
In Case Of Emergency, Dial 411


10-30-2017, 06:15 PM
Navigation:: Descensum

The female did not regret running into her sister… though she felt badly that she didn’t want to return home. ‘Not yet,’ she had told Jayne softly. She still hadn’t found herself… so how could she manage to be rooted to any one place? Bridget found roaming the world fascinating anyway. Her journeying paws took her from the North to the West, where, by a lake, she began her descent into unknown territory… underground. She couldn’t help but wonder softly to herself; would she ever feel as though she’d found herself?

Bridget came to a stop, her green eyes staring blankly at her paws. She felt a bit saddened… knowing that her family was another missing piece of who she was. Why couldn’t things be simple? Why couldn’t she be have both things she needed?

With a shake of her head Bridget began to examine the rock formations around her, picking up the bits of plant life that grew even within the fading light. She was in awe… how could such things grow where there was not a lot of light? What sustained them? ...and did she hear dripping? Perhaps there was a water source down here! Her tail began to wag with interest… perhaps coming down here was going to have it’s advantages after all.

Zion I


2 Years
10-30-2017, 06:48 PM
Traveling had been a favorite pass-time for the young wolf. His eyes focused on the various wildlife that he had encountered throughout his journeys, and they always brought a warm, serene smile upon his features. This place however was rather different than the other ones he had come across. The place had a rather humongous break within the land which appeared to be a drop into an underground cavern?  
His cranium tilted slightly in curiosity, but, his thoughts of the place would soon get the better of him when he took a rather large step without thinking and slid down a bit further than what he had intended. A small whimpered erupted within his throat before he tried to readjust his footing, only to plummet a bit further as his leg soon twisted.

Zion howled in absolute pain, his eyes closing tightly as his ears pinned back before he fell, landing on the ground once it wasn't completely filled with rocks. For all he knew he could be alone in this godforsaken place. His family was definitely not around here that was for certain, and if someone else was even located here he hadn't a single clue!

He hadn't heard a snap when he fell, so that was a good sign that his leg wasn't broken. However, moving it was definitely excruciating, that was for sure. He hoped that someone would soon come around and find him so he could get out of this crevice and even find a home for himself. Cause there was no place he was calling this place home at this point in time. 


10-30-2017, 08:12 PM
The female hadn’t gone all that far into the place when she heard the echoes of a whimper from another wolf… shortly thereafter followed by a howl of absolute pain. The female cringed. ‘That… can’t be good.’ Bridget turned around, expression becoming softer. Someone was likely hurt pretty good to make that sort of ruckus. She flicked her ears back, narrowing her eyes in thought. If she had to guess someone had tried to enter this place and stumbled, this injuring themselves… Well, it would be cruel to not check on them. She could be the only other creature around.

Bridget doubled around back the way she came and, before long, she noticed a mound of fur, dirt still stirring in the air from his fall. Ahhh so this was the poor sap that had stumbled on his way down huh? That’s what she could gather anyway, and with a soft sigh Bridget approached.

“You’d better not be aggressive. I’ll bite back.” She warned, skirting around the other male and giving herself enough room in case he decided he did want to snap at her. She wasn’t really one to fight… but she could bluff her way through a situation if needed.

"You uh, need help?"

Zion I


2 Years
11-21-2017, 11:02 PM
The pain emanating from Zion's limb was rather intense. Despite there being no snap to indicate he had broken his leg, he had sprained it pretty well from his plummet down here. How he had not gotten worse was beyond the brute, but, at least Siri was watching over him as well as his parents. His thoughts soon became interrupted however when the sounds of steps began to approach, cautious and curious at the same time. His cranium would shift to focus in on the suspect responsible for the footfalls, but, she was a she-wolf. She did seem to be a bit older than he, but not by much. Her voice serious and composed. You better not be aggressive. I'll bite back. That was definitely an indication that if he tried something stupid, more than likely more than his leg would be damaged. He was not the type to fight, that was the last thing he needed in his life, but, he would speak with calmness and gratitude as she spoke if he needed assistance. 

"Some help would be more than grateful, Ma'am. More than likely my loud screams from falling down here didn't become...unnoticed. But, I am no threat to you by any means. Surely you'd have more experience than I when it came to fighting. I'm more of a peacemaker than someone who goes looking for trouble,"Zion explained, a slight smile spreading across his maw as he tried to move his right back leg, pinning his lobes back in protest when the pain became rather unbearable to tolerate. "If you don't mind my asking, what's your name?"