
Time after time I'm going in blind



3 Years
08-18-2017, 11:41 PM (This post was last modified: 08-18-2017, 11:42 PM by Argus.)

She moved with her shoulder against the border stones.  She was searching for an opening. Prey had to come and go somehow and she would find it. She needed to help her momma find relief from stress by disappearing. Az would be happier, nova wouldn't have to look out for her anymore, chasm wouldn't have more than he could handle anymore, and most importantly she would be making room for the alpha to allow more in. It would help everyone. She was bull headed as her father yet she didn't know it.

She shook her head and focused on the task at hand. When her should stopped touching rock she paused. It was a shorter spot in the wall and she had finally found it. She faced it and tilted her head up. She was getting pretty good at judging the wall. She could probably jump it or climb it. Course if nova was here she could probably just push it over. She gave a huff. Was she really going to do it? Of course she was she had thought of it long and hard. She of course hadn't thought of the overall consequences, and that was she would starve because she couldn't hunt.

She bunched her legs and jumped. Her paws caught and she was halfway over. Her chest and stomach was on the wall and either side of her was in and out of the border. She was almost there! Her paws scrambled upon the rock as she fought to get a grip and go over it. The grind of stone on stone was heard and just like that she was tumbling forward, stone's following. She landed with a surprised yelp of pain as one smashed her front left paw. It hurt!  So she was now stuck, though she was outside the border finally.

Argus has a sphinx for a companion, named Kamilah, she is assumed to be with Argus unless stated otherwise.