
Let the Moonshine



4 Years
07-14-2017, 07:00 PM
Quietly he sat like a stone not far from the den, his dual gaze taking in the territory around him. He had only been here for a few minutes, but he wasn't sure how much longer he would be here. He was patiently waiting, waiting for his mother to join him. Earlier that day she had mentioned her desire to speak with him tonight while Bones watched the little ones. Chasm wouldn't admit it, but he was nervous as to what Marina wanted to talk to him about. Had he done something wrong? Was she upset with him for some reason? Lightly he huffed trying to push back the anxiety that was building within his mind. He couldn't think of a reason for this to be a negative talk, so he tried to settle himself down.

Looking towards the den he sighed lightly, wondering how much Marina had to actually explain to Bones about caring for the young-ins. Was she finishing up feeding them? Was she trying to put them to bed? He wasn't sure most times when he came back to the den his siblings were already passed out for the night so he was never sure when exactly there bedtime was. His ears pricked forward as he heard movement in the den. His tail began to lightly beat the ground, his ears folding back lightly, it had to be his mother. She had to finally be coming to join him. It was already close to dark and the moon would be coming out soon.

Most of the pack should already settled into bed so this talk would be nice and private and he would be able to get some quality alone time with his mother. He hated to say it, but since being reunited he felt he never had time alone with her, Bones had always been there. He loved his companion, but he was a bit selfish and wanted his time with his mother.

Marina I


7 Years
08-02-2017, 01:11 AM
Marina couldn't help but fuss over her youngest brood. Born as bastard children... But she loved them all the same. Each one was special... But so was her older son. She worried for her poor little Chasm. There were things in him she recognized from her own younger years. That anxiety and worry... It tore at her heart to know he was suffering as she had... As she was. But that just made their talk all the more important tonight, now didn't it? When truths would be told under the light of the moon.

After giving a last look over each child in turn Marina looked to Bones gently. "We could be a little while... So thank you for doing this." Her smile was slightly forced however. How on Earth did you tell your yearling son that his half siblings weren't planned? That you'd been forced to get pregnant with them and didn't have the heart to get rid of them before they were born? It wasn't their fault after all.

Marina gave a soft sigh. There was still so much about her that her son didn't even know... That Yoshi, Kait, Nixie, and Ren never knew either.

She padded out of the den and tried to smile as she came to where her little one was waiting for her. Her heart pounded in her chest... Gods give her strength, she thought.

"Lady Celeste and her husband Nox are surely looking over us tonight." She said quietly, stopping only once she was next to Chasm. "It's been too long since we've had time alone huh?" She asked, missing the days when Chasm was as small as his siblings. She curled around him, no differently than she would have if he was hardly a season and laid down.

"Chasm... You've noticed your mama hasn't quite been herself, haven't you?" She had closed her eyes. "...and I'm sure you've learned how harsh the world can be. I'm... I'm sorry... I should have fought to keep you at my side. Protected you... I never wanted you to know what it was to worry or be afraid..." The femme opened her eyes partially and nuzzled his cheek. "How... How are you feeling?"

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]