
The path to righteousness



6 Years
09-24-2017, 02:11 PM
The man passed into the abyss of light and dark so easily. His form manifesting as the gorgeous guardian it was known as. The shadows left behind as the moon touched him, almost as if they feared him. He moved with such fluidity and grace as if he was preened to be perfect from the moment he was materialized into the world.He was the right hand of his god, a punisher and the force that others that opposed his god feared. 

He strode forward into the shrine. His eyes scanned the area. It was almost perfect for the Father's claim to land upon on. Of course the elder brothers would then be expected to claim land surrounding the fathers. To be his pillars of faith and to be his protection. 

He stopped and sat gently in the center. Even if the Father didn't claim this land he would. IF Lucifer wanted to survive he would stay off his land. He was no fool to how he operated.

Gabriel I


6 Years
Dire wolf
09-24-2017, 03:25 PM

Samael had been invading his den constantly. Every morning, he was forced to the water to cleanse the scent of sin from his pelt. Much as he cared for his fallen brother, he was his Father's son and that meant something to him. A family based creature at the core, the golden male found it hard to sleep without another sharing his space. However, he feared for himself and Samael should anyone discover their encounters.

Today, he had rolled in some heavily scented herbs. A nearby stranger had informed him that it was called lavender. It made him feel quite fancy, though it made it nearly impossible to smell anyone coming. With a bone deep calm settled in, he wandered in search of someone else. Lately he had been falling behind in his duty. Sharing the gospel of his Father had become difficult lately, as this heathen land was not interested in what he had to say of the foreign Lord.

A familiar musk invaded his nostrils. Lifting his tail high over his hips, head held just as proudly, he would trot briskly along the trail. Broad alabaster paws would prance delicately over the terra, seeking the familiar sibling. There was a pang of fear in his gut, that the lingering scent of Samael had not been fully cleansed. It was a tiny worry, hardly enough for him to even think about it. The terrain would become unfamiliar, and the scent would become stronger. Soon enough, he could hear his brother pacing. It stopped, and the soft thump of the male sitting down followed. "Michael, dear brother." The herald crooned, smiling softly. "I was beginning to worry, when I couldn't find you all this time." Snout would seek the form of his brother, aiming to slide his snout along the throat and shoulder of the smaller man.

"Gabriel" Thoughts "Others"


Samael, as Gabriel's brother/stalker, will likely be making appearances in any/all of his threads to distantly stare at his interactions. Just an FYI.

**Also, his face is heavily scarred on the left side, none of his tables reflect this yet. Missing fur on the cheek, below the eye, and scars across the bridge of his muzzle and down his neck.



6 Years
09-24-2017, 05:14 PM
The form of Gabriel approaching him was not an odd thing. Nor did it bring any reaction to him. His scent was inhaled. A brow lifting, although the blind guardian would not see. A sound of deep thought, a hum passing from his lips. The scent was that of gabe and as if he had rolled in the gardens of the Eden. As if he were hiding something.

Michael watched with his heterochromatic eyes. His brother touched him and he was quick to recoil from such affections. The words that were spoken were met with a scoff. "I've been busy, just as you should have been. The word of our father will not spread itself." His voice was harsh. His temper foul. It had always been such. 

He gave another hum of thought before the male aimed a force for his brother that would likely knock him from his feet. His shoulder aimed for Gabe's chest. The force enough to knock the wind from him. He was scrutinizing Gabe, his nose in his locks, breaths coming in deep. The scents mingled well. The scent of a garden almost overpowering something else. A grumble of a growl came from him. "You hide something, the scent of Eden upon your pelt is merely to cloak something else, is it not. Brother, mine, do you think us daft? Come clean of what you hide and I shall let you up." His paws sought then to hold the Herald down. It would not be his will that Gabe got up until the hiding had ceased.

Gabriel I


6 Years
Dire wolf
09-24-2017, 06:01 PM

The man hummed thoughtfully. He shoved away the questing muzzle, paw connecting roughly with the herald's chest. A soft grunt was forced from his jaws, and he took a few steps back. Roughly shaking out his pelt, he attempted to swallow the pang of hurt. Michael was an ass sometimes, for reasons unknown. Unimpressed and without care for the worry of his brother, Michael scoffed harshly. "I've been busy, just as you should have been. The word of our father will not spread itself." He all but snarled. Tall alabaster auds would tilt back, brows drawing together. Why was he being so needlessly cruel? Before their departure he had not been so aggressive. Was it because he too feared the wrath of their Father?

