
I know that it burns



10 Years
Athena I
08-01-2017, 08:28 AM

Was it really a great idea to be wandering around outside of the pack so soon after they had just been attacked? Probably not. Would Regulus be upset with her that she was out exploring instead of patrolling? Probably. She'd go back soon and she wouldn't go far, she just... needed to stretch her legs. At least that's what she told herself. In reality she was just bored. So far she hadn't managed to really connect with anyone other than Solveiga and she was busy with the whole being pregnant and being in love with Regulus thing. Baine's ears flicked a bit at the thought. It made her wonder if her littermate had any luck with love. She hadn't seen him in a while so she couldn't be sure. She didn't know about her older sisters' current romantic lives either, but if she remembered correctly they both had kids now and that was something.

Baine was just lonely. She paused to look down into a puddle that had formed during the rain earlier that morning and saw her pale, pink-hued gaze staring back at her. Was it because she was albino? Did that make her unattractive? She hadn't met any other albino wolves and as the thought crossed her mind it made her feel even more isolated than before. It wasn't something she had really considered before. Sure, she had realized her coloring was different than most, but it hadn't seemed like a problem till just now. She made herself keep walking, leaving a fair distance between herself and the edge of the ravine that split down the middle of this area. She kept her eyes on her paws as she watched them move over the ground, her necklace bobbing into view occasionally.

"Talk" "You" Think