
Runaway Renegade



7 Years
07-24-2017, 08:39 PM

Had she been crazy? The elders were getting vary upset and didn't want her to leave. After Storm, Frostbite, Stardust, & Clay had left and had not returned she had to fight with her family for a while before she ended up sneaking out one night. She had been anxious to explore the world and though her cousin Clay was large she felt he would need company. It took her week and a half to finally split from her family meaning she was way behind her cousin. Though with the good nose from her father and the skills learned from her father she trailed her larger cousin. It was lonely traveling alone, but the upbeat girl kept her spirits high regardless of how long her travel had been.

With each passing day she grew closer, his trail growing hotter and it made her excitement grow. Now she had entered this new territory, Ardent, and traveled until she had reached this particular area. She was so close now, but her travels had left her needing a much needed break. Though it was warm here the light coated female didn't mind it at all and she had settled down in the shimmering sand with her front paws in the water. The cool sea water and the salt helped to numb her cracked paws. She was thinking she would go towards the continent more and find a place to stay for the night, maybe even another day to heal her paws before starting to track once again.

She relaxed stretching out while her eyes looked into the deeper part of the sea not that far from her. Watching the fish swim and licking her lips. She was thinking about fishing in a bit and catch herself a meal.

"Zinnia Talk", & 'Zinnia Think"



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
09-04-2017, 03:21 AM

He was headed out to Boreas, for what? He didn't know. He wasn't quite sure if he was ready yet to speak with other alphas, or maybe scout some to figure out where their weaknesses lied...They had raided one pack already, and there were probably plenty more to tackle if only to show their strength as a pack. One thing bothered him though that was neither pack or fighting related...he was on the move more to find Charm and hoped she was okay. He hadn't seen or heard from her for a while, and he was growing worried. Where was she? Was she okay? Did she find what she was looking for? Avalon was worried about her too, after all, his sister was the smallest of the lot save for Arke, but Arke could handle himself better.

As the earthen male trekked across the sand strip with his companion in tow, he spotted something a bit interesting on the way. The scent carried to him told him it was female, but to his dismay, it was not his sister. Sighing with a bit of disappointment, he debated whether or not to ignore this stranger and continue on his way. But the better, more curious part of him got the better of him. So instead, he altered his course to head towards the woman lying in the sand. He'd stop a few feet away to her left, green gaze curiously watching her and the water. "Nice day to relax on the beach, eh?"


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.