"I have shared the gospel with many, Michael. No need for such tones." The titan warned, baritones remaining smooth. He could all but taste the waves of anger that radiated from the other male. This didn't look like it was headed anywhere good. The thoughtful hum rumbled from Michael's chest once more.

A blow to his chest, unanticipated and brutal, shoved him backwards. His haunches folded beneath him without his will. Invading his space, in just the way as he had denied Gabriel, Michael thrust his muzzle into the fur of his ruff and snuffled busily. Gabriel wanted to snap at him, clutch an ear between his teeth and remind him of his place. Father's favourite or not, they were brothers. He matched his brother's growl with his own, deeper of tone and just as outraged. "You hide something, the scent of Eden upon your pelt is merely to cloak something else, is it not. Brother, mine, do you think us daft? Come clean of what you hide and I shall let you up." The smaller male snapped. He shoved his paws against Gabriel's chest, trying to push him around and muscle him to the ground. Luckily, with roughly a foot of height on his brother, it wasn't happening any time soon. Claws curved into the dirt, muscles would tense to hold himself right where he was. Not pushing against Michael, but not rolling over to submit either.

"Michael," It was a warning. "we are brothers, and you should take care to remember that. I bathed in the scents of an herb known as lavender, simply for the sake of elevating my emotions." He rumbled, gaze seeking his brother's face. Whiskers caught the breath of his brother, directing his nose towards that of the pale man. "I do not appreciate your distrust, brother. What do you think I have done that worries you so?" He could feel a bruise blooming beneath his pelt, where the sharp point of Michael's shoulder was buried in the muscle relentlessly. Expression would remain passive, calm. He wasn't interested in escalating this altercation.

"Gabriel" Thoughts "Others"


Samael, as Gabriel's brother/stalker, will likely be making appearances in any/all of his threads to distantly stare at his interactions. Just an FYI.

**Also, his face is heavily scarred on the left side, none of his tables reflect this yet. Missing fur on the cheek, below the eye, and scars across the bridge of his muzzle and down his neck.



6 Years
09-24-2017, 06:27 PM
Brothers or not there was underlying scents on his brother. One that Michael would never forget seemed to linger. It was enough to shift his own scent. It became angered and even fueled with testosterone. He was not the favorite like Gabriel stated. Lucifer was. And the scents clicked then. His ears pressed back and his mouth opened as a snarl passed it. "The tainted son, Lucifer, he has a claim on you. I'll not have it Gabriel. Do not think you can hide him from me. I shall destroy him just as you should have already. Lavender will not hide him from me." His voice held that of the righteous priest he was. "This is your one warning. Do not let him deceive you, for I will destroy you just as I will him. His scent lays upon the lands here like the heathen he is, I will find him eventually even if you should hide him." He then moved away from Gabriel. His anger did not wane.

His eyes scanned. His brother was likely in cahoots with the devil. Satan had a hold on Gabriel and Michael would not allow this. "Return to his side and you will have abandoned your father and brothers. He is a heathen with no care for you, for if he did care he would have never commuted such adultery before his fall. His children are heathen scum that need to be purged just as Lucifer shall be." He was clear in his ruling. He would not hesitate to inform the Lord of his brother turning on them. Lucifer was scum and the reason for all evil. He needed to be purged.



5 Years
Dire wolf
09-24-2017, 07:06 PM
Following Gabe was becoming a full time job for Sam. He paraded after his brother slowly. He didn't need to run nor hurry. Gabe would stop eventually to allow him to catch up. Though the wind brought something on it. Anger. Michael. Gabe. And was that a hint of fear possibly? His pace quickened. A growl came forth quietly so as not to scare Gabe.

As he came upon them he could hear Michael loud and clear. The snarls brought him in to automatically assuming the worst. His ears pinned and he hurried. As he emerged to see them Gabe was upon the ground and he hurried to his side, not cloaking his steps so Gabe would know he was not alone here. His cyan nose sought Gabe's cheek, checking for scent of Michael upon him. To attack a blind man was unforgivable as Gabe could not properly defend himself. His eyes were soft on Gabe but as he found scent of foreign male upon him his eyes hardened and his head turned to Michael. "How dare you lay paw upon our brother. You want to hurt someone then find someone who can properly defend themselves." His voice was deadly but held a warning none the less. Gabe wouldn't forgive him if he was outright hostile without warning. Not that Michael would care of Gabe's feelings. Sam did though.

He widened his paws, his head dropping as he took up a place between Gabe and Michael. His shoulders rolled forward and his hackles tensed. His tail lifted. Testosterone fueled him. His jaws opened as his muzzle wrinkled. His eyes narrowed. He let a whisper pass his lips for gabe. "I'll not kill him but he will know not to lay a tooth upon you again."

