
Not Good Enough For Truth In Cliche



5 Years
07-28-2017, 08:14 PM (This post was last modified: 07-28-2017, 08:14 PM by Vitus.)
The man’s search for himself had brought him down to Auster, away from his kin, away from everything the Armada male had ever known. He was getting older now, to reach his sixth year come Autumn. He could hardly believe how much time had flown by… he felt as though he had barely had the chance to really live yet! Sure he had Carlisle by his side, but up until now what purpose had he served? He felt like a spirit caught in the breeze, drifting as he sought to find the place he thought he belonged. For a while he thought that was with Fiori… but now he wasn’t so sure. Family… did it really mean everything?

The man had been wandering for… how long now? He lost track. Time didn’t seem to really flow normally anymore. He was often lost in his mind, deep in thought as to what he’d be facing next. So far he hadn’t come across many loners… none that were hostile on the plus side. But Vitus felt… rusty. Would he be able to hold his own if it came to a fight? It felt silly to think that he might not be able to hold his own… but when one didn’t practice… His bi-colored eyes scanned skyward, searching for Carlisle.

His ears perked, gaze shifting to the coastline. So far he’d met no one on this beach… but the wind carried the promising scent of another. Vitus wasn’t sure if he wanted to run into them or not. Would the encounter be worth it? Eyes rolled, focusing back ahead of him. No use to ponder… might as well get a first hand experience at what could happen, right? Who knew, perhaps this stranger might even be able to help jog that foggy mind of his into realizing what it was he was seeking.

[Image: xqcOLtI.png][Image: dKno3bh.png]
[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]



3 Years
Dire wolf
07-30-2017, 01:09 AM
She was out again, spreading out her scent like it was a lure. After all she desperately needed to find the fire spirit her cousin had lain with or another. She moved with grace and elegance. She was a goddess and saw fit to ensure none saw anything but from her. She could see the form of another and sighed. It was just her luck to run into a potential male mortal. Hopefully this one wasn't as irritating as the shit talking blue one from before. She'd had enough of him to last her forever. She flicked her tail intent on seeing his reaction to her scent. Not like she was willing to let him mount her, no she was of course just testing to see it's effects upon him.

The one mortal had been entertaining, hopefully this one wouild be just as entertaining. She strode closer, intent on making this one think he had truly been blessed. Her ears perked and her tail sat high on her hips. She was the picture of confidence and beauty. She stopped a few yards from him and eyes him. She figured this mortal was likely beneath her to even allow him to think he might ever have a chance. She'd let him speak first though.