
She Twerkin' {Training}



4 Years
07-23-2014, 02:21 PM (This post was last modified: 07-23-2014, 02:28 PM by Anzhelika.)
The creme painted babe would make make her way into the deserted land of the battlefield, this place a new one that she had found herself set upon. She new to be at least a decent warrior Queen she had to be a good fighter in one way or another. This spar she was about to put herself wasn't just for the sake of fighting- it was for her to learn something from it, so that she could become a good fighter. The large ivory sadist would pace around the land, claws scraping against the dry earth. She would tilt her ivory crown back and howl, calling for a spar.
[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!



9 Years
07-23-2014, 05:04 PM

The woman had yet to fight during her time in Alactrica and the thirst for battle was devouring her. To actually rip into another. To pummel another to the ground. For that was real power. Sure, she was an heiress to an iron throne. But, how should she defend her title if she lost track of her sense of slaughter. The babe was horribly thirsty for battle. Therefore when she heard the call for a spar her entire bodice tingled with pure excitement. The german vixen instantly rose from her resting place and slithered her lanky body to the battlefields. A place she had yet to venture to. But, her darling mother, Svanerna, told her much of it. It is where Kings and Queens were thrown from their thrones. Where battle masters fought to gain skill and for packs to claim their subjects. She could see herself making a few trips to the battlefields before her reign was diminished. Though, as she arrived her blood red eyes fell upon a familiar creature. The golden vixen from the lake. Schon move a good eight feet away from her acquaintance. "We meet again, Lady Anzhelika." The woman dipped her head slightly before she got ready for battle. "Let us begin, darling. I will not be going easy on you." Schon smirked lightly before the fun began.

The girl made sure her defenses were set. The lady let her hackles puff up into thick rolls to increase protection along each bit of her neck and shoulders. Also protecting her spine. Schon bent each lanky knee to lower her bodice to the earth for mobility and stability all in one. Her claws were in dug into the earth to allow her to have leverage and grip upon the earth. Her paws were also dug into the earth in case she had to prepare for impact. A tri-colored tail was aligned with her spine. Her head was aligned with her spine. Both of her crimson orbs were narrowed to protect the beautiful orbs from teeth or claw. Her tri-toned ears were flat against her cream colored skull to protect the tender flesh as well. Lips were curled up to show her fangs for intimidation. But, it would also bunch up the skin below each eye to protect her cheeks. Schon tucked her head in to protect her throat. Last but not least, her core was tightened to brace herself for impact. Schon was completely prepared for battle.

They were evenly matched. Both 36 inches but the golden girl had more of a wight mass the her. Schon was a lanky girl. Skinny. Her bones were almost sticking out. But, she looked so divine. But deadly. The beautiful being then began her assualt. Schon attempt to dig her paws into the earth even more and charge at her opponent. Her bony chest would aim to slam square into the Anzy's. Chest to chest. Due to them being of the same height, such would be easy unless the gluttonous girl moved in those quick moments. Even if her chest slam was denied, the daemon would try to move in and crank her head to the left. Her jaws would aim to sink into the tender flesh of her sparring partner's right bit of neck. Her upper jaw sought out the tender flesh of the upper back bits of Anzy's right sided neck. Her lower jaws aimed at the more middle bit and more of the side of Anzhelika's neck. It would be an attempt at a moderate bite. Nothing to intense, but it would be sought out to lock on rather then snap and back away. But all the while her bodice would be firm and in lock.



for spar

DEFENSES: The lady let her hackles puff up into thick rolls to increase protection along each bit of her neck and shoulders. Also protecting her spine. Schon bent each lanky knee to lower her bodice to the earth for mobility and stability all in one. Her claws were in dug into the earth to allow her to have leverage and grip upon the earth. Her paws were also dug into the earth in case she had to prepare for impact. A tri-colored tail was aligned with her spine. Her head was aligned with her spine. Both of her crimson orbs were narrowed to protect the beautiful orbs from teeth or claw. Her tri-toned ears were flat against her cream colored skull to protect the tender flesh as well. Lips were curled up to show her fangs for intimidation. But, it would also bunch up the skin below each eye to protect her cheeks. Schon tucked her head in to protect her throat. Last but not least, her core was tightened to brace herself for impact.

ATTACKS: Attempt to slam her center chest into anzy's center chest. attempt to bite at the right side of anzy's right bit of neck.

Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.



4 Years
07-23-2014, 06:36 PM (This post was last modified: 07-23-2014, 06:45 PM by Anzhelika.)
"It would be a pleasure to spar with you, Schon." She would say with a small smile as the ebony and alabaster girl would set her defenses in. Anzhelika would do the same, preparing for battle. Her violet and golden orbs would narrow into small slits, a keen part in protection. Everyone wanted to keep her eyesight, no? Her scruff would bunch up along her neck, allowing her easy movement and protecting her vital backside. Her hackles would raise as well, the fur on her back bristling up as her scruff and hackles were raised, the girl aligning her tail with her spine. She would watch as Schon would align her skull with her spine, Anzhelika doing the same as she aligned her skull with her spine and tail. Her ears would flatten against her skull and her muscles would tense, core/abdomen muscles tensing as well as she became ready for impact. Her joints would be loose, easy to bend in case she needed to move quickly. Her claws dug into the ground for traction and she tucked her chin in, protecting her neck. Her lips would curl back and her maw would open in a snarl, ivory daggers pointing out in a snarl. Her cheeks would also bunch up, protecting the fleshy skin on her face and muzzle. Schon would make the first move, charging at her and slamming into Anzhelika's chest. Although they were the same height, Schon weighed less than her, only seeming to cause a bruise to her chest. Her breath would falter a bit from the impact, but her defenses stayed in check. Schon would also attempt to bite her neck, but her grip would be loose and Anzhelika would snap her head away. She would tense her core even more, quickly regaining her breath. She would raise herself on her hind legs, distributing her weight between them. She would attempt to wrap her front legs around her scruff, attempting to dig her claws into the woman's back, trying to get a hold of her. She would open her maw and attempt to sink her ivory daggers into Schon's scruff, attempting to latch on.
[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!