He was off then as Michael turned to him. Shoulders met and his teeth hit their aim, Michael's face upon the left side. The sound of snarls resounded around them. They were chest to chest and teeth gripped the side of his throat. It was clear. Michael aimed to kill him. He needed to make it clear that he would no longer bow to anyone and that Gabe was free to choose as he wanted.

Samael vs Michael for maim(deep scaring)
1/2 moves
45" and heavy build

(P.o. of Michael allowed by me as he is mine)

As his brother and current stalking interest Gabriel is allowed in any of his threads regardless of tags. Also as the father of Leviathan, Sathanus, and Mammon Sam is allowed to pop into any of their threads as he sees fits regardless of how they are marked.

Gabriel I


6 Years
Dire wolf
09-24-2017, 08:34 PM

Michael's rage was plainly obvious, the herald didn't need eyes to know what expression he wore. Lips peeled back to reveal his fangs, ears tight to his skull. The snarl that tore from his throat was not shocking, but it still forced his ears against his head. "The tainted son, Lucifer, he has a claim on you. I'll not have it Gabriel. Do not think you can hide him from me. I shall destroy him just as you should have already. Lavender will not hide him from me." The smaller male did nothing to reign in his anger, the flash and snap of teeth was far too close to Gabriel's face for his liking. The herald maintained his stoicism, simply pulling his head away from the deadly teeth. "This is your one warning. Do not let him deceive you, for I will destroy you just as I will him. His scent lays upon the lands here like the heathen he is, I will find him eventually even if you should hide him." It was not something to be questioned, but Gabriel was not afraid of Michael. Without Father's permission, he would make no moves. The Lord was far across the sea now, where Michael would not reach him any time soon.

The sharp pain of Michael's shoulder blade lifted from his chest, relieving the pressure. He took in a sharp breath. "I obey the Lord's will and creed, Michael. I do not harbour our Fallen brother, nor do I entertain him." The male rumbled, alabaster auds remaining tipped backwards. He could hear the smaller man pacing, tail lashing like an angry cat. His preaching, as others called it, continued. "Return to his side and you will have abandoned your father and brothers. He is a heathen with no care for you, for if he did care he would have never commuted such adultery before his fall. His children are heathen scum that need to be purged just as Lucifer shall be." Chiding the herald. Condescending to him. A low growl rumbled from his jaws, and he rose back to his feet. In the back of his mind, he was well aware that this was foolish. Tail arching high above his hips, dark lips would slide away from his teeth. "Do not speak to me as though I am a child. I am a son of our Lord, and I know the creed." He snarled, unable to ignore the steps upon his tender spots that his brother knowingly took.

No sooner was he ready to defend the offspring of Samael, than the man himself appeared. A low, threatening growl was torn from his throat. The ominous rumble was not missed by the right hand. The gentle pressure of Samael's nose against his cheek brought a sharp bite of fear alongside it. There was no way to hide this now, that Samael cared for him. The spike of testosterone coincided with the disappearance of Samael's touch. "How dare you lay paw upon our brother. You want to hurt someone then find someone who can properly defend themselves." The much larger male snarled. It hurt that everyone felt the need to act on Gabriel's behalf, to fight and speak for him. Just because he couldn't see, didn't mean he was entirely useless. A snap was directed in Samael's direction, an outward expression of his internal emotions. It wasn't intended to land, simply to threaten him. Attacking Michael would be unforgivable, but attacking Samael was mandatory. "I can speak for myself." He snapped.

Samael moved away, separating the brothers from one another. Drawing a line between the right and the left hand. He spoke, softly enough that only the herald might hear what was said. "I'll not kill him but he will know not to lay a tooth upon you again." Samael said. That was it. The fight was on. The two were going to destroy each other. Should Michael succeed, the right hand of the Lord would be the only one who emerged from this meeting alive. It was all so loud. The grating cacophony pained him, forced his auds against his skull. He felt useless, weak. All of this mess was going on, and he was forced to stand there like an oaf. Just like he had stood there while those girls had been slaughtered, when Samael had Fallen.

ooc. Can I just say, 727 words :O

"Gabriel" Thoughts "Others"


Samael, as Gabriel's brother/stalker, will likely be making appearances in any/all of his threads to distantly stare at his interactions. Just an FYI.

**Also, his face is heavily scarred on the left side, none of his tables reflect this yet. Missing fur on the cheek, below the eye, and scars across the bridge of his muzzle and down his neck.



