
Gravity Of You



6 Years
11-16-2017, 05:02 PM

She wasn't sure what had brought her back here. Nostalgia maybe? Adra was still nowhere to be found and the way she saw it she wasn't going to waste any more time on him. If he came home then he came home and if he didn't, well she wasn't going to spend time missing him anymore. Still it took her no time to find her old den and she stared at it with a fair amount of disgust. She missed when they'd all stayed here, but that still didn't outweigh the irritation she felt while staring in where they used to live. It was in shambles now really. Old bedding had long since molded and gone dusty and it was obvious she hadn't been here in months. She gave it one last glare before sauntering away from it.

It was the last time she was going to be in this part of Auster. Finding a new place to den probably wasn't going to be easy, but she supposed returning to the canyon with the rest of her family was an option. Amon had spoken of moving forward at the last meeting she'd been to. His children were getting older now, Pyralis' too now that she thought about it, so surely he'd be taking action at some point. She hadn't expected the prodigal son to take so long to get started, but she supposed kids would put a dent in that plan.

Speaking of kids, she still didn't have any. Aby had never been her true child and Adra wasn't around to sire any either. Maybe it was time for her to pick up the slack and do her duties. It shouldn't be that hard to find a suitable sire for children. A fire spirit like Pyralis had chosen would have been preferable, but maybe a bit overkill. Even a nice mortal with good genes would have been acceptable. It's not like she planned to raise the children around the father anyways. So long as he didn't try to get in her way then everything would be fine. Then she could forget all about her failure with Aby and raise proper children. Yes, that sounded like the perfect plan. Now all she had to do was find a male.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: wVgAb8H.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
11-17-2017, 12:45 AM

He wasn't sure why he was constantly drawn here, but here he was again. He'd met other wolves here before, so who was to say he wouldn't meet another? The earthen King set forth, the call of the ancient forest drawing him deeper and deeper into its depths almost as if the spirits he began to believe in were calling to him. Kimahri and Shiva stalked silently beside him, three pairs of eyes flashing in the changing shadows.

As the trio moved further in, Kimahri paused as he looked around, causing Dragon to stop a few feet ahead. "What is it?" He questioned, ears swiveling to catch the sounds around him. The healing wounds on his face were nearly healed from the raid, soon to fade into scars that Shiva had said, made him look more attractive. He supposed he was proud of his scars, they showed his prowess and stature as a fighter. Sure, he had lost against his Cousin, but he had won plenty of other fights. Little did he know that that fight would have a lasting effect on his vision in coming future...

"We are not alone, " The dark feline rumbled as he continued forward, but at a slower pace. Shaking his thick pelt, the air felt like it suddenly got cooler as they pressed on, and soon, he spotted a...ghost? No... It wasn't a ghost, but a she wolf. His pace slowed a bit as he approached, green gaze focused on her. Her pale coat reminded him a bit of his albino sister, except this woman had some rather exotic markings on her (at least to him they were exotic). Who was she? What was she doing out here? He had to know. "Who goes there?" He questioned, voice firm.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



6 Years
11-17-2017, 03:10 PM

Well this was boring. So far there was no one in sight and nothing entertaining either. The possibility of finding Kaine was always there. It'd been a little while since she'd seen him and, while he wasn't Adra, his presence certainly would make up for it. At least he was fun to be around. The kind of chaos some of her family members could get in to was outstanding and just thinking about it brought a smirk to her pale lips. Pyralis was also always fun to be around as well. Now that she thought about it Pyra's children would be about a year old now. Maybe that meant her sibling had some more free time on her hands now?

A sound drew her from her thoughts and her head tilted towards the direction it came from. "Who goes there?" But that wasn't what had her attention now. Ruby and rose colored gaze settled on the two cats lingering by the wolf and a brow rose curiously for a moment as she studied them. She'd never come across a wolf with two felines in tow, but she supposed there was a first for everything.

"Well look at what the cats dragged in." She quipped with a smirk.

She then focused on the male for the time being and ignored the large cats as she appraised him. The scars on his face over his eyes was the most noticeable thing about him and she found a sort of appreciation for it. So he could fight at least - that automatically classified him as entertaining. He was tall, dark, and handsome. A mortal maybe, but if he could control the companions following him then she found him worth her time.