9 Years
07-24-2014, 04:19 PM
ooc: I allowed the edit for the spar is for the betterment of Misha hehe. Im not gonna deny her a small edit. <3

Schon had no time for games. When she fought she beckoned Tyr, the God of War, to be on her side. As Schon ran at Anzhelika the golden babe did not bother to move any. Therefore their chests hit straight on. Due to being the one 'slamming' the fae was ready for it. Therefore the only damage she took from her own attack was possible bruising upon the direct center of her bony chest. Her jaws would sink into the other fae's right side of neck as well. Her grip was loose but it was a decent enough bite to induce plenty pain. But, it was soon shaken. Anzy whipped her head back causing Schon's jaws to be forced away from the flesh. Such a move would likely induce more ripping of flesh for Anzy herself, but that would all depend. Her attacks were normal. They met the girl with ease but they were surprisingly forgotten due to Anzy whipping her head back.

Schon would take a small moment to allow her bodice to get into defensive stance. Each paw was spread out completely evenly. Each claw was dug into the ground for gripping purposes, this would help her stability and mobility. A tri-toned tail was aligned with her nimble spine. Both of her audits were tucked and flat to her skull to protect them from any sort of bites of claws. The tender flesh would not be for Anzy's taking. Her nose and lips would be curled up to show off her ivory fangs. Though such a movement would increase protection of her cheeks due to the skin rolling up under each eyes. Cream colored hackles would puff up around her upper back and neck to protect the area from vital bites. The skin would roll into thick bits of tough, furry, flesh. Each knee was bent as well, to keep her slightly low to the ground. Her eyes would be narrowed as well, to protect the blood red orbs from any sort of attack. But since it was indeed a spar she would hope her opponent would not try to go for the vital gems. Last but not least, her core was tightened and her breathing was steady to embrace for further assaults.

Quickly, the golden girl would lift her bodice up from the earth. Her hind legs firm on the ground but her frontal bits aiming to hook onto the cannibal's body. Paws would aim to wrap around her neck, cream paws landing on Schon's shoulders. She would feel claws poking slightly at her skin but due to the fact that claws do not do much to scruff nothing but small scarping was dealt. Due to the fact that Anzy had height gained on Schon, the golden girl aimed a bite at the heir's scruff. Due to her being higher then Schon, the girl bit down at the right of her back scruff, right behind her right ear. (Due to misha not specifying where the bite would be aimed at, i can choose where the damage was taken.) The girl got a good drip of the Finnvi's scruff, latching on. Her teeth entering the flesh at about a good half inch. Blood would be drawn but due to the fact that it was a bite to the scruff it was no where near vital.

To recap, Anzy had her frontal legs wrapped around Schon and she was latched onto Schon's scruff by jaws. Right behind the Cannibal's right ear. Schon would very well take advantage to their positioning. The heir was a smart fighter. Sure, she had blood lust, but not to the point of idiocy. The fae would allow her hind legs to bend and most of her weight to gather on the hind paws. She would try to lurch her frontal bits up. Aiming for her skull to slam into the bottom of her opponents throat. Such could induce loss of breath, pain to the area, and possible bruising. As she would come back down, if such a movement purchased, her front right paw would raise and aim to crash down at Anzy's left fore paw. This could result in bruising or even broken toes if Schon was lucky. But, it would all depend on how Anzy reacted or moved with each assault.



for spar

DEFENSES: Each paw was spread out completely evenly. Each claw was dug into the ground for gripping purposes, this would help her stability and mobility. A tri-toned tail was aligned with her nimble spine. Both of her audits were tucked and flat to her skull to protect them from any sort of bites of claws. The tender flesh would not be for Anzy's taking. Her nose and lips would be curled up to show off her ivory fangs. Though such a movement would increase protection of her cheeks due to the skin rolling up under each eyes. Cream colored hackles would puff up around her upper back and neck to protect the area from vital bites. The skin would roll into thick bits of tough, furry, flesh. Each knee was bent as well, to keep her slightly low to the ground. Her eyes would be narrowed as well, to protect the blood red orbs from any sort of attack. But since it was indeed a spar she would hope her opponent would not try to go for the vital gems. Last but not least, her core was tightened and her breathing was steady to embrace for further assaults.

ATTACKS: Attempt to launch her front bits up, put her weight on her hinds, she would try to slam her head up into the throat of Anzy. Attempt to slam her front right paw into Anzy's front left paw.

INJURIES: Bite to scruff right behind her right ear. Bruising to center of chest. little puncture wounds at her shoulder blades on her back.
Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.

The Judge


07-28-2014, 12:52 PM
Default to Sch?n

Due to Anzhelika not posting in the allotted time, Sch?n is the winner.

Anzhelika must give up by either passing out, submitting, or running away.