
Someone's Out There



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2 Years
09-04-2017, 09:25 PM (This post was last modified: 11-12-2017, 03:53 AM by Keahilani.)
The Irish damsel was travelling quietly, exploring the East portion of the lands, curious about the vast differences this region had to the Southern that she had been privileged to survey somewhat. Her coat didn't blend well in many of these places, but that was what she was accustomed to, comfortable among trees and shrubbery, as well as rolling plains. She grew up with massive forests in her homeland, bordering rolling valleys, old relics of civilizations past littering the lands. It was strange seeing smaller trees here, even as she had made the decision to leave, she missed the comfortable feeling of home and the legends that she believed in. The history of her home was rich with religion and myths, fact and fable, and she was proud of it.

Exhaling slowly, Keahi dipped her head lower, tail lifting and waving behind her like a banner, sniffing carefully at the ground before her. She stepped cautiously forwards, ears perked and swiveling about as she tried to capture any sounds of other canines, or other creatures. She wouldn't want to underestimate the lands and run into trouble, for she wasn't sure she could handle herself that well if she got in a fight. Not to mention, the Masou wolf was a loner still, she had no pack to help her heal. 

The tan and reddish-orange female's nose twitched as she caught the scent of a wolf, not too recent but not faint either, leading in the direction she was already headed. Curiosity rose within her, while the rational part of her warned that it might be unsafe. She would never know if she never explored, so she moved ahead with a leisurely pace, prepared to run if anything should go wrong.
keahilani // enya // masou
little survivor princess

avvie creds to Shrapnel <3