"How about you tell me a bit about yourself and I'll decide if you've earned the right to know my name."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: wVgAb8H.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
11-18-2017, 12:25 AM

He watched as the ghostly figure took notice of them, her joke causing Kimahri to utter a low growl. Though it was more out of suspicion than anything. She would turn and demand he tell her about himself before she gave her name, causing the earthen male to narrow his eyes just a tad. This of course, didn't settle well with Shiva. "The King has asked you who you are, yet you dare make demands?" She growled, taking a few steps forward. Dragon had learned by now that Shiva was quite protective of him, though according to was brought on by jealousy. This was the first time the alpha had witnessed it.

"Easy, Shiva. If she wishes to know who I am first then that is well and fine." He turned his gaze back to the ghostly woman, his stature unwavering as he assessed her. " These two at my side are Shiva and Kimahri. And I am Dragon, the Jaguar King." He heard an amused rumble from Kimahri, and earned an amused look from Shiva. It was fitting, he thought. He was after all, the only one he knew of with two companions like his own. "Now, may I inquire as to who you are?"


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



6 Years
11-18-2017, 01:33 PM

An ear flicked toward the male jaguar as a growl left him. A smirk danced along the edges of her lips as she eyed it up and down. "Aww, does the kitty not like my jokes. I'm offended." She feigned a look of hurt for a moment before his feline companion took a few steps forward and spoke. Still nothing from the male yet, but so far it seemed like the felines were doing a fine job of interrupting. Oh this was going to be so much fun. "My, my, aren't we testy? But tell me, what is a King in the face of a God?"

Of course now this begged the question as to who this male really was. Was he a self proclaimed king of nothing? Or did he just happen to be the alpha of the pack here in the southern lands. He did reek of a pack, but that certainly didn't make him its King. Of course she wouldn't complain if he was - it would make her day more entertaining to say the least.

Her attention was fully on the earthen colored king now as he talked down his companion. "Ooh manners, I like that in a man." He seemed so calm and confident. Could she shake that composure with some flirting? She listened as he introduced his companions and himself and a soft chuckle escaped her as he announced himself as the Jaguar King. After seeing him and the felines it seemed very fitting for him - that much was true.

"Very well, you've earned my name." She said with a wink. "Anamalech Abraxas, the moon child." Since they were giving themselves titles now she figured she might as well show off. Moon Goddess was definitely more appropriate but she felt as though she'd already established that. Besides, if he didn't know he wasn't looking at a God then there was no point trying to shove it down his throat. You couldn't fix stupid after all.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: wVgAb8H.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
11-18-2017, 04:54 PM (This post was last modified: 11-18-2017, 05:02 PM by Dragon.)

The albino woman had earned no more than a grunt and an upturned nose from Kimahri at her comment calling him a kitty. Were it up to him, he'd have shown her what a "kitty" could do, but as it stood, Dragon seemed to want to keep this encounter civil... much to his dismay. Likewise, Shiva didn't seem to happy either, but she was more outspoken. Maybe it was a girl thing, who knew. "You claim yourself a God? That's cute of you.." She growled, though she had also earned another look from the earthen alpha. But he said nothing yet, not until he found out why she proclaimed herself a God. Perhaps she was giving herself a title like he had? But the now the question begged to be answered, why would she call herself a God?

He waited patiently, and at last she offered her name along with the title of Moon child. Her name struck a chord with him, more specifically, her last name. His eyes narrowed a bit in thought as he looked at her, but he couldn't really see a resemblance..."Anamalech Abraxas? Might you be related to Captain Pyralis Abraxas? He looked her over, the woman had definitely earned the name of Moon child. Perhaps even a goddess in her own right. If she was related to Pyra, then it made sense why she mentioned being a god earlier. As far as he knew, they deemed themselves as such. "Moon child is certainly fitting..." He voiced his thought, though hadn't really meant to. This encounter was interesting so far, to say the least.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



6 Years
11-18-2017, 05:12 PM

My my weren't the cats a testy bunch. Maybe it was a cat thing? Of course the male hadn't really been very out spoken, so maybe it was just a female thing in species. Either way, Ana couldn't deny that she was having fun pressing their buttons. Her attention turned to the female feline again, Shiva (as she now had a name apparently) and Ana's lip curled upwards in a feigned sweet smile. Her gaze was unwavering as she stared at the lesser creature.

"Oh there's no claiming, I just am." She said arrogantly. Of course she didn't plan on pressing the matter further. Felines, just as other creatures, were lesser beings. They fell below even the status of mortals. Either they were prey or something not worth her time to bother with at all. Did they not realize how lucky they were that she was giving them the time of day at all? "Trust me, cute is only an appearance. Something I pull off quite well." She said haughtily before turning her attention back to Dragon.

