, grinning with a doped expression upon his face. As she spoke suggestively, leaving a very deliberate pause in her words, Ramsay had to chuckle. She seemed just as eager as he was to go wherever the night led them, he was sure of it. As they conversed playfully, their words laced in double-meanings, their paws crossed a dried out, rocky stream bed, followed by a slight rise. Coming to the top of it, he paused and just briefly glanced across the plains, where there were no shadows under the moonlight, just a landscape purely washed in silver lighting. Then, his eyes turned back to Fern, unable to split his attention away from her more than a second or two.

A wild grin spread across his maw at her answer, his excitement growing as his thoughts began to race, along with his pulse. He chuckled lightly at her question - what qualifies as adventure? He had an answer for that, but he remained silent as she went on, his curiosity piqued by her own definition of adventure, and it seemed that she enjoyed a little danger. Well, he certainly wouldn't mind showing her his wild side, if she was one who enjoyed taking risks. He was the same, preferring to tempt fate and deal with the consequences later.

As she finished her last sentence, Ramsay smirked. "So, you're adventurous, too?" he replied, moving to circle around her again, "Perhaps a little dangerous as well.". He brushed closer to her this time, his tail gently caressing her body as he stalked around her. His nose nudged her tail at its midpoint, before he came around to her other side. "I'd love to make my way around your body," he murmured in a low rumble into her ear, "And explore every curve... whatever the risk." Moving his muzzle from her ear along her neck, he pressed the front of his chest against the side of her shoulder, his chin shifting to drape over the back of her neck. His breath came unevenly, feeling himself lose control again, his impulses taking over rapidly. He eagerly anticipated her response, wondering if she'd put up a fight, or just give in to desire.
All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!


07-28-2017, 12:15 AM
Fern watched the boy's body language, watching as he no longer bothered to hide that his eyes were taking over her, taking in every inch of glossy silver fur. They stepped over a dry streambed, then went up a slight hill. There they stopped, Ramsay weaving himself around her as she had previously done to him. His tail trailed over her, and everywhere they touched seemed to pulse with electricity. The middle of her tail pricked as his cool nose touched it. She sensed him coming around to her side, feeling her body thrum with the presence of a male so close.
His words reverberated in her skull, his voice deep and seductive. A spark seemed to dance down her spine when the meaning of what he said sank in. Damn, he was good. Especially for a youngling. When he pressed himself against her, as she felt his chin touch her neck, her decision solidified. She wanted him. The likelihood was that he wouldn't go boasting about mating with a female, so she'd probably be able to confine this rondezvous between them. And so it was settled.
She turned her head towards him, muzzle aligned with his cheek once more. "What's stopping you?" She asked, her tone no more than a whisper, just a breath brushing his fur. It was an invitation. Enough of one for a hormonal adolescent, anyway. She doubted there would be many more words between them that night.

OOC: Feel free to make the last post :)



4 Years
07-30-2017, 04:30 AM
He didn't know where it all came from, the words, they just spilled from his maw as his lust for her grew. He couldn't help himself. He needed to try, hormones raging through his blood, and her scent alone was driving him crazy. His eyes were squinted closed as he draped his head over the back of her neck, his chin pressing against her scruff as he attempted to bring her in closer to him. When her nose reached his cheek again and she asked what was stopping him, he almost couldn't believe his ears for a moment. A shudder ran through his body, his legs beginning to quiver in anticipation. Was this for real? He was actually going to get to do this? An almost drunk-sounding chuckle passed his lips. Now that he was about to go through with it, he felt a strong pang of anxiety. What if he wasn't any good? She seemed like an experienced woman, and as much as he wanted to please himself, he didn't want to disappoint her.

Still, he wouldn't hesitate to rear up from his position beside her, his strong but graceful forelegs lifting to wrap around her body, just behind her shoulders. He brushed his head against the side of her neck, while he pressed the front of his chest against the upper portion of her ribcage. A state of euphoria overcame him, and he gave in to he instinctive side, moving his body with every whim that urged him along. His hind end pivoted, the claws of his forepaws grazing her sides as he moved himself down closer to the prize, until his hips were behind hers. One of his knees brushed her tail aside, his heart racing and body pulsing with desire. His forelegs wrapped tightly around her waist as he leaned closer to her, shuddering and letting a groan escape his throat as he felt her much smaller frame beneath him.

It would take him several moments of frustrated attempts to position himself properly, but when he found just the right angle, shoved forward and closed the remaining distance between them. It was a feeling he would not soon forget, his whole body setting on fire as he found a rhythm. All thoughts left his mind as he focused on every feeling that shivered through his body.


When it was over he was panting heavily, and he slid away from her body, placing his forepaws back on the ground though he felt unsteady. He moved forward to stand beside her, leaning into her shoulder and pressing the side of his head against her neck. "That... was unbelievable," he huffed in between breaths, laughing tiredly, "I'm... exhausted." He'd never felt so delightfully drained in his life. Not hesitating, he lowered himself carefully to the ground, his legs feeling weak. He looked up at her, thinking now more than ever that she was quite beautiful. How could he not after the way she'd made him feel just moments ago? "Come... rest beside me," he suggested. The night wasn't too cool, so it certainly wouldn't hurt to lay beneath the stars for a while. He knew this night wouldn't last forever, but he was okay with spending what moments he had left of the night with Fern. Who knew how he would feel tomorrow, but he didn't want to think about that. He just wanted to lay in one spot and revel over everything he had just experienced.
All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!