
Here and There



6 Years
10-22-2017, 09:13 PM
Between the lands of Boreas and the lands of Auster lie a small connection made of sand, and on this thin strip of land one peaceful morning sat a vibrant red woman, who for once was not focused on the world around her but instead on her own thoughts. Iskra was hardly one to spent lots of time lost in her own thoughts, but today she couldn't help but find herself trapped in her head. Questions of what to do with herself were weighing on her mind quite heavily. She'd been watching after little Arwen for a while now. Her sister had been gone for a while, though Iskra held onto hope that she would eventually find the child and reunite her with her sibling. The two had some kind of special bond and Iskra would be damned if she let it be severed for much longer. But having a kid - or if they found Ily, multiple kids - tagging along with her was posing a bit of a problem. Her life style wasn't super puppy friendly right now. She could hardly keep still for more than half a day if she tried super hard, and wandering all over the world wasn't easy on tiny paws. What was she to do? Stop traveling so much? But Arwen did seem to enjoy their adventures... But, what if the kid was following Iskra at a moment when Iskra got herself in some serious trouble? Alone it would have been whatever, either her actions caught up with her or she weaseled her way out of harms way. But with a little one at her heels... Ugh, this was too much stress. Flopping into the sand, the woman rolled over and lay on her back for a moment, gazing up at the pale blue cloudless sky. Then, pulling herself to her paws and shaking the sand from her fur, she set off towards the water to try and lose herself in exploration.

Letting the water lap at her paws she wandered around along the shore, heading northward towards Boreas for now. At one point she flipped over a porous black rock and found some small crabs living under it, all of them either scuttling for new cover or trying to bury themselves in the sand. Nearby a seagull screeched, sitting on on a piece of driftwood and looking real smug. Could birds look smug? This one sure did. Leaping towards the feathered pest with a snarl, she sent it flying off with a squawk and grinned with satisfaction at it's reaction. Hah, stupid bird. She had half a mind to go chase it down again when it landed only a short distance away. Narrowing her eyes at the smug-ass bird, Iskra's tail twitched.