


09-09-2017, 09:43 PM
Something hadn't quite settled right with the young man when he parted ways with Elpis after they made it off the island. He had been so excited to get back to his family that he hadn't thought twice when she urged him to go find them. He had gotten about halfway back to Celestial when suddenly he slowed to a stop. Something didn't feel right. He knew Elpis had her fathers to get back to, but... He shouldn't have left her alone. They should have gone to find their families together. The massive man instantly felt deeply guilty for leaving his fellow captive on her own.

He turned around and ran back toward the shore. His hope was that he would just catch up to her and insist on joining her on her journey, but as his paws hit the sand he realized that wasn't going to be the case. The traces of Elpis' scent didn't go far beyond the shore where they had parted ways and worse... Forsaken's scent was mingled with it. Damn it... he thought to himself as he stared out over the water toward the island where they had been held captive all this time. Without considering any other options, Viho hurriedly swam back to the island, dread deep in his gut.

Even though his muscles ached from the run to the shore and the swim back to the island, he forced himself to keep going and hit the ground running as soon as he shook the water out of his fur. He shouldn't have left her, he should have taken her with him if nothing else. He followed her scent until his gaze finally landed on the den that it led him to. He hesitated and hid in the bushes, scanning for any sign that Forsaken was there... but he didn't see the cruel man anywhere. At least not right now.

Viho crept over to the den, keeping himself low to the ground and as quiet as he could. "Elpis!" he said in a whisper as he leaned into the den, peering into the darkness of it. "Elpis, come on, I'm going to get you out of here." He could smell the blood mixed with her scent and the guilt weighed on him. He could have prevented this if he would have just thought for a moment. But now all he could do was try to make it right.


11-12-2017, 10:15 PM
The den was quiet… dark… but it smelled of her blood… and of her fear. Elpis had been resting, or trying to, after Forsaken made her come back here. She was terrified… terrified of what that man could do. Had done. It hurt all over from where the male had used his fangs to slash into her flesh, particularly on her face where he had racked his fangs across her left eye. Luckily the orb itself hadn’t been heavily damaged… but there was a lack of vision in it now. The main areas he had focused were her face and legs… Blood caking on the injured areas as it dried without proper treatment.

But hearing a familiar voice gave the girl a flicker of courage. She lifted her head, speaking in a voice just barely above a whisper. “V-Viho…” She whimpered, edging closer to the mouth of the den. With the light that fell on her face it wouldn’t be hard to see where the scent of blood came from. Tears began to form in her eyes as the femme hesitated, the memories of the cruel man standing over her and snarling that he’d kill her if she tried to run again…

“I’m scared…” She confessed, her voice still low. Her ears were flicked back against her skull, her gaze darting about as she scanned for Forsaken behind him. “I saw Forsaken come back covered in blood again…” She started to ease out of the den a bit more, tail between her legs as she continued to keep watch.

“Oh Gods Viho is this ever really going to end?” She whimpered. “I don’t know what we did wrong…” She closed her eyes, taking in his scent. Viho was comforting, just by being there. He made her feel safer… like she wasn’t just some object for Forsaken to use. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to run again… afraid of what might happen if ‘saken found her out.

But at the same time there was something screaming at her to go with Viho. A part of her that didn’t want to remain a prisoner forever. A part of her that longed for the freedom that was rightfully hers. “I haven’t seen him in a while though… do… do you think we’ll really get away?”