6 Years
09-24-2017, 09:53 PM
Gabe was despicable. He was lying to not only himself but to everyone else. Lucifer had his heart now as it was plain to see. His face held a snarl but Gabriel always had worn his heart upon his sleeve. He was easy to read.

He turned his back on his brother. Then the sound of heavy steps, an approach. His head turned halfway. Eyes peering from the corners. There. The masked devil himself. His hellfire eyes set on Gabriel with such an expression he could only call it endearment. He chuckled. Incestuous beast he was. Luring Gabe in to ruin him. It would never work. 

The words said rolled off him. His ears pinned, legs spread. Snearls ripped from him as loud as he could make them. His lips peeled. His eyes narrowed. Death was promised to Lucifer and now Gabe. His head lowered and hackles bristled. He dared Lucifer to come at him. He turned slowly and his body tense and tail rose high. He was the right hand of god and could not fail. Gabe snapped at Lucifer but the man seemed to shrug that one off as if they were mere love nips. 

Then it was on. Lucifer was rushing him. Shoulders met with the wind rushing from him. His mouth sought to bite and gripped into the side of Lucifer's throat. His legs wrapped around Lucifer's neck as he pulled with all his might with his teeth, tightening his grip on the flesh. Blood gushed into his maw and the feeling of fanah in the side of his face had him releasing with a surprised yelp. How dare he! He bit in then. His teeth gripping into Lucifer's throat again. This time extremely close to the trachea. 

Michael vs Samael for death
1/2 moves
30" and heavy build

(No judges will be needed as I have preplotted this fight)



5 Years
Dire wolf
09-24-2017, 10:26 PM
The sounds of battle had him excited. It had been a long time since he had had an actual fight that would determine so much. He was dominating this fight. The yelp said it all. His ears pinned. Gabe's voice he heard through it all. He knew Gabe would speak for himself. He expected as much. Defending himself against this bully was one thing he just wouldn't do though.

Sam bit and didn't let go. His paws spread. One rear leg back and one front leg forward. The rest completely under him. His tail lifted in dominance over the divine runt. His eyes narrowed and chest pushed forward. Lips pulled back and wrinkled around his eyes. There was deadly intent in them. His snarl answered Mike's with the same ferocity as he was given by Mike.

He forced him onto his back. His fangs refusing to give up their hold. He gripped harder. His mouth tasting the blood of the runt. He was winning. Gabe would understand that by the sounds. Mike would learn today that Gabe wasn't fair game. Sam had a claim on him but wouldn't willingly force it upon him. The outcome of this fight was determined already but how gabe would react was another story. He eyed Mike, pity in his eyes. His mind was so twisted by Abba that no one could save him.

Sam vs Michael for maim(deep scaring)
2/2 moves
45" and heavy build

As his brother and current stalking interest Gabriel is allowed in any of his threads regardless of tags. Also as the father of Leviathan, Sathanus, and Mammon Sam is allowed to pop into any of their threads as he sees fits regardless of how they are marked.



6 Years
09-24-2017, 11:19 PM


He refused to go down like this. The right hand of the Lord did not bow down to the devil. Never! His ears pinned as his grip was forced free. White stained red by that of a demon behemoth. By the very force that sought to now take more than just his brother and father's left hand. He sought to take the world and all within it. 

He was falling. Almost in slow motion as that moment came. He was being forced to submit. Forced to lose by a dirty traitor. He would get back at him somehow though. He had revealed his greatest weakness now. To hurt Lucifer you had to play dirty. You had to destroy what he loved. He would destroy Gabriel, and then those heathens he called children. He was what was righteous. His face screamed, or was that him? He heard it but his eyes were wide. His back was on the ground as it was done. His face carved like a gourd. His paws pushed on Sam. A yelping scream passing his lips. The damage was done. 

As soon as Lucifer was off him he was rolling and on his feet. His blood dripping onto the ground beneath him. His eye met Gabriel's weightless ones for long enough that a snarl was released from Lucifer. His scent held hatred and anger he knew. Gabriel had made his choice. He was panting as he spit Lucifer's blood from his mouth. "You'll pay for what you have done demon." and then he turned. Paws slammed against the ground as he fleed from the place. They hadn't seen the last of him. 

