
world peace is none of your business


07-24-2014, 03:52 PM
This threas is labeled mature purely because Raven does not censor her language ever.

It had been a while since she had last seen her children, and did she ever long to see them. For all she knew, the babes she'd borne, and the ones she'd taken in from Ryu, could be dead. Part of her hoped that was not true, and another part hoped that they were suffering. They'd disappeared without a word, and none of them had yet thought to seek her out and assure her that all was well. Screw them, screw Ryouta, and worst of all, fuck Canttina for leaving her behind all those years ago and kickstarting her relationship with the dark, eternally grinning behemoth. Love was useless, and her life was a testament to that. All it did was make everything a total shitfest, and the wraith was well and truly done with that. Her tea cupped paws struck the terra as she headed through the overbearing heat of the desert, the sun sinking low on the horizon already. The sky was soaked in blood, and so were the onyx bitch's vengeful thoughts. She was tired of wandering alone, she needed at least a night of sharing someone's body heat, even if the option of sex was not there. Intimacy was something she'd been lacking in for some time now, sadly. She craved it, despite how much she loathed that she did crave it.
Dual toned optics roamed over the landscape ahead of her, the palmetto trees rearing up before her and offering an illusion of a safe cove to rest for the time being. It would be nice, to spend the night here, where at one point she might have come here with her children. She never had, because they'd either gone to Valhalla for comfort with Vahva, who had died recently, much to the temptress' cruel delight. Ryu had clearly been fucking the blue maned woman, no matter how she denied it. She'd left the children with her in the end, so clearly she'd cared very little about her mate at all. Great choice in a mate, really. Soon, the woman was crossing between a group of trees, their leaves rustling in the warm evening breeze that danced over the desert. Her ebony fur was caressed affectionately by an invisible hand, then it was gone with the breeze. Sighing, the sultry obsidian pixie lowered her petite frame to the sand at the base of one of the trees. At least that was something she'd kept over time, her figure. It was all she'd ever had that was completely hers, really. Even her scars, the one across her muzzle and around her wrist, were marks of others upon her body. They symbolized her devotions to others, and for that she hated the mars upon her body even more.
Her two toned pools scanned over the arid land, wondering how much peace could be sought here. Surely there would be other wolves, so solace would be short. Might as well enjoy it while she could. Long, silken plume would flick as it rested behind her, like the stroke of a painter's brush upon the dirt. Tongue would escape her parted lips, run across her muzzle to rid it of the collected sand. Tall audits would flicker at the strange, not quite there silence of the area around her. The sand shifted almost silently, the palmetto leaves danced above her head, but there were thankfully no raucous birdcalls or distant conversations. Everything seemed peaceful, and yet death was evident all over. Her kind of place.




9 Years
07-25-2014, 12:07 AM

The woman was not one to dwell on the past. Her past involved her father taking her from her mother and keeping her as his own. She grew up to hate. To only know her Gods and the one true being that loved her. Her mother. As she killed her father and found her mother once more everything had worked out. The babe was moved up to the rank of heir and was soon promoted to leader. Her mother had grown old and with all the fights it took a toll on her at an old age. Schon had no issue with taking the rank, who would? It came easy to her, leading. It was basically second nature. She did not know why she was so good at it but why question a gift? It was perhaps Freyja truly blessing her. For her first kill, her father. Who she dined upon. Yes, that was it. Schon was truly a twisted girl but she did not know what she did was wrong. Was removing hopeless souls from the realm truly horrible? Was eating the flesh of another to help their passing be smooth truly horrible? Maybe to some other people but to Schon is was just helping the Gods.

But, she was restless in those moments. It was a few days after the meeting where her mother gave her the rank of Kaiser. She had changed the name of her pack as well. It now being Niflheim. It was perfect for her new pack. Or so she thought. Yet, as she slithered on a scent filled her narrow nose. Paws hit the ground quite easily for she was light for her size. The babe was very skinny. A very lanky yet divine lady she was. But, the girl her eyes now feasted upon was beautiful as well. An ebony babe. Schon loved dark fur. But the girl before hers was quite darker then the ebony on her own bodice. The woman slithered on, approaching the being. Letting her eyes seek to lock on the obsidian girls eyes. "Greetings, darling ebony." The Cannibal Queen stared at her prey with keen eyes. She was very confident and it showed. Yet, she would stop about eight feet away from the girl. Awaiting an answer.

Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.


07-27-2014, 09:05 PM
A figure much larger than her appeared over the hill, markings that looked like cheeks streaked with tar underlining ruby optics. A lovely creature, but the babe had yet to mature, grow into the curves that did not fit in her skin yet. Not even a woman yet, this one was. Too bad, but the ebony bitch had time, she could return when this one was ripe for the picking if the whelp was worthy. For now, she would size up the strange lass, decide whether conversation was worth her while or not.

Dual toned optics would roam over the wheat pigmented physique of the girl, wondering what such a youngster could want from her. Though, those red eyes were prompting her to stay just a little while longer, get a feel for this strange child's personality. Maybe this could be worth her while indeed. A greeting would tumble from the wolfess' dark lips, confidence oozed from invisible pores, evident in her stance and tone. A soft chuff, before her delicate crown was tilted in polite acknowledgment. "Good evening to you as well, young lady." Sultry lyrics would croon, a sly smile coming to play at her own lips as she slowly heaved herself into a seated pose.

She would once more let her eyes roam the stranger's bodice, wondering what a younger lass could be seeking out here, in the desert. Tail tip would twitch absently, while she returned her focus to the larger femme's features. "They call me Raven, what of you?" She soon came to inquire, raising a delicate brow questioningly. She was indeed curious, since obviously this lass thought highly of herself, and there must be a reason for that. None went about strutting like a prized cock if there was no real title for them to toss out.




9 Years
07-29-2014, 04:45 PM

The Cannibal Queen observed as the fae perked up within the entrance of Schon herself. Blood red gems watched the femme before her like a hawk, but as the Kaiser spoke, her new lovely sat and talked. "Good evening to you as well, young lady." The Viking stared at the beautiful dame before her. Her ruby gems were undying with a certain illustrious excitement that only the babe of royal loins could mask. A little grin was seen, her ivories flashing lightly. "Of course." Her confidence was known to all for she did not care. The babe did not even realize that suck cockiness could rub someone the wrong way for it was just how she was. It was her default. To be confident. The girl was twisted, it was true, but it was delightful in her eyes. The thirty-six inch tall daemon sat down before the obsidian pained vixen, her tri-toned tail fluffing up to her very own right side. "They call me Raven, what of you?" The words of her comrade filled her perked ears with ease. The Finnvi tyrant rolled her shoulders, allowing her very own luxurious vocals fill the spring air. "I am Schon Finnvi, Kaiser of Niflheim." Her tone was dark yet formal, as it should be while introducing herself. "What has brought you to the wash upon this eve?" The Viking stared at her fellow meinx. Could Raven be a possible new addition to her pack? The fae would only allow time to tell.

Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.