
Clearing the Mind



5 Years
09-17-2017, 08:14 PM
ooc: Keeping Raid stuff lax until his fights are judged.

Since the raid he had felt he had way to much on his mind. He had been new to actual fighting and he just felt off since the battles. He had wanted to clear his mind and had decided it would be best to take a small trip outside of pack lands. He had taken a familiar route, but instead of stopping at the battlefield, he continued on. He just wanted to do something different, see something new so he continued towards the North. With new scenery he hoped it would help him relax a little more. As far as he knew none of the lands of the north had been claimed by a pack so he felt it was the most wild and untamed area he could think of. Maybe if he found some sort of problem or maze in the north he could easily distract himself by solving it.

Being Summer the north should be a bit milder and shouldn't get to cold or snowy unless he started getting at a higher altitude. The first place he had stumbled into was the mile high woods. He took his time and slowing his pace down. Looking around he took in his surroundings and he even felt the cooler temperatures were more comfortable to him. Moving through the woods at a steady pace he lowered his head to the ground to take in the scent trails that riddled the ground. He wasn't looking for anything in particular, but he just wanted to see if there was any type of new prey around here, any scents he couldn't recognize.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: blue_5_6_by_nnightcrawler-danjgwa.png]
[Image: c9VTOML.png]



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
10-02-2017, 07:14 PM
It'd been a fair while since Asvor had traveled up north. Truthfully, it'd been awhile since she had seen any of her family and so - while she didn't feel compelled to stay in the northern lands - at least she wanted to visit these familiar lands. The weather was fairly mild, even for the season, and part of her longed to see snow coating the forest floor and the boughs of the tall trees here, but at least the air was crisper here.  She could see snow capping the mountains in the far distance, and it made her feel a slight bit of excitement knowing that snow would once again touch these land soon enough.

Her gait was aimless as she wove between the tall trees, briefly tipping her head upwards toward the sky to watch the way the tendrils of light struggled to make their way through the treetops. The woman wore a faint smile, an expression that came and went easily. It faltered slightly when a familiar scent touched her lips as she sniffed at the ground. It took her a long moment for her to decide if she knew the source of the scent or not - and it took even longer for her to place a name to the smell. Somewhat cautiously she moved to follow the scent, only slowing her pace when the male was within shouting distance. The right corner of her mouth twisted up in a smile, her tail flicking behind her as she offered a loud bark to announce her presence. It'd been awhile ago that they'd met, but she was certain he would remember her, as she did him.