Her head tilted to the side as he looked her up and down and inwardly she was feeling quite prideful. It was obvious that he recognized her name, maybe only her last, but at least he recognized it. Maybe he'd run into another of her family. She only had to wait a few seconds before he mentioned her sister and an amused look crossed her face as her brow rose.

"Captain Pyralis. Is that what she goes by nowadays?" She chuckled to herself. Of course it was something Pyralis would do. "She happens to be my sister." Her ears flicked curiously at the last thing he said and she'd grin, mostly to herself, as she studied him. "Well thank you handsome, I thought so as well. I have to say, Jaguar King is quite fitting for you. Is there anything else you're a king of?" She pried with an intense curiosity followed by a wink. She had to know more about him after all.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: wVgAb8H.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
11-19-2017, 01:00 AM

Shiva huffed, "And I am about to wipe that smirk off your face..." She would mutter under her breath, not loud enough for either of the canines to hear, though Kimahri caught it and choked back his laughter. He couldn't tell anymore if it was her infamous jealousy or if it was simply a thing among women. Ah well, he'd keep his nose out of it for now. "Come Shiva, I'm sure Dragon can handle himself." He was after all, taller than this...moon child. And should she try to attack him anyway, they'd be close by anyway. Scowling, Shiva reluctantly followed Kimahri but not before casting a dirty glare at Ana. The feline would rub herself along Dragon's side as she turned to leave, almost as if she were testing and daring the canine femme. Dragon was hers, and she would make it known. With that, she darted into the woods after her male counterpart.

Feeling embarrassed, shy, and now suddenly awkward at Shiva's actions, he stood there. He could feel the heat rushing to his face, now suddenly feeling like he was caught in the middle of something and he had no clue what that was. He had never been the center of attention when it came to females, at least, not that he was aware of. So this sudden odd behavior and back and forth...thing...that was going on between Shiva and Anamalech was incredibly strange to him.

Luckily, Ana broke that awkward silence (to some extent) when she spoke of Pyralis. Her response brought a smirk and chuckle, the male clearly amused. "Well, she called herself many things. Captain seems to be the only one I remember," His eyes widened then when she said that Pyralis was her sister. Huh...what were the odds of that happening? Then again...he had run into another Abraxas...a male who had said something about a clan that lived in maybe he wasn't all that surprised to find another one...he didn't even have to ask her if she knew Kaine. He was quite sure that she knew who that was, but the earthen male didn't quite like him as much as he liked Pyra. Or even as much as he was starting to like this woman (in a non-romantic way of course, since that seems to fly right over the guys head).

He opened his mouth to ask her more, but before he could, she had called him "handsome" and his words suddenly died. His mouth opened and closed a few times before he finally decided to clear his throat, glancing away for a moment as he felt his face grow hot. He couldn't think of a time anyone had called him handsome, and it flustered him. What was with this chick? What was she doing to him? Why was he suddenly getting nervous and embarrassed and stuff? "I uh, am more than the Jaguar King, actually. I am also the King of Talis, a pack here in Auster. I'm surprised you haven't heard, I've had a couple visitors from your clan." He eyed her, his gaze neutral for the moment. He knew the Abraxas clan were gathered in Auster, according to his last strange visitor.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



6 Years
11-19-2017, 04:45 PM

Ana watched with an unblinking gaze as Dragon's companions began to leave. Her eyes followed the female one as she rubbed against Dragon and Ana's eyes danced with mischief for a brief moment. She'd take this as a win - even if they were leaving of their own accord. She'd also successfully managed to get under Shiva's skin, so easily, that she considered that a win of its own. If she'd felt like it she probably would have seen how long it would take to get under this King's skin too, but driving him away wasn't exactly on her to-do list today. Besides, he was far more entertaining than the two felines.

She turned her now undivided attention to the male and her lips twitched as she stifled a smirk. He seemed rather embarrassed, maybe a touch anxious, and overall she found amusement in it. She didn't get to enjoy it for long as he regained his composure as he answered her. "Well it seems as though you caught my dear sister on a good day." She didn't add anything to it though as she'd rather leave him wondring what Pyralis was like on a bad day. If he was smart though he should hope to never see her sibling on a bad day. Many Abraxas were abrasive and temperamental on good days. Catching then when they were in a foul mood was never a good thing for whomever they came across.

