
Float up 'til you're close to God



2 Years
09-07-2017, 04:14 PM
The raid had left Rasiel feeling guilty, wishing she had gone to fight. But something with the young female had her thinking that fighting wasn’t the path she wanted to take. Especially after she saw the maims that both her uncle and Marina had sustained. Rassie felt a knot in her gut, a feeling that shook her to her very core. But the question was what rank should she be trying for then? She knew how to fight, and knew about hunting even if her more.. Pudgy body prevented her from running excessively. Herblore was a thing to consider… but that didn’t seem quite right either. She felt frustrated, unsure what path she wanted to take… Perhaps she’d talk to Lais and Regulus about it… and then hopefully all could be made clear.

Currently the femme sat on the Plain, a bit aways from where she denned. Her mis-matched blue gaze was focused on the horizon. Her ears were perked, mind going to the little ones. So far her cousins Ronen and Viho were missing still… and she didn’t even know about the two of Marina’s children that were MIA as well. It was troubling… among other things as well. She was aware of Celestial getting fuller and… she pinned her ears back. Obviously she wasn’t pulling her weight… doing what she was supposed to. She had ambitions when she was younger to be a great fighter, be like Regulus, but now that the path of a warrior didn’t seem to fit her she felt unsure of what she wanted to do. Surely though there was some role in Celestial that fit her, that she could strive towards…

Her thoughts jumbling in her head Rassie continued to think, trying her best to think about what interested her. She liked the children, she thought, though she wasn’t necessarily eager to have any of her own yet. She was still young of course, had time to think about such things.. But maybe she could offer a paw to help train the other youths and find her purpose that way? Yeah… that could work! Maybe she could even talk to Regulus about going on missions outside of the pack to look for the missing, especially since her cousins parents couldn’t go out looking as easily themselves. Kalli was blind… and Cas had to care for her and a crippled daughter.

That was it. She’d be a supporting role in the pack. Maybe she didn’t have a defined rank yet… but she felt her purpose rise up in her heart once more.



4 Years
09-07-2017, 05:59 PM
The training meeting had ended and now the young male had his mind on one thing, finding his siblings. Maybe if he did his mother's mood would lighten and she would return to her normal self. Then things could return to normal once again and he could work on developing himself more in the pack. Little did he know that it wouldn't help, something in his mother had snapped the night of the raid and she may never return to normal again. Once he had made sure his remaining siblings were alright and moved to the communal den with another recovering pack mate he had set off through the territory. Starting back at the den they were all in during the raid he did his best to put his nose to work. The scent would be old, but would hopefully be enough of a start for him. Nose to the ground he began to circle around the area, looking for the scent of his little sister first. She was blind and he felt he should find her first. He knew that both siblings were vary unlikely to be in the same place so he would have to pick who to find first, which would be his blind sister.

Upon finding the old faded scent of his sister he began to slowly fallowed it going slow for now to ensure he wouldn't loose the trail. Fallowing it carefully through the territory as best as he could the male was on his own for this one, he had left Bones to watch his remaining siblings and continue to leave meals at his mother's den. With his mother mentally out of commission he needed someone to ensure the remainder of his family was okay and with all that was going on lately he really only felt like he could trust Bones right now. Several time he had to stop, back up, and get back onto the scent trail. Though he felt he was doing as best as he could. With his focus on the task at hand he paid little attention to the world around him and had no clue of the fellow pack mate nearby. Direction pointed east he continued to move forward.