
Understanding What We've Grown To Be



8 Years
08-26-2017, 12:31 AM

Auster still hadn't ceased to amaze the ashen colored beauty. It seemed like every which way she turned there was some new and exciting thing to be found and to be honest it was the sole reason for her to keep traveling. She made a point to travel each day, find a spot to set up camp for the night, and then continue on in the morning. The cove she'd found a few days prior had been more than enjoyable and she'd gotten to be lazy with her hunting. With crabs and other seafood around she hadn't had to exert a whole lot of energy to find herself food.

Today she was padding alongside a river underneath the shade of sycamore trees. Cattails tickled her legs and underbelly as she passed through the reeds. The sun was high in the sky suggesting it was roughly noon and Asha was in a good mood. So far she didn't have a single complaint about the southern continent and she was seriously debating about finding a place to den once she'd explored the majority of the land. Naturally she was indecisive as to where she'd make her home at, but she was sure she'd figure it out. In the mean time she was fully enjoying her life as a free loner. The nomadic lifestyle was suiting her well.

ooc: crappy starter but meh

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: Cg2w8lq.png]



6 Years
08-31-2017, 06:32 PM

Summer was pretty great so far. She'd been here and there, exploring all kinds of places across ardent and probably irritating Artemis as she gallivanted about and forgot to look back or visit her large blue sibling. Eh, if Art wanted to find her all that badly she'd probably hunt Iskra down whether she wanted to be found or not. When Art was really determined there was no stopping her from doing what she set out to do. Until she was tracked down though, nothing could keep Iskra from getting into any and every kind of trouble imaginable.

Today she'd really been up to no good. In a moment of laziness fueled by that dangerous reckless streak Iskra had decided to steal her lunch rather than catch it herself. When she discovered a coyote munching on a juicy looking hare, she did what any smart loner might do and charged in there like a madwoman, hair on end, snarling and scaring the other predator away with her display. It was only once she'd grabbed the spoils of this anti-climactic battle that the irritated hunter she'd frightened away returned - with company. Well, that set off a series of events that Iskra was slightly less proud of. First she did the only thing she could think to do with a mouth full of stolen meat; run. She high tailed it out of there like her rear end was on fire, her newly made enemies in hot pursuit. River coming into view up ahead and a peeved pack of 'yotes comin' in hot behind, all she could do was leap up into the nearest tree(thank goodness there were plenty of low-growing branches) and climb her way up far enough to be temporarily safe. Her newfound company couldn't seem to scale the bark as she had, so there she was. Eating lunch in a tree, occasionally sticking her tongue out at the irritable canines down below.

Eventually after satisfying her hunger she'd lift her head to see an ashen colored wolf in the distance. Would the stranger come this way? Iskra couldn't help but wonder if the beef her new friends had with her would apply to anyone else to entered the scene. Oh well. Now, how was she ever going to get back down?


Table image by Argenticide



4 Years
Extra large
09-04-2017, 10:07 AM

Artemis had spent the better part of her day covered in slick, grey river mud, and was a good deal happier than she could remember being for some time. Since Crew's disbanding, she had been battling against the same creeping sadness she'd felt at the disappearance of her parents, and the pack she'd been born into. However, that morning the sun had been exceptionally warm, the sky exceptionally blue, and the breeze exceptionally pleasant. It was hard for her to maintain a bad humor in such conditions. So she'd struck out for the river bank, planning on splashing and laughing and maybe catching a fish or two... but probably not. In fact she had caught nothing at all when the caterwaul of about a million angry coyotes broke into her own self-indulgent ruckus.

Art's ears perked, wondering what on earth had the pests so riled up. The hair on the back of her neck stood as they drew nearer and nearer. She began to wonder if she might find herself in the middle of a warpath. One or two coyotes she could take, no sweat, but a whole pack of them was somewhat less enjoyable to deal with. She sighed and heaved herself up onto the bank, trying to get a better view of the calamity-in-progress. What she saw did not surprise her one bit.

Her damned sister was running like a bat out of hell, carrying some floppy piece of meat, with an entire pack snapping at her heels. Artemis shook her head, amusement curling onto her face. Oh, she'd intervene if she felt the need, but that moment certainly wasn't now. She watched as Iskra hurled herself up the trunk of a tree, scrabbling for purchase. The coyotes didn't seem overly inclined to follow, but they weren't leaving her alone either. A flash of movement in the corner of her eye drew her focus to a mottled, sooty fae who was approaching from alongside the riverbank. Had the noise drawn her in as well? Unphased by the fact that this was a total stranger, Artemis chuckled and waited until the she was in hearing distance before calling out, "My sister seems to have found herself some new friends. Care to make a wager? I say the coyotes stay there a full moon and she withers away to skin and bones." She was sure to say it loud enough that Iskra was bound to hear her, and turned, hoping to catch her eye.

"Talk" "You" Think
Artemis' family members are always allowed in her threads!