
I think theres a flaw in my code



5 Years
Dire wolf
10-23-2017, 07:00 PM (This post was last modified: 10-23-2017, 07:00 PM by Samael.)

Sacrifice everything for what you love

The day was barely starting and already the vagabond king was on the move. The sun was barely upon the horizon., painting the sky with gold and red, though a large portion of the sky was dull and charcoal. His search for a homeland had yielded because ha had found exactly what he wanted. Two forests that connect to each other and would house his children just fine. Plus it would provide plenty of prey and was close enough to the buffalo fields should they need it.

He padded through the snow fields in the direction of the tall structure he had seen in passing. It made him think of the place Abba had housed his siblings in as young children. He resented that place but he still knew how it was proper to come to places like these and offer what you could. He had never made his children partake in this but he would be damned if he didn't do so to ensure his family thrived and had the good graces of true gods. He had his offering in a deer hide, carefully wrapped and carried in his maw.

As he crossed the threshold he made certain he was silent. It was rude to be loud in these sacred places. He made a beeline to the place he felt was most sacred. The remains of an alter sat there, it was where he gently lowered the bundle and unrolled the hide. Inside was a carefully skinned rabbit and feathers of various birds. There was also a carefully scent marked piece of lavender. It was so the true gods would know exactly who left it for them. He sat then and closed his eyes to listen. The sound of wind could be heard easily.

Walk, "Samael", Think

As his brother and current stalking interest Gabriel is allowed in any of his threads regardless of tags. Also as the father of Leviathan, Sathanus, and Mammon Sam is allowed to pop into any of their threads as he sees fits regardless of how they are marked.


10-23-2017, 08:53 PM
Navigation: Cathedral Point

She had done some short travels since arriving here, had vary little interactions, but had been able to find a stable home base where she hid her things. The warmer months were spent traveling, navigating, and getting the lay of the land. Fall was spent traveling back towards the North to her stow away supplies in the Northern Mines. Then she headed further North Looking to do a little bit more traveling until she would have to take shelter for the winter. It took her a bit before reaching the area of the large structure. She was cloaked in her warm grizzly pelt with her canine skull hiding her face.

She had to have been an odd looking sight as she moved through the snow, the drag marks from her cloak covering up the dainty paw prints she made in the snow. Blue silver eyes looked out from the mask looking around the area as she got closer and closer to the large strange structure. Within her mind Sanuye was chanting Namid was in the assumption that she was chanting some ancient song to her gods. She chanted it quiet often and Namid found it rather catchy.

Entering the place quietly she took her time to look around and familiarize herself with the area, taking in the sights and sounds.

"Namid Talk", & 'Namid Think"
"Hilde Talk", "Taika Talk", "Sanuye Talk"