



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
09-25-2017, 06:46 PM

It was time to seek out his brother. After his expedition to the strange caves, he now knew what he had to do. For the pack to work united, he needed to first bury the hatchet with those he was distancing himself from. He would never admit when he was wrong, but family was family regardless of their misgivings. His brother could love him or hate him, it wouldn't change the fact that they were blood. He scouted the plains, searching for his similarly colored brother. He figured he'd be out here hunting, and if he wasn't, well...he'd keep searching for him. He hoped he hadn't taken off like their darker counterpart, but with his being so busy with everything else, he didn't know. All he could do was hope that he'd find him soon.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



8 Years

Trick 2019
11-13-2017, 03:45 PM
Gryphon trotted along through the long grasses with his nose first low, then high, as he sampled and sorted scents both new and old that crisscrossed his territory. While much of his attention was on his work as a hunter, part of his mind still turned in the background with worries. That was what he really did best, wasn't it, worrying about... well, everything. His family, the pack, how the prey was running, how to best conserve the balance of species while still making sure the pack was fed. Mostly his family. In his opinion they needed worrying about more than anything else, with all they got up to. He hadn't seen Lykos in forever - though with him having remained mostly within pack lands since his confrontation with Dragon it wasn't as though he'd had much opportunity to go looking for the wayward brother - Kharnage seemed to be completely losing his mind - was there some gene for bloodthirstiness and rage that Kharnage alone had managed to inherit from their virtually unknown father? - Avalon seemed to be slipping into depression again and distancing herself from them all. And he still didn't know what to do about Vereux's children. Dragon's new mystical thing he had going was actually less of a concern, though Gryphon personally thought it was illogical and irrational to believe in spirits. Maybe it would give his brother a much-needed anchor from being pulled completely into Kharnage's madness and make him think before he rushed the pack into more danger.

But he had a fresher worry on his mind than his crazy family. Dragon had promoted him - which since he'd been an omega wouldn't have been a bad thing at all by itself, but he'd promoted him past his former hunter rank into the ranks of the elite hunters. Which, since he was the only one in that rank, effectively put him in charge of all of the pack's hunting. And with the disappearance of Esarosa, Steel, and their family, it also left him the only hunter, period. Sure, most of the pack could hunt small game for themselves, but without a coordinated group of dedicated hunters to take down large game to provide the bulk of the pack's meat, they could very well find themselves running out of small game in short order.

He raised his head sharply as the wind changed abruptly to bring his brother's scent to him, and he slowed just in time as the long grass in front of him parted to reveal Dragon. The wind had been blowing crossways of their opposing paths, so if it hadn't shifted he could very well have slammed right into him before realizing he was there. As it was he emerged from the grass a lot closer to his brother than was comfortable for personal boundaries, nearly chest-to-chest and nose-to-nose with him, and he had to sidestep rather abruptly to give himself space to even focus his eyes properly. "Ah... good morning, Dragon," he said politely, shaking his coat to rid it of some of the grass seeds he'd picked up while pushing his way through them.



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
11-19-2017, 01:54 AM

The male searched for his brother, the breeze shuffling the scents on the plains all around, going every which way. It didn't help him in trying to track down his siblings, and to top it off he was quite distracted from the meeting. He was sure that his brother's promotion had come as a shock, and he thought perhaps maybe he was moving to quickly. Did his brother even want the promotion? Did he even still want to be here? Did he hate him? What was he even thinking? He was so unsure about so many things, but one thing he was sure about, was he wanted to try to make amends. He needed to try to mend this rift that had been created over time, and granted each and every one of the brothers were stubborn in their own ways, at least he was now trying to make the effort to bring them back together. Unless...was it too late?

He hadn't gotten much of a chance to think on it anymore, for as soon as the breeze switched direction he scented him. He looked up just in time to find himself nearly colliding into Gryphon who had sidestepped just in the nick of time while Dragon had put on the emergency brakes and threw his weight into his haunches, effectively falling onto his rump in an awkward sitting position. He was thrown off for a minute with surprise, he hadn't expected that at all. And judging by his brothers reaction, neither had he. He was mildly surprised by Gryphon's...politeness. Not that his brother had ever not been polite before, but since they had so much tension between them and from the meeting before this recent one, Gryphon had been quite...well...not very polite. But Dragon knew at the time that what he had asked of the pack was perhaps rash, but he hadn't forced any of them into it. Even so, it was all said and done now. "Ah, Morning've you been?" Was this what it came to now? Was their relationship so strained to the point that he them running into each other was awkward? He groaned inwardly, wondering if they'd ever be able to fix this.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.