
Share Bear



7 Years
11-13-2017, 11:26 PM (This post was last modified: 11-14-2017, 05:59 AM by Tealah.)
Kassander was soaked to the skin, a rather uncomfortable thing to be in the late autumn weather, but he had a pleased smile on his muzzle nonetheless as he trotted happily back to his den in the thicket with a sodden deerskin rolled up and flung over his back. Encased like a fat wet sausage in the deerskin was a good amount of clay dug from the bank of the river just upstream of the Rapids. It was calmer there and he had been able to find a somewhat tranquil pool where he had discovered the clay. It was probably a good fishing spot too, at least on days when some idiot wasn't splashing around digging up clay and silting it all up.

Reaching the cleared area in front of his den, he let the clay-sausage slide off his shoulders to the ground, then shook the water out of his auburn coat with violence. From where he was grooming himself on a small rock outside the den, Remy gave a startled squeak and rattled off a string of angry foreign words that Kass was fairly sure he didn't want translated for him. "Sorry," he apologized despite the chuckle bubbling up beneath the word. "I found some clay at the river, I though we might want to make one last batch of jars before winter starts. That way we'll have some fresh ones for mixing herbs in over the winter."

He was already thinking ahead to the long winter when a large portion of a healer's daily work - gathering and drying herbs - couldn't be done, leaving them with idle paws when there wasn't an emergency. He didn't do very well with his paws idle... it made his anxiety work all the harder to make up for it. He preferred having something to keep his attention elsewhere. With a larger store of jars set aside this winter, he would be able to fill them with ointments and decoctions to store and trade. That was counting eggs before they were laid, though, or in this case jars before they were made. He would need to do a lot of work before then.

Though a thought occurred to him then. Wouldn't it be more useful of him to share the skill with some of his new pack mates? The idea made his quiver involuntary, but Kass forced himself to take a deep breath before lifting his muzzle and howling a tentative invitation to anyone who wanted to help him.

OOC: this can actually be used for intellect points (crafting something not directly related to another skill) for anyone interested!