Besides, she didn't really want to talk about Pyralis, she wanted to talk about him. Calling him handsome had been a good start and she it brought a soft chuckle out of her. Oh yeah, she as going to have fun watching him squirm. It was so painfully obvious that he wasn't used to getting attention from females and that was fine with her. She'd get to enjoy making him get flustered. "I've been aware of your pack's borders, but unfortunately wasn't able to hear anything about it. Besides, I never quite imagined I'd run into its King here of all places." She dared move to closer to him, a playful smirk sliding across her face, as she moved to circle around him. "Indulge me. Surely a male as good looking as you, with such a high status in this pack of yours, certainly you have a pretty female in your life?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: wVgAb8H.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
11-25-2017, 03:50 AM

His brow quirked, rising at the mention of his apparently catching Pyralis on a good day. Were they talking about the same wolf? Because it seemed every time he ran into the wayward captain Abraxas, she didn't seem so bad. Unless of course, it was all a facade and he was being led to believe she was nicer than she actually was. Or maybe it was a sibling rivalry thing. He knew he didn't always have anything good to say about his brother that had left...okay, maybe he did have nothing good to say about him, but that was his brothers own fault. "Huh, she seemed pretty nice the few times I met her," He shrugged, letting the thought drift away like a leaf on the wind.

Speaking of wind, he had caught an interesting scent that he had missed before. Or maybe he was too enthralled with finding out who this woman was that it had gone right over his head. He didn't think much of it though in a logical sense, but rather his senses felt like they were being somewhat dulled. What sort of magic was this? Were the spirits trying to send him a message? Was it the spirits even doing this? Were they even capable of materializing into physical things? Or at least...into something he could actually smell? He felt confused, where were Kimahri and Shiva to ask them? Maybe he was just smelling things...

Her voice would pull him from his weird thoughts, the male mentally cursing himself for acting like a weirdo. At least, he thought he was. But the whole time he was thinking, all he'd been doing was standing there. It wasn't until she spoke that he realized he was still here...and so was that smell, but he couldn't quite put his paw on what the hell it was. She told him she'd heard of his pack, and his gaze snapped back to her. If her siblings were right, then there was more than likely a lot more of her family out there that knew too. Well, that was one way to get the word out, he supposed. At that point, he figured Talis and their location wasn't much of a secret anymore. He wondered briefly then if any of the other packs knew...besides Celestial and Dragoste. Considering his cousins had visited (and with Valor there), and the fact that Ganta was a former member...well, the whole thing was beginning to hurt his head just thinking about it.

He was so wrapped up in his own mind that he didn't realize she had drawn closer, circling him and prodding for an answer to her question. He watched her as she walked her course, his ears twitching as his tail slowly wagged a couple of times. He didn't really have to think about an answer, but did he really want to tell this stranger that he really didn't have a girlfriend? Or never had one? Or even a love interest? That would be embarrassing! But alas, that scent...and the fact she was a loner and not a pack mate, well..."I travel all over these lands, I come across all sorts of wolves...though none of them have really caught my eye or my attention, Lies! "So to answer your question, no...I don't have a female of my own...yet." There. He said it. But for once since their conversation started, he said it as confident as he could, as if it was his decision on why he didn't have a girlfriend or anything like that yet.

His gaze would follow the shorter Moon child, the earthen man standing still. "And what about a Goddess such as yourself?" He was sure she'd get his question. She seemed sharp, smart enough to know that he was asking her the same thing.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



6 Years
11-25-2017, 04:29 AM

A soft left her at Dragon's words about Pyralis. Of course her sister had been nice, but there were plenty of times where she couldn't be. Her sibling's slave was the prime example of that, but she figured telling him that would sour the mood. Besides, what if he happened to be one of those goody goody types that felt like they had to do something about an "unjust" situation. He didn't want to put this male through the pain of having his ass kicked by a female and torn limb from limb. So far she was quite entertained by him and she'd be damned if she allowed her potential toy to go and ruin all her fun.

That is if she didn't break him already.

He seemed to space out for a good long moment. Maybe she'd just rendered him speechless? Or maybe his beauty had just ripped through his brain and just left him dumb? Either way she was finding herself a little irritated by his lack of response. He was just standing there all starstruck and handsome and not at all focusing on her like he should have been. What was wrong with him?

