
With Eyes Wide Shut


09-19-2017, 10:14 AM

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09-19-2017, 10:15 AM

Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text



09-19-2017, 10:16 AM

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur euismod auctor metus id venenatis. Duis tempus tincidunt enim eget rutrum. Nam eu venenatis metus. Morbi mauris metus, porta hendrerit lorem sit amet, aliquet commodo metus. Donec dictum odio dapibus lectus euismod elementum. Praesent condimentum facilisis dapibus. Ut a faucibus est. Sed semper ipsum ac quam dignissim eleifend. Fusce imperdiet purus justo, quis vulputate mi luctus eget. Integer euismod, orci eget vehicula luctus, nulla libero mattis ligula, at iaculis mauris lacus eget elit. Praesent at dolor ornare, pretium ligula ut, dictum nisl. Vivamus sed risus erat.

Duis nec pharetra leo. Vestibulum viverra nisl magna, quis lacinia sem tincidunt sit amet. Vestibulum tempus euismod lacus, sed sollicitudin metus convallis quis. Donec tristique, est sit amet accumsan dignissim, nibh nibh suscipit mauris, sed suscipit purus magna at turpis. Morbi dapibus dictum elit a tempor. Nulla condimentum neque urna, pellentesque accumsan felis pharetra nec. Curabitur eu interdum purus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur euismod auctor metus id venenatis. Duis tempus tincidunt enim eget rutrum. Nam eu venenatis metus. Morbi mauris metus, porta hendrerit lorem sit amet, aliquet commodo metus. Donec dictum odio dapibus lectus euismod elementum. Praesent condimentum facilisis dapibus. Ut a faucibus est. Sed semper ipsum ac quam dignissim eleifend. Fusce imperdiet purus justo, quis vulputate mi luctus eget. Integer euismod, orci eget vehicula luctus, nulla libero mattis ligula, at iaculis mauris lacus eget elit. Praesent at dolor ornare, pretium ligula ut, dictum nisl. Vivamus sed risus erat.


09-19-2017, 10:16 AM

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur euismod auctor metus id venenatis. Duis tempus tincidunt enim eget rutrum. Nam eu venenatis metus. Morbi mauris metus, porta hendrerit lorem sit amet, aliquet commodo metus. Donec dictum odio dapibus lectus euismod elementum. Praesent condimentum facilisis dapibus. Ut a faucibus est. Sed semper ipsum ac quam dignissim eleifend. Fusce imperdiet purus justo, quis vulputate mi luctus eget. Integer euismod, orci eget vehicula luctus, nulla libero mattis ligula, at iaculis mauris lacus eget elit. Praesent at dolor ornare, pretium ligula ut, dictum nisl. Vivamus sed risus erat.

Duis nec pharetra leo. Vestibulum viverra nisl magna, quis lacinia sem tincidunt sit amet. Vestibulum tempus euismod lacus, sed sollicitudin metus convallis quis. Donec tristique, est sit amet accumsan dignissim, nibh nibh suscipit mauris, sed suscipit purus magna at turpis. Morbi dapibus dictum elit a tempor. Nulla condimentum neque urna, pellentesque accumsan felis pharetra nec. Curabitur eu interdum purus.


09-19-2017, 10:17 AM

"Ghost of you"

His tone would call out to the lands. Hauntingly beautiful, it seemed as if the birds themselves had silenced their own songs to listen. Jinxx would not stop, not until his notes brought back something worth stopping for. He was desperate to find those of his kind, the ones who bore the cross. His brothers and sisters, his Father. His aunts and uncles, perhaps even his grandparents if they were still alive. But alas, it was only he atop this desolate land. His song soaring in the air for all to hear, hoping...praying...that one of his own would answer his prayer.

He had not seen the newcomer approach, had not noticed the ascendance of the unknown ghost as he made his way towards him. "Brother?" It wasn't until Jinxx's audits shifted at the sound of a voice, that his melody would cease in a quick snap of his jaws. Head slowly turning to gaze at the unknown stranger, oceanic blue optics taking in the form of the stranger who stood nearby. At first, he did not believe what he was seeing. And gradually, eyes would widen in confusion as his eyes remained glued to the Cross on the behemoths side before tracing back to his face. It was someone he had never seen nor met before...and yet, he bore the family symbol. Motionless, not due to fear nor anger, he stood. Heart seemingly stopping in its tracks as he stared at the nameless one. "Brother...? Who...who are you?" He would question the other, reserved yet slightly bewildered tones lingering upon the end of his tongue. Who was this man, and why was he calling him brother? More so...why did he bear resemblance to his mother? Could it be that this was the long lost brother he had never had a chance to meet? Or was he staring face to face with a ghost?

