
When One Door Closes, Surely Another Will Open



12 Years
Extra large
10-01-2017, 11:41 PM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

He had been under admonishments to rest, but that wouldn’t stop him from completing his duties as both a leader and a member of his family. Acapella had fought, and fought valiantly, and she had paid a great price. As a wolf whose life was hunting, he knew she would be beyond dispirited by the loss of her vision at the paws of the Talisian male she and Marina had gone up against.

So, it was on a warm day that he lay in the open area outside the mouth of the cave, soaking up the summer rays that he tilted his head back and called for his cousin. Paladin hadn’t let her leave the main family den, so the howl was quiet, with no need for the far traveling volume he might have used otherwise.

His own scent trail was thick just outside her alcove, a fresh trail leading outside, easy to follow. He’d laid it, already intending to speak with her. Paladin would help guide her if she needed it.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



8 Years
10-02-2017, 08:22 AM

She had been fallowing the instructions of the healers, staying in the dens and allowing them to do their work without any fuss. Though she was depressed and worried as far as what she would do without her sight. She had vary high doubts that she would be able to continue hunting. She would still be able to track, but to take down prey without her sight was nuts. She was depressed and honestly felt like a failure. She felt like she was consistently failing the pack. Ever since she had left and had returned she had been trying her best to prove that she was worth taking back. Though she had been moved from the punished rank, the happenings of the raid had left her feeling worse then ever.

Her ears perked at the call, a summoning call from Regulus. It made her feel somewhat nervous that he was calling her, but she pushed it aside and got to her feet. She had been starting to practice getting around, though she was vary slow she was trying. Moving around she found the wall and began to walk beside it allowing it to guide her. She only got a little ways before Regulus strong fresh scent flooded her nose. This was an added bonus to helping her make her way to the entrance where Regulus was.

She moved around, exiting the cave to where Regulus was. After leaving the wall she lowered her head to the ground, outstretching her neck to try and use her nose to guide her. Moving in Regulus' direction she used both scent and touch with her nose to find a spot beside Regulus and laying down.

"Sorry it took me so long. How are you healing?" she asked.

"Talk" & 'Think"



12 Years
Extra large
10-30-2017, 02:46 AM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

He regarded his cousin quietly as she emerged. He regretted, honestly, not enforcing a battle training lesson as his mother had done. He knew there was little that could be done to teach a wolf how to combat the devastation that came with being blinded in a fight, but his blindness training with his mother had helped him prepare himself for at least fighting without the help of his sight.

He waited until she settled beside him and gave her muzzle a lick, being sure to let his breath precede his touch to allow her time to know he was coming in. “It will take some time to adjust, but with practice, you’ll be able to travel the territory as though you can still see it. Try talking to Kalliope for tips on exploring new terrain.”

He leaned into the hunter, allowing her to feel the shrug in response to her question on his healing. Paladin and Solveiga were both excellent healers, and Paladin in particular was handling the majority of the healings. “I’m healing well. We’re in good paws.”

He had to commend Paladin, when his mother was ailing and any progress seemed to have been lost over the last while. With the kidnapping of Valor during the Raid, it only added to the stress the young healer was facing. A heavy sigh threatened to escape, but he bit it back in favor of gazing down the ravine. If raiding a pack wasn’t foolish enough, taking a member of that pack prisoner during the raid was a declaration of war. Even if that hadn’t been added to the list of offenses, the damage done to his pack was grounds enough for a siege, in his mind.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



8 Years
11-16-2017, 09:05 AM

She felt his breath brush against her muzzle before his gentle lick came. Calmly her ears flattened against her skull, the comfort he was giving relaxing her. She had been stressed since her fight, struggling with her lack of sight and it was good to have comfort from someone who wasn't treating her. She hadn't really been around anyone else lately except for the healers in the pack. Doing her best to rest up and to listen so she could heal as fast as she could. Her ears raised as he began to speak bringing up a vary good idea that her brain had not yet remembered. There was already a blind wolf within the pack who had years of experience without sight. He was also confident in the fact she would be able to move over terrain with ease, over time.

He leaned into her and shrugged to her question. With his statement she quietly nodded in agreement. She had no doubt that they were in good paws. She really didn't know the extend of his injuries from the raid, before she went down he was still in the heat of battle, but after she went down she didn't know what had happened. She didn't even know that Valor had been taken as prisoner. Would that pack come back? Why did they pick Celestial to raid and why did it get so violent so fast. Though was it really right to be throwing these questions at Regulus at this time? She was sure his mind had already been over everything several times and he had to be worried about a return also. She shoved her questions and thoughts about the raid to the back of her mind. She wanted to keep the conversation in a better mood, to keep the both of them relaxed.

"So what are the plans from here? I know we have at least one other capable hunter to help us through the winter, I don't know how helpful I will be," she asked him curiously.

She really didn't want to talk about the stresses of what was to come with the pack, but somehow she felt talking of the weather or anything else wouldn't be a vary lasting conversation.

"Talk" & 'Think"



12 Years
Extra large
11-20-2017, 08:41 AM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

He nodded slowly to himself at Acapella’s question about plans, and the upcoming winter, then blew out a sigh. “Even with this raid, there are wolves who have not, as a long run thing, been active enough to warrant keeping them. Mask has called multiple hunts, and gotten very little response from the rest of the pack, from what I’ve seen and heard. I’ll need to call a meeting, and I’m afraid there will be hard words as much as praise.”

He paused, thinking over his next words before speaking again.

“I hate to say it, but even with the swift response from the entire pack when Talis attacked, I am disappointed that it took a bloody raid to garner a reaction at all. And part of that is my own error. I’ve been too lax, and too forgiving. I, myself, should have been calling pack-wide fight training. And I have not. Perhaps, if I had been, Celestial’s injuries – especially your own – would not have been so severe.”

He shook his head, silent for a moment before continuing, “There will be some promotions for high ranks, however. Gwenevere was already a Legionary when the raid happened, and she will be due for a promotion in honor of her participation in the fight, for one. Mask has been bringing in kills—every time I look up, I see him carrying in something new.”

He sighed softly, falling silent and letting his chin settle between his paws, even as his thoughts continued in his head of who he needed to promote, and whom he needed to send off into the world, as painful as the decisions would be.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



8 Years
11-22-2017, 09:03 AM

She frowned as he had began knowing darn well she had not been active like she should since before the raid. He had promoted her that night, but she felt the Promotion wasn't how she wanted it to be. Then he brought up Mask, another hunter of the pack which raised her curiosity. Maybe he should also be another one to reach out to once she was more healed. Maybe there was still a way for her to be useful with hunting. If anything she could at least get to know the male better.

He turned her attention back to him as he went on, agreeing with him that it had taken a Raid to get activity from the pack and she fully understood how frustrated he must be. But then he began to turn things to him, claiming he should have held pack wide training. Saying that if he had done that then maybe injuries wouldn't be as severe. None of this was his fault. Even if he held training there may have been lax in attendance like everything else.

Fact was he had some hard decisions to make and nothing was going to be that easy. She gently pressed her nose to his shoulder in support and comfort. Perhaps the subject should be changed because she didn't want his mood to sour. She wanted a good conversation that lasted longer then this.

"Sorry to dampen the mood" she began. "How are things between you and Solveiga?"

With all that had happened she had never heard a peep about the pregnancy, so she had no idea that he was about to become a father.

"Talk" & 'Think"

* Is completely Blind due to Maim by Greed, looks like her eyes are always closed. *
Acapella has a Dhole companion that is almost always with her unless stated otherwise.
Greed is allowed in any of Ella's threads regardless of the tag.