Finally he seemed to snap out of it as his gaze followed her as she circled him. She did her best to wait patiently as he thought about his answer and when he finally did get around to speaking again she wasn't disappointed. Okay that was a lie, she was a little disappointed. What a shame that he wouldn't go home to a female while absolutely reeking of another female. It would have been wonderful to incite some drama there, but maybe it was for the best he didn't have anyone. "What a shame." She murmured as she came close to purr in his ear before continuing her circling. "But, no, no man in my life whatsoever. No one has seemed right for me." She said while flashing him a charming and rather toothy little smile. This time, as she continued with her slow pacing, the made an attempt to drag her tail across him in a light motion to tickle the hairs along his left hind leg. He seemed so enraptured by her so far. Surely it couldn't take too much more to seduce him?

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: wVgAb8H.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
11-25-2017, 05:11 AM

"What a shame." His ears pressed back against his head, unsure about what she meant by that. But that thought was fleeting as she told him she didn't have anyone either. Her voice practically purring in his ears, bringing them to slowly lift away from his skull as his interest was piqued. He felt his heart pound hard against his chest, the male practically entranced when she smiled at him. And when she brushed her tail against him in the manner that she did, it was simply the icing on the cake. He felt an uncontrollable shiver run down his spine, his fluffy fur nearly stood on end and his breath hitched. It was entirely unexpected, and with his senses already full of that sweet, tantalizing scent, he felt himself losing what bit of control he tried to maintain. And yet, he tried to hold on to that last little thread. That small shred of composure that he had. He was an alpha, how could someone make him feel weak and helpless? At least...he was for the moment. Or he thought that's what he was feeling, anyway.

No! He couldn't let himself feel this way...he had to figure something out...but what? This woman was unlike anything he'd seen. Not counting star wolves and other albinos, there was just something else about her that screamed at him. He wanted her, but he wasn't quite sure in what way...sure, he would absolutely love if she came back home with him...but considering what he knew about her family, he knew there was no chance of that happening. But what he could do, was try to extend his stay with her...if only for a few more minutes. Or hours...or even a day or two.

He swallowed, the usually composed male had to find his composure once more as those shivers continued. "And what kind of man seems right for you, if I might be so bold to ask?" At last, he'd been able to keep it together (barely) with that last little shred of composure. He turned his body to follow her movements, head tilted as it lowered as well. He wanted to get closer to her, but his respect for her also kept him from making a move to draw closer. So for the moment, he was the puppet, and she the puppeteer...

Walk, "Talk" Think

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



6 Years
11-25-2017, 05:43 AM

He was so close to being hers. So close. She gave him props for lasting this long against her charm, but she wasn't taking no for an answer at this point. She'd already invested so much time and effort that she didn't normally give to other mortals. Other mortals she barely gave the time of day to if they were lucky. Now she'd come across the very king of Auster himself, the jaguar king even as he had titled himself, and she wanted him. He was strong, powerful, and he obviously had enough wits to lead a powerful pack. He would make for a fine donor for her children. He wasn't a god or a spirit, but he would due so long as her kids wouldn't be around him. His mortal filth wouldn't be around to taint and rob her children of their godliness. There would be no repeats of Abyzou.

His composure was slipping as he spoke and she tried to reign in her chuckle at his words. What seemed right for her? Well obviously she wouldn't take on a mortal as her permanent mate, but she would whisper sweet nothings in his ear if it got her what she wanted. She'd wrap him around her finger and use him for all he was worth and just leave him wanting more. Maybe, if she continued to play nice, he'd even come in handy for the future. Him being an alpha and all, well being friends with a king had to have its perks.

"Hmm, you for instance." She said sweetly with a bat of her eyes. He seemed to be losing his composure but at the same time he seemed to be respecting her personal space. She just couldn't have this. Rather than wait around for him to get the hint, she moved to rub her side against his shoulder, circling around him to be as close as he'd allow her to be, before moving past and trying to rub the tip of her tail underneath his chin in the hope of enticing him to finally make a move. "Handsome, powerful, strong, and a king no less. You're the perfect male." She crooned to him.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: wVgAb8H.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
11-25-2017, 06:01 AM

"Hmm, you for instance." He was shocked. Well and truly so. Him? He was the type of man she was looking for? He nearly protested that they'd just met, but perhaps that didn't even matter, and even if he did want to protest, his mind simply wouldn't let him. He swallowed again, his mouth suddenly feeling dry as she brushed against him, circling him again...and then she brushed her tail beneath his chin, telling him why he was the perfect male. His heart pounded harder as her scent washed over him, and for once he felt like his mind had turned to mush. He didn't even think about where his companions were, or why they weren't here to save him from...well, whatever was going on here. "Is that so?"