"Speech", Thought, "You"


09-19-2017, 10:17 AM

An older brother? He would remain there, eyes glued on the creature before him. Words trapped within his mind as he turned over what he had just learned. Pulsus...that name was unknown to him. The only older brother he had known about was Lunatik, but...that would mean he was related to their devil of a brother. Did that mean he was like him too? Had he done something to their sisters? Hackles rose slightly in defense, though he would keep the rest of him calm as it did not seem like this Pulsus was hostile. Perhaps there was nothing to worry about, though one couldn't be sure. Lunatik had once appeared the same way, and one day had suddenly turned savage and tried to wipe everyone out.

"'re my brother? So, does that mean you're related Lunatik?" He wondered. If he was, he wondered why he had never seen him before. Had his parents given him up? Hidden him? Why had he never heard about Pulsus before? Why had he never heard about others besides Lunatik? He turned his body to face the male, ears erect and curiosity beginning to draw out, wanting to know the answers that had been unknown to him for so long.


Talk like this


09-19-2017, 10:18 AM
The daemon had been roaming the shadows of night in search from little mortals to pluck up and slaughter. His green eyes reflected the blinding light of the moon that haunted them all in that moment. His long tail brushed behind him as he slithered through the woodland. His paws crushed down on leaves and twigs. He was not silent and never was. The being was a behemoth. Huge. A brute. The man had no sort of elegance about him until he spoke. His tones were covered in a mask of the intense Romanian accent. His body was shown moving effortlessly through the dark forest. His eyes caught a glimpse of fur, inky fur. It was female, a delicate female. He instantly knew she was worthy, her scent was worthy to say the least. Though, he felt a heat within his core there was no emotion. It was all empty, as always. He had never even felt true lust. He raped to rape. To establish authority. But, he would not do such things to the female before him.

As his paw slid down onto a flimsy twig a crack was heard. He watched as the woman seemed to snap out of her thoughts, but she continued on with haste. The daemon let forth a deep howl, his head whipping up. His vocals filled the air, a notice of his pressance that radiated with intense power. Cu Sith would trot forth to meet her. His curiosity often got the better of him, but it would not kill him like a cat. With a tilt of her head the man watched, waiting.


09-19-2017, 10:18 AM

text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here.

talk, think


09-19-2017, 10:19 AM

The thoughts that clung and ravaged him would nearly rent his head asunder, but it was then that a voice so clearly familiar, would save him. Almost immediately, the dark voice would filter away to be replaced by one more friendly, one that he recognized, one that he was not afraid of. He turned almost slowly, as if she were no more then a mirage waiting to disappear the moment he turned around, and yet she was there. Red and blue orbs, mismatched against her many hued pelt stared at him just as he stared at her. Was she truly there? Was she real? Or was she a figment of his imagination that seemed to be decaying over time? He decided to turn and face her, though only lifting himself slightly as he turned an about face. "Odette, nice to see you again!" He would exclaim as he reached forth to close the distance in a friendly nuzzle, and although he was never so bold no brash, he hadn't thought about it until after the fact. Thus causing him to feel slightly embarrassed at the sudden affection. "'ve you been? What are you up to?"

He was sure she had similar questions for him. He had been sick recently, and although recovering he was feeling a bit better in her presence already. She was always so charismatic, always so adventurous and eager to know about the world. While he was once the same way as a younger male, he now held the insecurities of the world. Afraid of many mysterious and yet curious all the same. But Odette? She never seemed to be afraid, and he felt that around her. He wondered if she was even afraid of anything, or if perhaps he was the only one. Even so, he did not want to put her in a sad state. Although he was curious to learn her story, for she seemed to hold wisdom beyond her years within her eyes. He could see right through her always shining mismatched orbs, the ones that seemed to draw him to her everytime. One of his favorite features if he had to choose, although even that decision in itself was a hard one to make.



09-19-2017, 10:55 AM

Wolves develop from pups at an incredible rate. Pups are born, in late April, after just a two-month pregnancy. They are born deaf, blind, and weigh no more than a can of soda pop. At this time, pups can do basically just one thing – suckle their mother’s milk.

Within a month, pups can hear and see, weigh ten pounds, and explore and play around the den site. The parents and sometimes one- or two- year old siblings bring food back to the den site. The food is regurgitated for the pups to eat. By about two months of age (late June), pups are fully weaned and eat only meat. By three months of age (late July), pups travel as much as a few miles to rendezvous sites, where pups wait for adults to return from hunts.

Pups surviving to six or seven months of age (late September) have adult teeth, are eighty percent their full size, and travel with the pack for many miles as they hunt and patrol their territory. When food is plentiful, most pups survive to their first birthday. As often, food is scarce and no pups survive.
