
I really want to know



3 Years
07-12-2017, 05:20 PM

There had been some uneasiness within the pack over the borders. She knew that everyone was being cautious as well as curious. Heather wasn't really happy, she disliked Ganta - her possesive nature made it that way. However, she was also unaware that she had snapped at Roza that season ago. So for the sake of her sister she wanted to aim for peace. Considering she'd assume Roza was in some sort of high position it would only make sense for Fiori and the newly fed pack to be allies in some way? She wasn't sure, she had to talk with the alpha first. So she called, her voice raising as she then lowered her head.

Heather tried to put her personal issue's aside. After all it was selfish and she knew it. It wasn't as if he had done something directly to her. What would her father say, after being happy for Roza anyway. She swallowed those uncanny and disturbing feelings that she hated. Her heart pounding against her chest as she almost couldn't sit still on her paws. Crystal blue eyes looking forward in wait.


Leo as Heather's father is free to crash her threads as he see's fit. Lionel as her close brother is also allowed to do the same.
Heather has boderline personality disorder in the event of extreme stress she can become aggressive and gloomy with no filter but will have no memory of these episodes after.



4 Years
07-15-2017, 05:14 PM

With their son and daughter born Ganta’s main concerns had been on Roza, as well as the open borders of Dragoste. He felt comforted that Fiori was there, but more so for his mate, his children… With his own family a threat to them Ganta was heavily considering Ashmendai’s words. But how could a man choose between leading a war against his own kin and staying to protect his loved ones, his family, his pack? The man felt ill at the thought of it. What would they do if, say, his siblings managed to kill him? Enslave him? Where would that leave Roza, Philomena, and Ulric? What of the others? He shook his head, mind buzzing with doubt, with confusion, and worry.

But the call from Fiori and Dragoste’s shared borders pulled the man in another direction. He cast a look over his shoulder as he walked, almost expecting to see Rikeros, or one of the terrible three show their faces in that moment. But they didn’t. Ganta frowned, furrowing his brow before pressing on to where the call had come.

He recognized the fae, though he’d met her only once, and briefly at that. The man tilted his head to her respectfully; this was Leo’s daughter, and, as he knew her before, the heir to Fiori. His heart raced in his chest, nervous about what he’d say to her. He didn’t know she was the Queen of Fiori yet… and did she know she was an aunt? So many things needed to be discussed…

“Miss… Heather, right?” Ganta asked, praying he got her name correct. He offered her a small smile, but there would be no hiding some of the weariness that the young alpha was feeling. He’d been pulling long nights to ensure the borders were secure, daring only to doze for short amounts of time during the day. His ghostly gaze lifted to her blue hues and Ganta sat on his side of the border, letting out a small sigh.

“I do hope the Fiorians are not too sore with us for settling so close to their home. I wanted to make sure Roza was close to her kin.” Ganta explained softly, ears lowering a tad. There was more to tell… but he’d wait for now, seeing how she’d respond.

"Talk" "You" Think

I'm here without you...



3 Years
07-15-2017, 06:00 PM

Once she saw his face, she felt that feeling boil up again. How could he? She made it die down, her expression falling flat from her previous smile as she struggled to control the demon inside. Heather tried to be logical with herself. Think, the reason he'd made his home here was so Roza could be closer. Heck who was she to judge, her current crush was in another pack and there was probably no possibility of her even being with him. Heather let her paws adjust, better to just be truthful right? But what if he left? Probably not.

"Hello Ganta, it's not a problem after all you're with Roza and she probably wanted to be close to her family anyway." she eyeballed him. "To be honest I didn't like you when we first met. I have.... problems when it comes to wolves leaving and when I heard Roza was going with you I felt like you were stealing from me. Roza isn't mine though, she's her own wolf and I try not to let such selfish thoughts drive me anymore." Heather's ears flicked as she held her breath. "I took over Fiori recently I'm Queen now.... where's Roza is she well?" Heather looked over his shoulder half expecting her to be there.

"Regardless, I know you had good standings with my father and since we share a border I figured I'd ask if you'd be alright with an alliance. Recently there's been a lot of.... intruders around so it's a bit reassuring a border would be taken up by an ally and family." Heather knew she had to do it for the good of the pack. It was the right decision, but not the one she wanted obviously. A bit of time and she hoped she'd get over her feelings of jealousy.


Leo as Heather's father is free to crash her threads as he see's fit. Lionel as her close brother is also allowed to do the same.
Heather has boderline personality disorder in the event of extreme stress she can become aggressive and gloomy with no filter but will have no memory of these episodes after.



8 Years
Athena I
07-16-2017, 09:06 PM

Roza was curled around her children when she heard her sister's call. She was torn between wanting to stay with Philomena and Ulric and wanting to go see her sister. Of course she was confident that Ganta would answer Heather and they would be fine discussing everything without her, but Heather was her sister after all. She was a bit nervous seeing her again after how their last encounter went... but her love of family ran too deep for her to ignore it.

