
A World Of Rubble



2 Years
10-08-2017, 05:09 PM (This post was last modified: 10-08-2017, 06:08 PM by Azura.)
This. This was beauty at its finest. This was nature showing just how perfect it was. The scent of the woods, the delicious smell of evergreen and rich soil, it all filled Azura's senses, leaving her satisfied and happy. The melodic and soothing sounds of water against rock and nearby birds washed over the girls ears, a peaceful way to begin her morning. The snowy canine was standing on a stretch of soft, white sand, a shore. Before her was a majestic waterfall, dancing over a series of rocks before leveling out smoothly. There was a thin layer of mist surrounding the waterfall and Azura, making her feel slightly chilly. The lady fixed her gaze on the tumbling water, completely spellbound. She had encountered multiple waterfalls in her lifetime, each as mesmerizing as the next, and this one was no exception. They were, she had found, all unique, none of them quite like the others. Their individualities only increased her fascination, however. 

Azura had been searching for her next meal when she stumbled upon the scene. Naturally, she had completely forgotten her grumbling stomach as soon as her gaze had fallen upon the rushing waters. Ever since she had arrived in the land a few days ago, life had been a pleasant neverending cycle of hunting, exploring, and resting. The girl was quite content with it all, though she was tentatively growing more and more lonely without Liana around to keep her company. On a more happy note, Azura felt that she had, at last, come to face the fact that she would likely never see her Aunt again and that there was no use moping around about it. Though the girl would never stop missing her closest family member and mentor, she wasn't spending her time despairing over her loss. Instead, she was keeping herself as busy as she could, all alone. She had spent most of her time in the maple trees wood, gathering remedial plants and berries. To say the least, she was happy.

A playful grin spread across the girl's face as an idea popped into her head. It wasn't altogether too chilly today was it? Tail swaying back and forth, the pure white wolf trotted across the bank and into the water at the base of the falls. The water was chilly against her legs, but the cold did nothing but increase her playfulness. She had an unexplainable, sudden rush of energy, and she almost felt like a jovial pup again. The youth ran through the knee-deep water, splashing and barking as she went. She impulsively dipped her head beneath the swirling surface, feeling a rush of energy as her head became fully submerged. After several long seconds, Azura lifted her face, now dripping and soaking wet. The girl shook out her fur, water flying everywhere. Oh, how happy she was.

OC: I'm assuming that she met Valor, even though that technically hasn't happened yet. I hope that's ok?