-exit and a loss in the spar- 




5 Years
Dire wolf
09-24-2017, 11:36 PM
Mike went down and as soon as the screaming started Sam pinned his ears. His fangs released him. The fight was over and sam hopped back, still staying between Gabe and Michael. He couldn't trust him. Gabe had his full trust. His neck bled as the skin there had been gouged by Michael's fangs. He had wanted Sam to die. Michael's eyes turned on Gabe with such malice and hatred that had Sam giving him one last warning. A growl was given to him. Sam was panting and his legs shaking. He refused to rest now though. He had won and Michael was doing as he always had, being a sore loser.

Sam watched him even as he threatened to come and finish Sam off, that Sam would pay. Truth was Sam was already sure he was paying. He was putting a rift between his family worse than before. He watched as Michael ran. His ears pressed into his skull. A hollowing feeling settled in his gut. He had won but at what cost? There was no anger now as he gave a small whine. It wasn't supposed to be like this. He looked to Gabe, certain there would be disappointment there. What was he supposed to do though? He let a small almost broken sound pass his lips. He knew this voice. It was that of a heartbroken man who lost everything at once. "I'm so sorry Gabby. I think I fucked up again....." Gabe would know what to do. He lowered his head and body. The bloody side of his neck was tender and caused him to wince. He'd likely bruise and maybe scar but Michael had the worse end of this. His pride had been hurt by Sam. But Sam couldn't let him win. It would of cost Gabe his life if he had. "I couldn't let him bully you anymore..."

As his brother and current stalking interest Gabriel is allowed in any of his threads regardless of tags. Also as the father of Leviathan, Sathanus, and Mammon Sam is allowed to pop into any of their threads as he sees fits regardless of how they are marked.

Gabriel I


6 Years
Dire wolf
10-05-2017, 12:26 PM

It was chaos, all at once. Michael would never bow. Not to the likes of their Fallen brother, nor to any challenger. Deep snarls reverberated through the ground, shaking his very bones. The scent of blood was a sharp, acrid tang in his nostrils. Despite the tight seal of his ears against his skull, there was no way to cut out the sound of the violence. Lips peeled away from his teeth, a grimace as his eyes squeezed shut. Each time they collided, it shook the ground. And then Michael was screaming. Alert and terrified, the herald shot into action. "Stop! You're killing him!" Baritones would bellow, seeking the battling forms of his brothers. Something had gone horribly wrong here, it wasn't supposed to be like this. Samael was supposed to have disappeared. Gone away, left them to their mission. It was never supposed to go like this. Now, Michael was in agony, screaming like a dying animal.

Blood was everywhere. So strong he could taste it. Michael wasn't screaming anymore. Gabriel sought out his brother's body amid the cacophony of scents and sounds. The steady patter of blood oozing onto the ground. Delicate shoulder would collide with that of his larger brother, uncaring as it currently stood. He continued onwards. "What did he do, brother? What has happened?" Questing muzzle outstretched, he was desperate to know. The fight had displaced both brothers, and no longer was the golden titan aware of where they stood. By scent, he could find Michael. Samael snarled a warning. It went unheeded. The musk of testosterone- anger on Michael's part, was overwhelming. Crimson droplets, expelled from his jaws, landed upon the worried features of the herald. Drawing his head back, Gabriel found himself suddenly afraid. What had Samael just done? "You'll pay for what you have done demon." The right hand spat, and just as quickly as he had arrived, he disappeared into the underbrush.

"Brother, wait!" He called, trailing after Michael. It was no use. If he desired solitude, Michael would have it. Standing in a bloodstained clearing, Gabriel was left with only questions. What would he do now? What would his siblings think of him? Could he ever go home now? Father was going to be so mad. Thoughts turned to the pain he would suffer at the Lord's hand for this. Auds would tilt back, features tight with worry. He heard Samael now, whining brokenly. His boisterous voice, full of exhaustion now. He sounded small. "I'm so sorry Gabby. I think I fucked up again....." He said. The herald sighed softly. "Yes, Lucifer. You did." He said quietly. He wouldn't turn his features to the younger male. "I couldn't let him bully you anymore..." he continued. At this point, Gabriel was tired. He needed space, needed time to think. Everything had happened so fast, and he hadn't been able to protect his family. Just like always. "It was not your place, Lucifer. You have Fallen, remember?"

It was time to leave this place. Soft, shaky steps would draw his slender form into the undergrowth. He needed to be alone. He needed his family. Wherever they might be.


"Gabriel" Thoughts "Others"


Samael, as Gabriel's brother/stalker, will likely be making appearances in any/all of his threads to distantly stare at his interactions. Just an FYI.

**Also, his face is heavily scarred on the left side, none of his tables reflect this yet. Missing fur on the cheek, below the eye, and scars across the bridge of his muzzle and down his neck.