But as she walked beneath him, he simply couldn't resist. He was a bit taller than her, so as she brushed her tail against him he too would finally act purely on instinct now. He lowered his head, aiming to gently nip her haunches as he sought to nibble a trail down the base of her tail to her thigh. The earthen alpha had never done such a thing as this, nor had it ever crossed his mind. But as it were, his mind had fallen into autopilot and he was acting more on instinct than rationality. She had him wrapped around her finger at this point, and he was so wrapped up now that he wanted her.

He pressed his chest against her body as he drew his teeth upwards again, part of him trying to fight the urge that instinct screamed at him to do, while the other part told him to just let his instincts take over...

Walk, "Talk" Think

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



6 Years
11-25-2017, 06:19 AM

He allowed her to touch him which was a great sign for her. She was winning! Winning over this mortal male who she found was harder to crack than she thought. Normally it took very little convincing to get what she wanted, and yet he was stubbornly holding out against her. Most men she'd seen would have jumped at the chance to sleep with her. She was eye catching, she was beautiful, she was a God. What man wouldn't want to be with her? Still, he seemed rather clueless as to what she was trying to do with him so maybe he just had never had anyone in that way before? It made sense considering he didn't have a woman in his life. That made this all the more fun.

"Very much so." She said quietly in response to his question, though really she felt as though it hadn't warranted a response at all.

She was pleasantly surprised when she felt a nip at her haunches and a shiver ran down her spine. Now this was what she wanted! She didn't resist as his nibbles trailed down her leg and she happily leaned into him with a soft murmur of delight. Well it was hard to believe he'd never done this before since he'd now turned into a rather big tease. She even leaned into his chest as he moved against her and her head swung around to lightly nibble at whatever part of him she could reach. She wanted to entice him to let the rest of that instinct kick in and to enjoy teasing him for a little while longer. Her tail even waved away from her body as she tried to spread her scent a little farther. She was so close - now all she had to do was push him over the edge.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: wVgAb8H.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
11-25-2017, 06:33 AM

The male was driven solely on instinct now. Had he not allowed his instincts to take over, then no doubt he'd be fumbling around trying to figure out what he was actually supposed to be doing. He had never really thought about anything like this, much less with some random stranger he had met not too long ago. But here he was. With a woman. He could feel his mind and body going wild at the sounds she made while he gently nibbled and groomed her, her smaller height making it easier for him to reach all the right places. He had moved from her haunches and trailed up her spine, and in turn, she too had begun to nibble the side of his neck. A shockwave of electricity coursed through him as he drank her in. Her touch. Her scent...oh gods above she was irresistible at this point.

And as the Goddess before him moved her tail, it brushed against his body. That little touch combined with her nibbling caused him to lose his grip on whatever senses he had left. He pressed against her again, except this time he reached forward as he nibbled at her scruff before gently gripping her, effectively holding her as close to him as he possibly could. While he would never be a God like he now wished he could be, if only to remain around the Goddess of the Moon, he at least had a taste of her. This was it, wasn't it? His instincts set him into motion, and though he knew not exactly what he was getting himself into, his rationality and ability to think about it were gone for the day. He was with a Goddess, and anything and everything else was nothing but a haze in the backdrop...

-Fade to black-


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



6 Years
11-25-2017, 06:46 AM

His nibbles were driving her mad and she found herself growing far too impatient than she would have liked. He sure did take a long while getting started, but more importantly she had won him over and she couldn't help but feel the swell of pride within her chest. She'd played him like a fiddle and she could already imagine telling the tale of how she'd managed to woo a mortal king. A resilient and rather frustrating mortal, but she'd managed to win all the same. Well, almost win. As far as she knew he could regain his composure, but she highly doubted it. He seemed so dumbstruck and enchanted by her that she couldn't picture any other scenario than him having his way with her.

Another pleased sound left her as he got more forceful by grabbing onto her neck and pulling her closer. Had any other man done that to her without her wanting them to they probably would have lost their teeth, and their man parts along with it, but that was the little push she'd been waiting for. She'd been doing her best to shove him over the edge and it appeared that she'd done it. She felt a fair amount of smugness that she tried to shove down. She could definitely gloat later. For now she was content to enjoy herself and her small victory. It wasn't as fun as making hordes of wolves bend to their knees, but making just one bend was good enough for her.


Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: wVgAb8H.png]