
I See The Truth



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
09-25-2017, 06:41 PM

These were parts he hadn't been to before. The Earthen male didn't know what to expect, but he had to explore every bit of this continent, even if it was the last thing he did. The world held many mysteries, and this would be one of them. The alpha male strolled into the cave, Kimahri behind him issuing a warning, but the earthen male paid him no mind. He would see for himself what this cave held in store, and for better of for worse, he'd discover its secrets.

The deeper he went, the more he began to feel...strange. His mind began to warp into something he didn't quite comprehend, and before him, he began to see odd sights. It was as if visions were being presented, spirits floating around him. These had to be where the spirits actually came into being, right? He knew of the phenomenon with them at the shimmering shore, had his offerings paid off? Were they finally showing themselves to him? He never was one for religion, nor did he care much for it. But these spirits...they were something else entirely. He stopped at a junction, head twisting and turning to figure out which way he should go. Finally, when he thought he saw a wisp of something heading down one way, he followed. He needed guidance, and what better way then to seek out the spirits that he had become so enthralled with?

It felt like forever, but finally the pair made it into a wider part of the caverns. A large room with an odd smell, but it didn't bother him too much. It was musty, and it was here he felt the most power of sorts. His head swam with thoughts, and he could see things floating and swimming at the edges of his vision as they began to materialize before him. Were these the spirits? Had he found their resting place? "Spirits, I've come to ask what I should do. My pack does not feel me figure out what to do. I beg of you." He stood there, lost in his own mind. Waiting...

Walk, "Talk" Think

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



3 Years
10-04-2017, 09:38 AM
Birdie had been adventuring through the caverns when she felt familiar, heady sensations: her limbs got heavy, her head was light, and flickers of patterns began shifting across her vision. It had been several days since her last hallucinogenic experience. She'd been attending the lonely but sunny funeral of the old wild woman who had taken Birdie in. Birdie had said farewell to her old friend amid fractals and sunlight, burying the body with what had felt like a supernatural strength. The gods had been there that day, just as they were with her now. She could hear their voices whispering in her ears the deeper in the cavern she went. She couldn't quite make out the words... but knew that she'd be able to when the message was important.

Now the woman was casually strewn across a small corridor, enjoying the sensation of her experience. Spirals and patterns dotted her vision and she amused herself with watching them expand, contract, and spin... when suddenly she heard it, loud and clear: Spirits, I've come to ask what I should do. My pack does not feel me figure out what to do. I beg of you. Her dark tipped ears swiveled towards the sound. This was no divinity, for the voice was external. She raised herself from her position and, crouching, began carefully making her way towards the source of the voice. Each step taken was meticulous so as not to create sound.

One brilliant gold eye peered around the corner of the corridor. A great cavern sprawled in front of her and there she saw a warm-toned male, searching the airwaves for something Birdie wasn't able to see. She considered his question. Clearly he felt the power of this place too. The divine had a purpose for bringing Birdie to this male, and it was her job to discern what it was. Shoulders back and head held high, the she-wolf stepped away from her hiding spot into plain view. "The divine blesses you on this day," she said quietly in greeting. Her voice rung in the cavern. Now came the honest part. "I believe I have been sent to you to help," she admitted openly, the truth ringing through the cavern. The position of healer and counselor was a natural one for her to take. She wondered what questions she ought to ask to open him up best... She decided to try something simple: "Tell me of your troubles..."

Her gaze was unwavering, but she kept her distance to maintain a non-threatening appearance. "But I must warn you: speak naught but the truth, for the divine hears all," she said, eyes narrowed in consideration, openly sizing up the specimen of a male in front of her.



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
10-09-2017, 04:23 PM

Focused, and yet...not focused, on the world around him, he didn't notice someone approaching. Kimahri did, however, and the jaguar let out a hiss at the approach of a stranger. Slowly, Dragon turned around when a woman's voice echoed around him. The Divine? What did she mean? Is that what the spirits were called? His ears perked forward when she spoke further, and he wasn't sure if it was his mind or if this was real, but whatever it was, he was completely interested.

He felt a shiver run down his spine at her warning, green gaze a bit apprehensive. What would happen if he lied? Who was she? Where did she come from? Was she really a messenger for the spirits he was looking for? She had to be...right? It couldn't just be coincidence, could it? Even though he had all these questions in his head, he couldn't quite...process them. His head felt muddled, he swore he could see light flickering around and wisps of something or other floating about. He sort of felt...relaxed. Almost like he wanted to take a nap right there and then, but no. He kept himself standing as tall as he could as he considered the woman's words.

Then finally..."It's just as I said. My pack does not feel united, and I fear it will fall apart from the inside family is in all sorts of chaos, relationships are strained and tense. I feel a rift breaking us apart, and I have no idea what to do about it..." Perhaps there was more than just that. But his mind was beginning to feel a bit too fogged to concentrate on it. He looked to Kimahri for a moment, though the big cat kept his eyes trained on the female. With the earthen male unable to stay as alert as he usually was, Kimahri felt he needed to be the boys protector while here. "Who are you?" The feline questioned the woman, eyes unblinking.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



3 Years
10-12-2017, 06:07 PM
"You may call me Birdie, she replied quietly, meeting the gaze of the feline that questioned her. A companion, she gathered. She was mildly affronted by his piercing gaze. That was the gaze of a hunter. She controlled her temper easily, however. It would do no good to scare off the wolf petitioning the divine. Not when his presence was obviously important. It was no surprise Birdie had been led to this moment in time. She sat down, allowing her mind to return to her breath. Hopefully the feline would see her as less of a threat.

She took her eyes off the protector and turned her gaze to the male's green eyes. The brown wolf had given her more detail in his second telling: the pack was falling apart from inside out... A pack was like a structure. If ill-built, or constructed using rotten parts, it will not hold even its own weight. He sounded wounded by all that was going on in his home life. Birdie felt sympathy for him... and it occurred to her that the way he spoke was possessive. "You are alpha? A simple question.



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
11-19-2017, 01:42 AM

Birdie... An odd name, though he supposed he had heard stranger names. Or had he? Honestly, he couldn't remember right now. He felt a little disoriented, no doubt the strength of the spirits was strong here. Or at least, that's what he thought. She asked him if he was an alpha, and the male nodded. "Yeah, probably a shitty one with the way things are going but..." He sighed, mind reeling from the effects of the cave. Kimahri drew an exasperated sigh. What was with this kid? "The pack isn't as bad off as he says. It's mostly internal affairs concerning family." Honestly, the feline didn't think Dragon knew what he was talking about. He also didn't like that he was spouting off his problems to an outsider...what if she was a spy? It would do no good for them if this...Birdie, did turn out to be a spy. But he'd give her the benefit of the doubt.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



3 Years
01-28-2018, 11:48 AM
"With an attitude like that, I'm partial to agreeing with you," She decided aloud. If the male thought he was a poor alpha, there was a good chance he probably was. It was a logical leap that was easy to make for the woman, and a perplexed expression showed on her face as a result. She searched for her intuition while confronting the two characters. According to her internal assessment, the companion's words were glib. She considered the lives dependent on on this wolf and wondered how badly this pack suffered. Of course it was a family matter. To Birdie, family and pack were synonymous; she reflected that one lives and dies by both. If this pack were truly so destitute their own leader would proclaim it so... "Well? Will you just give up, or are you a fighter?" She asked, truly curious.