
Don't be a dik-dik



8 Years

Trick 2019
09-28-2017, 07:57 AM
OOC: takes place during the raid

Most of the pack had left for the north some time ago, leaving a skeleton force behind - including Gryphon. Gryphon, whose new rank itched and rankled at him. He had never been as prone to emotion as his littermates tended, though, or at least not in quite the same way, so instead of sulking about it he was throwing himself into what he considered his true job, and a rather more important one than running off to bite other packs - feeding Talis. The wolves who had been left behind were not, for the most part, the most useful of the wolves. Some blind, some untrained. Most of the healers had gone with the fighters to await the raid's results, too, so there were very few of any ranking wolves remaining.

Among the wolves other than Gryphon were some of his mother's younger litter. Even the thought of them still made his face wrinkle in aversion. He had regarded his mother's former mate with distaste and distrust, as well he should have since it turned out that he had caused a great deal of trouble for them before he finally died. He had begun the rift that the bitch Mercy had merely widened between Lykos and the rest of the family, between Gryphon and his family, and he could not help but view Vereux's children through the same lens. He had had a great deal to do with raising them, after all, and the only one of them he had closely met had not raised them in his esteem, spoiled crybaby little brat that she'd been. Still, he could not help but think uneasily of his mother's accusations when he had sought to claim the right to lead their family. That he would treat them no better than Dragon or Avalon had treated Lykos.

Dark ears flattened to his earthen-brown head as Gryphon stalked through the plains. He wasn't his mother, nor his brothers, to do something of that sort. He simply wasn't. But he had to admit to himself that his actions did nothing to reflect that, and after a great deal of self-reflection he had decided he couldn't really blame his mother for assuming that. Well, he could, because it was all of a same piece as her assuming that Lykos was a traitor and reacting so harshly, but logically he had done nothing to give anyone any different impression.

He'd been avoiding the area around the castle more than usual since his confrontation with his family, even now when most of them were gone. He'd never cared for the structure, but since most of the pack seemed to den up there it seemed all the more reason to avoid it. It was easy enough in the course of his duties to avoid it anyway. It wasn't, after all, like he was going to find a dik-dik roaming the corridors or a tapir lying in repose in the great hall. So here he was, moving through the long grass of the plains, searching, as always, for the pack's next meal, even as he sought to sort out some of those mental tangles he'd been left by his life's recent events.



4 Years
11-17-2017, 05:31 PM

Afrit couldn't help but feel a little left out. Arke had left with the healers to go wait out for those wounded from the raid. Afrit hadn't gotten the opportunity to go and she was doing her best not to feel bitter about it. Was she supposed to wait around for a chance to prove herself or was she supposed to find something to do. What even was she supposed to do? What would be worthy of getting noticed anyways? It couldn't be something stupid that would end up getting her into a mess she'd need help out of. Then it'd just make her look bad. Why was this so hard to find stuff to do. It didn't help that most of the pack was gone off to raid another pack. There was no one here to tell her what she should be doing.

Being by the castle wasn't helping her restlessness either. She didn't want to sit around and do nothing all day. So what could she do with so much free time? She'd left the castle early that morning, but she hadn't found anyone, or anything, to occupy her time. Maybe if she went farther out she'd run into someone? She wasn't sure all who was left, but she was vaguely aware that a few of her siblings hadn't gone. There was always Okami. There was also one of her older sibling, Gryphon, but she'd never exactly spent one on one time with him. Would it be weird if she sought him out?

She didn't get the time to dwell on it. His scent wafted across her nose and she could see him not too far ahead of her. She studied him for a moment before noticing that he seemed to be pretty occupied. Was he searching for something? Maybe she could help! She padded over to him as quietly as possible, just in case he happened to hunting something, yet she couldn't help to excited tail waving.

"Are you searching for something? Can I help?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: JQXUdOq.png]