She carefully uncurled from the two pups and took a moment to gently push some bedding up around them to keep them warm before she walked outside. She made sure Abbey was there watching the entrance as a little sentinel before she trotted off toward the border. Since it took her a little while to arrive it seemed that Heather and Ganta already had a conversation well under way before she got there. She put a small smile on her face and her tail wagged despite the slight uneasiness she felt. She stood with her side brushing Ganta's as she said, "Hello, Heather." She glanced toward Ganta for a moment, asking, "Have you told her that the pups have been born?" Before he could answer she realized Hether might not even know that she had been expecting and she quickly turned her eyes back to Heather again. "I told father about us expecting children last time I saw him. Did he get a chance to tell you?"
Talk Abbey Others



4 Years
07-17-2017, 05:52 PM

Ganta gave a small nod of agreement to Heather, though he didn’t miss how she eyeballed him. So she didn’t like him… Ganta lowered his ears a little, giving a soft sigh. “I’m sorry, Heather… It’s probably selfish of me, but I… I didn’t really have any friends or family before Roza. She’s become my world… so if stealing her away hurt you I can only apologize…” Learning that she was now Fiori’s queen was a surprise, but the male gave a sure nod. “But I’m glad to see Fiori still stands, and under new rule no less. Hopefully it’ll continue to last for many years to come.” He spoke sincerely, his voice gentle.

“...and Roza… she’s with our children right now.” Ganta couldn’t help but feel a little proud about that. The brute shifted a little, perking his ears at the mention of an alliance. “But of course! I’d have it no other way.” He paused, shifting a little uncertainly, debating if he should tell her about Rikeros and his other siblings… but then Roza appeared.

“I was just wondering if I should have her come meet them... If you both wanted of course.” His ghostly gaze calmed, hiding behind a mask so he wouldn’t trouble his mate. But he knew he had to talk to Heather about his own family… the dangers they posed… and ensure safety for Roza and his children if anything were to happen. Not to mention not having him or Roza near their children for any amount of time had the brute feeling uncomfortable.

Ooc:: Sorry for the shitty post. Have a major headache. x.x

"Talk" "You" Think

I'm here without you...



3 Years
07-17-2017, 08:18 PM

Heather realized that she really hated being out of the loop. When Roza showed up Heather was more than surprised by her appearance if anything. The Queen hadn't shown up when Ganta called his pack to creation, she'd been too bitter. With that she blinked wide eyed and took a bit of a step back. Half of her biting down the feeling of her doing that. She didn't remember what happened after she blacked out that day, and all she could think was her being the fault of that. Heather looked a bit confused for a few moments. "No, I haven't been told.... I've been a bit busy." she looked at Ganta for a moment. He looked like he wanted to tell her something. Well already Heather had tried to calm herself. The apology actually meant a lot to her, so she smiled towards him.

"Well I don't see the harm in it. By the way, happy birthday Roza." Heather smiled then a small wag in her tail as she sought to come forward and press her nose to her sisters cheek. She wouldn't let her head control her, after all she couldn't go blacking out on her pack in a time of need. She breathed out in a soft sigh as she pulled back. "So I'm an aunty then... that's weird to say. Daddy retired so I took over, he's found a new mate from what I've seen so I was glad to give him some time with her now." she smiled trying to relax herself from her fur being all ruffled over her own thoughts. She looked at Ganta, hoping that after though they could talk a bit in private.


Leo as Heather's father is free to crash her threads as he see's fit. Lionel as her close brother is also allowed to do the same.
Heather has boderline personality disorder in the event of extreme stress she can become aggressive and gloomy with no filter but will have no memory of these episodes after.



8 Years
Athena I
07-23-2017, 09:08 PM

Roza wasn't all that surprised that Leo hadn't gotten to share the news. She knew all too well how busy he typically was with the pack and now that her sister was in the role there was probably just as little time to spare for Heather now. At some point she would have to take the children over to Fiori and introduce them to everyone... but of course it would be a little while before the kids were out and about and able to travel over to the neighboring lands. They were still just balls of blind fluff at the moment. Adorable balls of fluff, but still very much stationary all the same.

She hesitated when Ganta mentioned taking Heather to see the pups, but she tried her best to hide it. It seemed pretty clear that Heather didn't seem to remember their last meeting... that or she didn't seem bothered by it like Roza was. "Yeah, of course!" she said with a nod, shoving her hesitance out of the way hopefully before one of them noticed. The last thing she wanted was for Ganta to have any reason to be hesitant or doubtful around her sister. They already had plenty of enemies as it was, she certainly didn't want to make it seem like her family was going to be a problem as well. She just had to hope that it was a one time incident and she wouldn't have to worry about it any more.

She gave Heather a grin and replied, "Happy birthday to you too." She let her sister press her nose to her cheek, but she would be lying if it didn't make her a tad nervous. It was good to hear that their father was enjoying his retirement. She had noticed the spark between him and Carletta before so it made her really happy to know that they were really hitting it off. Their father deserved to be happy. After all he had been through for them he needed to spend some time on himself. "Come on, I'll introduce you to your niece and nephew."

She turned and lead the way back to the den. She was eager to get back to them anyway. Even with Abbey standing watch there was just too much trouble in the world to leave their children unattended. There wasn't much a little cardinal could do besides alert them if something were to happen. Of course everything was fine when they arrived. Abby was still perched at the very edge of the entrance and chirped at them in a greeting as they approached before flying off to perch next to the nest she had built in a nearby tree.

"Come on in," she said to Heather with a smile, slipping in first and carefully laying down beside their children. She nosed the bedding away from them so Heather could get a better look, earning some squeaks of protest from them. Seeing the pair of speckled pups eased her anxiety and a loving smile touched her lips. "This is Philomena," she said as she gently brushed aside the little tuft of hair that was already beginning on her forehead. "And this is Ulric." Her two angels who would hopefully grow to be big and strong and could be the guardian angels for their family. They already had the big part down, now they just needed the strong part.

Talk Abbey Others